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15th July 2009 - PvP Changes


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I went to Edge to fight today... some kid tried trading me then luring me out to wild. I told him, "I know you think you're being clever with your lil trade trick and I think that's adorable, but if you wanna fight me, you just have to ask and I'll gladly accept." I ended up tele'ing to MA where nobody was around to interfere (people don't take kindly to mages in populated areas :(). He took a while to arrive, I figured he was telling a friend about me to come rescue him. I was correct.




He ended up running far away halfway through the battle. I just stayed put, waiting for his friend(s) to arrive. Sure enough, his buddy arrived in 50M in gear. After escaping him and his buddy, I asked him if he considered himself a skilled PK'er. His response:






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Yes I have pk'd before. When I was a pure and then later when I was a rune pure. I'll admit since the new BH came out I haven't really pk'd much since I got my def and prayer up and havn't increased my str for a long time, but I have 26kd a fair few amount of times and I can safely say that making millions of gp in a few hours with next to no risk just doesn't sit right with me when other people who work much harder on other skills such as slayer and fishing don't make nearly as much. I am not talking about the, say level 100+, who go 26k'ing or whatever. My problem is those level 30s etc who have no other skills to speak off and yet in 2 hours they can make around 3m with almost no risk to them. That, for some reason, annoys me. I won't name any names but I know a level 37 who made over 80m with his friend and this level 37 only has one non combat skill that is over 20, fire making.






Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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It's simple.




Bolt until 100% EP. Because of the 26k nerf, chaos rune prices have plummeted so it costs less than before. After you reach 100% teleport to Varrok to, go to a secluded building and find some EPers who aren't bolting, TB, entangle, and DDS specials. Nothing has changed, really.

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It may be since I only just read the update, but how on earth does this stop 26k'ing (or 76king)? I see nothing whatsover stopping your average joe from doing this.




The enemy having to drop 75k is nothing huge. As long as you let someone kill you back (which is only fair), it should hardly matter. Finding someone to help you do it might be a bit harder, but all you need is one good friend around your level...




The "lose everything you have" thing is a minor inconvenience for 26k'ers. The smart 26k'ers skill, or do something productive while gaining EP, not stand around and slap on prot item if they see someone.






I'm all for nerfing 26k'ing, but why is everyone celebrating saying that it got nerfed? PKers definetly took a bigger blow than 26k'ers.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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I think the update fails.




It doesn't only stop one itemers, it stops anyone whos not incredibly rich from being able to pk with good items.




If they're incredibly rich, then they can afford to replace their lost items. Furthermore, that should rarely happen seeing as their advantage over normal players just increased by having the common player use welfare gear.


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I'll be purchasing some welfare gear myself soon. I haven't played in awhile, so some range PKing might be kind of fun right about now.




EDIT: In my humble opinion, I believe this update to be hugely beneficial to anyone who simply enjoys the thrill of going one on one (in a totally nonsexual way) with another player. IE: Me. Being a mostly sporadic player these days, and having no interested in the economy of Runescape, I'm not concerned with Joe Nobody's never ending quest to capture all 150 BH statues, nor am I particularly bothered that PJ'ers are somewhat out of a job. Except for Musky. I like Musky.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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If they're incredibly rich, then they can afford to replace their lost items. Furthermore, that should rarely happen seeing as their advantage over normal players just increased by having the common player use welfare gear.




Its not to hard to die from a good combo, ive been killed numerously at or near full health in one shot before i even had a chance to teleport.




More importantly, not everyones incredibly rich.


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If they're incredibly rich, then they can afford to replace their lost items. Furthermore, that should rarely happen seeing as their advantage over normal players just increased by having the common player use welfare gear.




Its not to hard to die from a good combo, ive been killed numerously at or near full health in one shot before i even had a chance to teleport.




More importantly, not everyones incredibly rich.




Phoenix necklaces are your friend ;)




And melee prayer as soon as you get the "You've been frozen solid and can't move!" message. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get KO'd if you follow those simple instructions. Hasn't happened to me yet >_>


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Excessive precautions ftw.




This still doesn't eliminate the fact that you can die from normal pking just as well, get pjed, and die from dark bow rushes just as easily as d claw rushes.




Your precautions only work if your standing in the middle of nowhere, not if your just fighting.


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Excessive precautions ftw.




This still doesn't eliminate the fact that you can die from normal pking just as well, get pjed, and die from dark bow rushes just as easily as d claw rushes.




Your precautions only work if your standing in the middle of nowhere, not if your just fighting.




No, the only threat is a normal hit like a GS, whip, d long/scimmy, etc. Multi-hit special attacks are NULLIFIED by the necklace!




Looks like I'm gonna have to create a topic like this to stop the complaining lol


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Ughh look, muggiwhplar is right about everything, but when I look at Est0rrath's sig I can see this thread spiraling into infinity.




Est0rrath is obviously going to pissed off about any-freaking-thing Jagex puts out regarding PvP unless he himself, in all His Majesty designs us our flawless PvP system.




I've watched you post through numerous 26k threads and it seems like all you ever say is "no this wont work, jagex fails" "that's stupid, it can be manipulated this way" "look at me, im a hotshot pker who has been playing since the day rs was made and i still hate this damn game" /implied sarcasm on that last one




You come across as an ignorant, bitter person who for some reason unknown to me, decides they can speak for the whole PKing community when you post. You offer no constructive criticism what so ever, but I guess your signature speaks for your personality pretty well.




I don't mean to be a [bleep] to you but COME ON, be part of the solution and let's hear YOUR IDEAS if you hate every damn thing anyone tries to tell you or Jagex updates so much.

Winters Omen.png


5,693rd to 99 Slayer on 10/08/2009

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Dclaws rushers always failed against me on pvp worlds because I had a ring of life. I swear that thing saved me from like 10 dclaw rushes, even a rush where I would have lost my own dclaws if it hadn't saved me :lol:

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No, the only threat is a normal hit like a GS, whip, d long/scimmy, etc. Multi-hit special attacks are NULLIFIED by the necklace!




Looks like I'm gonna have to create a topic like this to stop the complaining lol




Theres still risk in pvp regardless, sure you may be able to stave off death with your rings of life and phoenix necklaces, but tell me right now, would you risk half your net wealth in pvp without protect item? Would you really trust that you won't stuff up?





I don't mean to be a [bleep] to you but COME ON, be part of the solution and let's hear YOUR IDEAS if you hate every damn thing anyone tries to tell you or Jagex updates so much.




My idea is to let us use protect item, simple enough isnt it. And, yes i do say it won't work, because it WONT work, it fails, you can see from this update right here, this is a failed attempt at getting rid of the 25k trick, it merely changes it into a 75k trick, and stuffs up pkers.




Est0rrath is obviously going to pissed off about any-freaking-thing Jagex puts out regarding PvP unless he himself, in all His Majesty designs us our flawless PvP system.




I had no problem with the current (well now old) pvp system, bring me one post where i complain about the current PVP. Its jagexes failures at ridding the world of 25k trick that annoy me.




You offer no constructive criticism what so ever, but I guess your signature speaks for your personality pretty well.




Its true, when i talk about the 25k trick i rarely have any constructive criticism, but thats because of all the threads and idea's i have read, none of them would work without screwing over pvp drops.


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If he can PK with a skull and without item protection, I'm sure everybody else can too :)


They didn't have 10m+ weapons back in 06 :shock:


metagame is so different from 06 I fail to see how that video holds any relevance.




He risked 4.4M every time and he got PJ'd with 11 def all the time.




Now we've got people with 99 defence and armor afraid to risk a 1.5M whip lol




Not to mention he PK'd with all 3 combat styles...




...and got a kill, dropped food to make room for drops, got PJ'd, and stayed and fought to kill the PJ'er lol




There's a very good reason why Mahatma's one of the very few people whom I hold in extremely high regard on this game lol




He's not the only one who risks things, you're acting like NO ONE risked things prior to this update. I've PKed numerous times in full dharok and whip skulled etc. but that was my choice to pk with that and my choice to risk that. I shouldn't be forced to risk EVERYTHING. For the first time since PKing has come out we are now being forced to risk everything. Runescape already has an extremely high death penalty both in non-pvp and pvp (although non-pvp isn't anywhere near as bad as it used to be). Getting rid of the ability to protect item doesn't effect the game in any sort of positive way.




Just because one person doesn't care what they lose, doesn't mean everyone is the same. people have preferences, not everyone likes the same things and it's stupid Jagex are forcing out about 80% of the PKing population from this one update or making PKing extremely boring for the ones who stay, everyone is always going to try and keep their health at max etc.




On top of that Mahatma wasn't even that good :P





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Theres still risk in pvp regardless, sure you may be able to stave off death with your rings of life and phoenix necklaces, but tell me right now, would you risk half your net wealth in pvp without protect item? Would you really trust that you won't stuff up?




If I were one heck of a PKer, sure! Why not? If I can get an edge on my opponent and 2 hit KO them for added risk and know that my trusty phoenix necklace would protect me, why not?




If a phoenix necklace works, why not use it? We can't change our circumstances, but we can adapt to them. Complaining gets us no where.




The playing field is now level, people can't rely on a silly prayer to go out and wellfare with an AGS. The power to potentially KO in 2 clicks should be available, but only with the risk that comes with it.

Winters Omen.png


5,693rd to 99 Slayer on 10/08/2009

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Wow RSOF is furious. The entire frontpage of rants is all about today's update.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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If I were one heck of a PKer, sure! Why not? If I can get an edge on my opponent and 2 hit KO them for added risk and know that my trusty phoenix necklace would protect me, why not?




If a phoenix necklace works, why not use it?




Because, there is always that slight chance that you will die, weather it be from lag, or some epic combo with dark bow or ags.




And yes, complaining does get you somewhere, complaining could make jagex give us protect item back, theres always that slight chance (however rare from a company like jagex) that they will listen to there customers.




Who cares if they can use the prayer to have no risk, they earned the 60 mill for the AGS, they should be able to use it in PVP with protect item.


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Okay so I started reading this thread yesterday and finished today, summing it all up all I can say is:




Offtopic: Muggi owns in this thread, so does that guy (forgot the name #-o ) which got 700 posts in less then 20 days, His posts are fine, yes I've seen many of his posts lately and they are fine. There are alot of people here whose posts are way worse. And once again - Muggi owns in this thread. ( <3: )




Ontopic: Okay, so 1 -2-3-4 Item noobs got deleted of the face of Gielinor. Thats the best part of this update. But now theres whiners who are scared to lose their items. Their pitiful, really. TB more useful? no. I've been teleblocked dozens of times, outrunner them all. If U have more then 10 decent food in your inventory, can switch prayers and run, you can easily outrun any of the TeleBlockers.


I usually go Pk with a whip as a primary wep and dds/d mace as a spec weapon, and the only times I have died I couldnt really protect my whip, cause I was facing severely overpowered foes (pures d clawers etc).




I always looked forward getting d claws, and now when they are dropping I will get them, and Pking with them shall be a blast.




Those who are afraid of losing their "ultra" items should look at this like this:




Usually I see D clawers having almost the same armor as me (If they are around my lvl) they are risking rune full, obsidian/legends cape neitiznot helm, and protect their precious claws. Now look like this: if I die I lose the same they do, but they have an insane power, and they must risk more to use that mower. One can say that paid for that power, but one must risk alot to use it, its not a one time-cost.




This update made me go : "OWNED!!!eleven!1" outloud when I read it. The 1 item supplie wasters were defeated, then I understood how many other noobs were defeated: Dharokers who used awesome power of that barrows set by only paying for it once, not understanding its true potential and power, in order to use which, It had to be risked.




Ofcourse this made birth to the new noob addy d scim dressed Pk'ers, and to 76K-ing. But not many ppl will be able to do the trick, hence the amount of scammers.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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