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Hawk's Real Life Blog. Update 7/25 - *Gone until Friday*


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So the insanity begins. Upon reading Th3_Crusader's original topic (in Forum Updates/Suggestions), I have decided I won't get yelled at if I put a blog here. Hopefully enough people just decide randomly to make blogs that they get their own sub forum.




So to begin. I made a blog once in BlogScape and got (kind of) yelled at. Rather, it was frowned upon. So I stopped, but now I'll update this at least frequently. I'm amazed that people actually read these things, but then I read some, and they're more interesting than you think. Enough of this drivel.




About me. I'm 15 and live in Michigan (btw I am in fact a girl). I've got a younger brother who has yet to join Tif, though I've tried to convince him many a time. I'll be a sophomore at my high school in the fall... Where I am hopefully not going to be taking double math.




My hobbies include generally being a geek. I've spent over $200 on D&D books and supplies. I use the GIMP and make a large variety of digital and traditional art. I write some as well, though I mostly read. I play the baritone and alto saxophones... I am jobless, though I really need to get one. I recently bought a DSi and I also own a Wii. I generally don't have a life; I spend most of my time on the computer or reading/drawing. This blog will mostly detail art and stuff like that, though it'll include my mundane life.






I'll continue the intro stuff later when I come up with more. For now, I'll get to the actual blog entry.




[hide=TODAY'S ENTRY - 7/26/09]Leaving for camp in a few hours. Nothing much to report, though I've updated the links/song of the week.[/hide]






Continuous Features


Song of the Week - "Generation Rock" - Revolverheld





Links of the Week


Make a Sock Monkey - Self-explanatory.


Inspiration Pad Online - The Dungeon Master's greatest resource. Has generators for any sort of thing you could possibly need and a downloadable program to help you make more.




[hide=Song of the Week - Archives]Previous Songs of the Week:


7/19-7/25 - "Time is Running Out" - Muse


7/26-8/1 - "Generation Rock" - Revolverheld




_[/hide][hide=Links of the Week - Archives]7/19-7/25:


XKCD - Who doesn't like a webcomic that carries a warning proclaiming, "Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)." Generally full of win.


Grappa - Interesting wire frame/fractal generator that follows your mouse.




Make a Sock Monkey - Self-explanatory.


Inspiration Pad Online - The Dungeon Master's greatest resource. Has generators for any sort of thing you could possibly need and a downloadable program to help you make more.




_[/hide][hide=Art Gallery]I wish you could hide within hide tags in phBB3...











_[/hide][hide=Hawk's Desk!]My_Amazing_Desk_by_hawkxs.jpg




_[/hide][hide=Hawk's Desktop! (1152x864)]July_Desktop_by_hawkxs.jpg




_[/hide][hide=Current Wish List]I'm keeping a list of the things I'm planning on buying. Why I'm putting it here I don't know.


The Resistance - Muse (comes out Sept 15) Pre-order on Amazon $14.99


Showbiz - Muse $12.99 on Amazon


Sandisk 8GB SDHC Memory Card $12.92 plus $5.95 S&H on Amazon


The Bag of Holding Messenger Bag - $49.99 on ThinkGeek







Blog Entries


[hide=Entry 1 - 7/20/09]Today I went over to my grandma's house. We replaced her 12 year old Win98 laptop with a slightly used XP, brand new keyboard and monitor. It went off without a hitch, except that the modem wasn't plug and play, so we couldn't get it hooked up to the internet. (the laptop didn't recognize my flash drive, and the XP doesn't have a floppy drive, and the laptop can't burn CDs). I got home and put it on a CD, we'll go there tomorrow and fiddle with Norton, I don't know what we're going to do about it because she still has a subscription until November on the laptop... We're going to see if it can transfer, but I don't think it will.




On the way there, we picked up the alto saxophones from the music store, it was a general cleaning since we've got service contracts we take them in there after school gets out (my brother and I each have one). I also got a nice bari sax ligature finally. We dropped off my lovely sharps container at the health department too. (I've got type 1 diabetes)




I was going to go swimming, but we spent most of our time setting up the computer. My brother got a birthday present (lego set involving Count Dooku) and put it together with our cousins 'helping'... They're 6 and 8 and aren't really much help. Then we got 5lbs of blueberries on the way home, it was awesome.




She was very happy for obvious reasons... Plus she can play Freecell and Hoyle Card Games again. The laptop is a piece of crap... but I kind of want it to play with. Gonna see if I can ask for it tomorrow, I don't know what else she's going to do with it. It's a really old Micron laptop, I'm not sure what model. I want to put Linux on it and play with it; I also found the Win98 boot disk, it was a 3.5" disk and I laughed muchly.




I highly recommend the Mario Clock for anyone with a DSi. It's the best $2 that wasn't mine (1000 free DSi points from Nintendo until Oct 5) I've ever spent.




I also went to Culver's where they had a lame indoor waterfall.[/hide][hide=#2 - 7/21/09]Helped out on the Book Bus this morning. My mom's stalker was at the last stop... She's kind of our neighbor and since my mom works at school and she's there a lot she gets into weird conversations ("I saw you going into town and I followed you," that sort of creepiness). I made a fairly long lanyard and my brother invented a new bracelet/keychain thing, out of which I made a pretty awesome bracelet. I was going to take a picture of it but I forgot to. I will tomorrow probably.




Went back to my grandma's house and spent a half an hour trying to connect to the internet only to realize I had the wrong modem selected. After that, I screwed up while setting up Outlook for her and had to reset it... Then we found out that since it's Outlook, it won't transfer emails. I installed Adobe Reader, but Java wanted to download crap and it would have taken years (the connection was 24.6 Kbps)... then we did need an antivirus, so I was going to download AVG because I forgot which was better (AVG or Avira)... It took at least a half an hour to just get to 15%. So we quit that and I think my mom is going to ask about getting a free one on a CD and installing it over there.




Had tacos for dinner and took a pic of my bracelet which promptly fell off and now I can't fix it.[/hide][hide=Random Pic! - 7/21/09]2wgsq3n.jpg


Mah epic bracelet.[/hide][hide=#3 - 7/22/09]Today happens to be my brother's birthday (his 13th). He's helping on the Book Bus right now (I got out of it today but I have to go tomorrow...) I made him an origami cube (instructions found in viewtopic.php?f=16&t=803227) because I never colored my drawing, it might end up being a Christmas present for him.




That's all for now, I'm planning on rendering a Diet Mtn Dew can and possibly my shoe. My jaw has started cracking again and I've got a huge map to digitize. I've now rendered the Mtn Dew and made a new sig with it...




My mom let him open one of his four presents, so he picked the smallest one. It turned out to be a really crappy digital camera my dad bought at the company surplus store yesterday for $2. (That's why he bought it. Because it was $2)... So he installed the software and it's just a crappy digital camera. I laughed because he picked the lamest one to open.




The rest of his presents: Ashoka's Starfighter LEGO set, an axe sheath, and some bits and pieces from BrickForge.




Also I discovered Muse's new song "United States of Eurasia" thanks to rangeor (YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S83tuz8000), it's pretty awesome sounding so far, but it's running really slowly. They are very much channeling Queen in this song.[/hide][hide=#4 - 7/23/09 LEGO TOY STORY!]I got out of Book Bus today. Planning on working on my D&D world some. This guy from the power company is coming this afternoon to look at the trees because a bunch are under the power lines, and they think they need to be cut down. They're all apple trees, they don't get that high. So he's coming out to see which ones really need to be cut down. My dad'll probably end up trimming a lot of them.




LEGO TOY STORY. Coming January 2010. (proof: http://www.getthebigpicture.net/blog/20 ... -lego.html ) It's going to be epic. They had sets out at ComicCon (there are pics somewhere). Little green alien minifigs. R/C in LEGO. Buzz Lightyear. I WANT A PIZZA PLANET TRUCK! YES THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!




I just spent about 2 hours sorting some of my lego collection in hopes of finding my black skeleton armor. I didn't find it, once again I've misplaced a large number of my minifig accessories because I found i was missing other stuff. I'm finishing up my BrickForge list and will probably order some for Christmas.[/hide][hide=Custom Lego Minifig Headgear - 7/24/09]Custom_Minifig_Jester_Hat_by_hawkxs.jpg




_[/hide][hide=#5 - 7/25/09]I saw Harry Potter today. It should have been PG-13 and there should have been more violence, is all I can say. Went to my grandma's house, my aunt gave my brother a birthday present (another LEGO set) and my grandma was like, I have one of those. She got it out and gave it to my cousins, and my brother and I got another set (apparently she bought them at Christmas when they were on sale)




I'm leaving tomorrow and I still need to pack, so don't expect an update tomorrow.[/hide][hide=#6 - 7/26/09]Leaving for camp in a few hours. Nothing much to report, though I've updated the links/song of the week.










Other Features


[hide=FAV|MUSIC - Some of my favorite bands]My favorite band of all time is definitely Queen. Something about Freddie Mercury's voice talents and the huge variety of their songs just makes them amazing. My personal favorite song is tied between 'Bohemian Rhapsody' and 'Seven Seas of Rhye'. A few of their lesser known songs: 'I'm in Love with my Car', ''39', and 'The Prophet's Song'.




Muse is my current favorite band. I own Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations. I would recommend Absolution unless you already own it. They're currently on tour in Europe and I would really like to go to one of their concerts when they come to the States later this year. (I still haven't been to a 'proper' concert.) I'm also looking forward to their new album, The Resistance, it's due out in September I believe.


Favorite songs: 'Time is Running Out', 'Thoughts of a Dying Atheist', 'Starlight', 'The Small Print', and 'Knights of Cydonia'.


'Knights of Cydonia' is on Guitar Hero 3, 'Assassin' is on World Tour, and 'Supermassive Black Hole' was featured in the movie 'Twilight' (the song was probably the highlight of the movie). Also one of their songs was featured in the trailers for 'Watchmen', I think it was 'Take a Bow'.




Other bands/artists I enjoy include: Journey, Joe Satriani, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Cheap Trick, Styx, and Santana. I mostly listen to classic rock and alternative, with some metal/hard rock mixed in. There are a few pop/rap (whatever you call the music that's popular with teenagers...) songs I like (notably a lot of Katie Perry's stuff, 'No Handlebars', and that song with the chorus involving Helen Keller, it's just so catchy! :lol: ).[/hide][hide=REVIEW]GIMP 2.6.6


Website: http://www.gimp.org


Rating: 9/10 - Upgraded from GIMP 2.4.6




The current stable release of GIMP, it updates a lot of things that are invisible to the casual user. They've gotten rid of the toolbar in the toolbox (something that'll take me some getting used to). The free select tool now acts more like the pen tool, which could be useful for those who render with it. I haven't done much with the text tool, but the new text wrap feature has been needed for a while.




There's not really a learning curve if you switch from 2.4 to 2.6. Preferences are now under Edit, which is annoying, but otherwise everything just works a little better. It takes much longer to start up, but that's probably due to me running FF at the same time.




It opens a new window when you start (which houses the toolbox menubar), and now only takes one space in your taskbar.




All in all still a very good and useful program, if you've never used it, I would download it and play around. You can find tons of tutorials on the web and find some made by Tifers in The Gallery (the Resource Sticky is here.)[/hide][hide=REVIEW]This is a list of epic books. Read them all, you must.


The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams


The Lord of The Rings Trilogy + The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien


Protector of the Small Quartet - Tamora Pierce


Lioness Quartet - Tamora Pierce


Trickster's Choice & Trickster's Queen - Tamora Pierce


Artemis Fowl series - Eoin Colfer


The Wish List - Eoin Colfer


The Supernaturalists - Eoin Colfer


Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling


Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling


Tales of Drizzt Do'Urden - R.A. Salvatore


City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare


Graceling - Kristin Cashore


Ranger's Apprentice series - John Flanagan


Last Apprentice series - Joseph Delaney


Bartimaeus Trilogy - Jonathan Stroud


The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing - M.T. Anderson




_[/hide][hide=LIT]Ang was born in AlKon, a drow city, in the land of Alanmark. The drow of Alanmark have an island nation, the capital of which is DrikTo. As a male of an unsuccessful family (and a third child), he was cast out after his third birthday, into the caverns, to die or make his life as he would. Ang befriended the driders and they taught him much. He learned which fungi provided light and which were not edible. As he grew he traveled from place to place, finding every now and then a village in which he would stop and stay a while. He began to learn the differences between city life and those of the villages he grew to love. He knew their songs and stories, and it was these that helped him make his meager living as a traveler. He learned of the ocean, and of DrikTo, where it was said he could live as a king. Ang planned to make his future there, in the OverLight, where no one cared who you were or where you came from. It seemed a paradise to Ang, the outcast in a world of darkness.




He made his way toward the city, stopping at villages along the way, singing for his supper and whatever the people had to give him in the way of money. He saved up enough at last to hire a wizard to complete the one thing he couldnt; he needed to see in the OverLight. In DrikTo he found an old drow, one who was willing to try for the meager sum Ang offered. The wizard knew his cobbled-together spell could fail, and he told Ang as much. Ang believed that the wizard had succeeded.




Ang gathered supplies and when he felt he could make it, ventured up into the light. DrikTo was an odd city, being equally large above and below ground. He was blinded at first, then became at home in the light. Far away, he caught his first glimpse of the ocean.




In the city he spent most of his time at inns and taverns, singing for his lodging and earning a few coins each night. At one in particular, the name of which hell never forget, he met Tyson. Tyson was an elf that had seen much in his few years, and also a traveling bard. He saw talent in Ang and agreed to apprentice him. They were an odd pair, an elf and a younger drow, but they made it work. The music didnt care and neither did they.




Tyson liked to move, as audiences only have so much money and they get tired of the same songs each day. After a month in which they covered every inn, bar, and tavern in Upper DrikTo, they took a ship to ZelKon, and then traveled from the other drow island to the Northern Isles. Not many travelers came through and the locals were grateful for them. They were wary of Ang at first, but when they heard his voice they threw caution to the wind. He knew Elven, after all, and lent his accent to interesting renditions of their songs.




Tyson taught Ang to play the flute and the mandola. He knew that Ang would be able to play anything, and told him so. The pair knew Ang would have to go his own way soon.




The city where they lived in the Northern Isles, Ze, wasnt that amazing once you lived there for a few months. It was a haven for elves, although a large number of gnomes and dwarves made it their home. When it was time for Ang to go, Tyson would come with him to Mo, the port city, but go on to a different island. On this final day, Tyson gave Ang the traditional gift to the wanderer: a hat. Angs hat was bright green, and had orange trim and bobbles. Over the year or so that they had traveled, Ang had collected a motley assortment of weapons; he owned a secondhand longbow, a short sword commissioned for him, and a well-used walking staff that was more than just a staff. He purchased a gnome-made cloak with a peculiar black-and-white pattern for himself.




They traveled together to Mo. There, Tyson left for Nomar, while Ang traveled to the Kingdom of Hrothgar by a course that left him on Notmuch for a few days while waiting for the next ship, which would take him to Port Nandar. He performed for the townspeople, who were wary of him, but offered much. He acquired both a flute and a mandola in the days leading up to when they left DrikTo, and they served him well now.




He made plenty of money while waiting. When his ship came, he was happy to leave. He played some on the voyage, but his fellow passengers were not friendly to him, and he was the only drow on onboard.




When the boat finally reached Port Nandar, Ang was happy to be rid of the passengers. He found an inn and stayed for a few days, gathering that the capital of the elven land was Hrothgar (They arent very imaginative, he thought) and it was a few days travel to the south. He figured that there was ample opportunity for profit on the way, because the port city was large, and the capital had to be bigger.




At the first village he stopped at, a half a days travel from Nandar, he performed for the young children. He noticed one of them had an odd coloring to his skin.




You there, young child. Whats your name?




Im Kalan, sir.




May I inquire as to your parents, Kalan?




My mama lives in that house sir, you could ask her, shall I take you to her?




Please do,




Kalan led the way into the small wooden house. There wasnt much to it, Ang noticed, but it was certainly comfortable, if he ever chose a place to live, this would be it.




Kalan, whos this?




This is a juggler, mama. Hes visiting and wanted to ask you something.




Well, run along and play then, Kalan. Ill be fine. Juggler, is there a name I can call you?




I am Angrin Haeluneyas, traveling minstrel, at your service maam. But just call me Ang.




Kalan said you had something to ask me?




Yes, I was wondering as to who his parents were




Because of his skin?




Yes If you dont want to answer thats perfectly fine, Im sorry to have bothered you but it intrigued me.




No, I will, I brought it on myself I suppose. His father was indeed a drow, although he was one of the better ones. He was killed a few months ago when one of our less tolerant neighbors got into a drunken rage. Kalan hasnt been the same since.




Thats what happens when you lose your father. Hes the man of the house now. Im sorry to hear of your loss. I hope Kalan can learn from others misgivings and have an as close to normal childhood as possible.




Thank you. I wonder a bit about you though, where are you from?




I was born in AlKon, one of the cities in DrokThar. My family wasnt well off, and since I was male, and third born, I was cast out on my third birthday. I lived in the caves and learned to survive. I finally made my way to DrikTo, where I met Tyson, who was my master for about a year. I learned much and I miss him now. We split up, I went to Nandar, and he to Nomar. Thats all.




Tyson has been here before, I remember. The last time was shortly before Kalan was born.




Juggler! Juggler, sir! I found this! Kalan burst into the house, waving a small orange ball.




Oh, has it fallen off already? Ang took off his hat, and upon examining it noticed that the third bobble had fallen off.




Keep it, Kalan, to remember that theres hope in this world. I heard about your father and Im very sorry. I might come back someday when youre older and need a profession. I think youd make a great juggler.




Oh thank you sir! Ill remember and Ill keep it forever! Kalan hurried to his bed, and placed the bobble on a small shelf above it, which held many small artifacts.




Ill be making my way to the inn now, if you would like to come you are obviously welcome.




I want to go, can I mama?




I can watch after him, and Ill send him home before it gets dark. Ang added.




Then you may go. Be sure to listen to Mr. Ang and dont talk to strangers.




Ang, with Kalan in tow, headed to the inn. He took a seat before the fireplace and sat Kalan down next to him.




Kalan, would you like something to eat?




Yes, sir, but I can pay for it, I have a little money,




Ill pay. Just go up to the bar and ask for what you want and Angs usual. Have them put it on my tab. Ang didnt technically have a tab, his room being payment, but the inn keep knew wanderers were good for business and had money to spare.




Kalan came back shortly after with a steaming plate of roast beef, potatoes, and cheese, and a small bowl of a hearty stew. He gave the plate to Ang, and sat down to sip his stew. Ang took a few bites of his meal then went to the bar.




I believe I forgot to request a drink? A mug of cider, if you please, and one for the child.




Youll pay for him, right?




Of course. How much do I owe you?




Just a few silver. Its good for business, you see, I have to charge everyone, unless theyre doing me a service.




I understand, Ang replied while fishing some coins from his belt purse, I believe that should do it,




Thanks, and get to singin, juggler, or well have a nasty fight on our hands.




Ang heard the reply and hurried to his seat on the fireplace. He handed Kalan a mug of cider.




Now, dont drink it all at once. Youll get sick.




He tuned his mandola, and began to strum a country song, The Dark Flies Away. It was well known in these parts, though not so much where Ang was born. He was good at it, and the words came easily, because they matched his mood. The crowd joined in and though he was very happy, he made sure to keep an eye on Kalan and the sun. He reckoned it was about four oclock; the patrons had come early because Ang wanted an early night since he was leaving the next day.




After a rousing rendition of Allon, The Soothsayer and The Tale of Jozan, the sun began to set. Ang sent Kalan home with a gold piece and instructions to give it to his mother. He reassured Kalan that he would visit tomorrow before he left.




Ang sang more, and when his voice began to tire, he got out his flute and played the same songs, without words. This gave the crowd, most of which who were now fairly drunk, a chance to sing their local parodies. Ang always got a laugh out of it, and they enjoyed it.




It was arranged that when the clock struck eleven, Ang would take his leave. He did so, finishing his performance with a composition written with Tyson, which they simply called, Song.




In the morning, he had his usual coffee and toast before thanking the inn keep for his help with spreading the word that he was leaving. As before, the inn keep shook it off, saying it was good for business. Ang visited Kalan and his mother, giving a hug to the child and reminding him that there is always good, you just have to look in the right place.








Firefox 3.5 review


My thoughts on the Nintendo DSi




[hide=Guide to Entries]## - Date; Actual blog entry


REVIEW; Review of software/something


INFO; Informational piece which may or may not be biased


FAV; A favorite topic/something of mine


ART; Featured piece of mine


LIT; Story/piece I've written


MUSIC; Featured song I had to add, generally a review of the band as well




Continuous Features:


Song of the Week; YouTube video of a song I feel merits listening to. Changes every week (probably on Sundays), I'll archive old ones though.


Art Gallery; Some of my favorite art for your enjoyment.


Link(s) of the Week; One or two fun sites I've come across in my travels. Changes every week, old ones will be archived.






I hope you find this entertaining.

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Norton is a pain in the [wagon]! It doesn't let me have mIRC & it doesn't let me on some site because it says it's not safe. No one else got this and it was invision free boards...haaa I'm never going to get it again!




btw double math is disgusting!

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Norton is a pain in the [wagon]! It doesn't let me have mIRC & it doesn't let me on some site because it says it's not safe. No one else got this and it was invision free boards...haaa I'm never going to get it again!




btw double math is disgusting!


You have Norton too? :lol:

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A rl blog forum is a good idea, I guess. For people who do jack [cabbage] like me, the Today thread is more than enough.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Really...? I think blogs shouldn't be in OT. There are blog websites out there, use those.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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^No one will read those unless you link in your sig. Then you might get two hits.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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It's impossible to say this without sounding rude so please forgive me, but how many of us do you think care? If anything we should just have a blog thread, make those big posts about yourself, comment on others, etc. There are a lot of OTers. If even 10% of us made our own personal blog thread, OT wouldn't be OT anymore. It would be flooded with blogs about how we went fishing today or played tennis with our dad.

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This needs nipping in the bud before they get all over the place...




Just use the today thread. If you're so keen to have a blog... go to a blog website and post the link.




I'm pretty sure in my brief glance over Th3_Crusader's topic he asked the admins too...


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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^No one will read those unless you link in your sig. Then you might get two hits.


Then become famous? It's not our fault.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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OK, here are the rules for this. If you don't like blogs, please don't post here bumping the thread; let natural selection do the job.


If you do like them, that still won't allow you to spam this up with "Storytime pl0x"; nobody likes spam.




And by the way, yes, Admins have okayed this. Publicly. Feel free to post your thoughts there.






It's a little surprising hawkxs is a girl though. :?

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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Updated with today's events. I would have added more, but I'm stuck on my DS right now and it has a character limit on posts.




It's also pouring. Hopefully tomorrow I won't have to go on the book bus, I've got lots of semi-important things to do.

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OK, here are the rules for this. If you don't like blogs, please don't post here bumping the thread; let natural selection do the job.


If you do like them, that still won't allow you to spam this up with "Storytime pl0x"; nobody likes spam.




And by the way, yes, Admins have okayed this. Publicly. Feel free to post your thoughts there.






It's a little surprising hawkxs is a girl though. :?


I'd say they should make a sub forum for blogs. I wouldn't mind making a blog seeing as how some of us don't play runescape so we can't really make an RS Blog.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I'm putting up a vote for having : Gender under your username, alongside location and rs type, etcetera.


Then we can set apart the asskissers and not.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm putting up a vote for having : Gender under your username, alongside location and rs type, etcetera.


Then we can set apart the asskissers and not.




sorry for going off-topic on your thread hawkxs.




How will we do that ? You know, seperating the asskissers from the non-asskissers ?

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So you like muse.








New single they released two days ago, plus a cover of Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2 in E Flat. There was also a worldwide 'treasure hunt' to find the song but it really just consisted of fans going to different cities around the world and getting usb's from 'agents'.

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Updated with the epic LEGO TOY STORY!




Pics can be found here. I'm very excited about this. Cars and Prince of Persia just aren't as amazing as Toy Story, which I've grown up with. Adding Legos to the mix just makes it that much better. I think the first movie I saw in theaters was Toy Story. (I would have been 4-5 I believe)





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