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11th August 2009 - RuneScape Machinima Competition

Pie Naple

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Over/under for getting all the videos added is September 1st. =P






I'm taking the over.






Mine was uploaded the 22nd, so I'm still safe in terms of other videos' upload dates...





EDIT: Fedorca, I was so hoping for a full Rick Astley music video. :cry:


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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Finally got my entry in, on the day of the deadline. :P Make sure to watch it in high quality!





Would be so much cooler if the girl would end up being a guy :D




And cool song to mrph3r !

I was expecting the girl to be a guy too. :P Not sure if it would have made it better or not seeing as though I was expecting it.




And I was expecting the whole vid to have the song playing through. :cry:

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Finally got my entry in, on the day of the deadline. :P Make sure to watch it in high quality!





Would be so much cooler if the girl would end up being a guy :D




And cool song to mrph3r !

I was expecting the girl to be a guy too. :P Not sure if it would have made it better or not seeing as though I was expecting it.




And I was expecting the whole vid to have the song playing through. :cry:




Been several entrys with girls being guys.

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Nice entry nice editing, but I'm not really a fan of the voice or the music vids even though its fairly original I liked the editing more than the actual vid :P


I liked the video & editing. Kind of shameless 'I WANT TO WIN' kinda like what I would do :lol:




Didn't like the voice though.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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It's a pretty decent video, although it's really carried by the editing. The song itself is kind of grating.




This is one other decent quality video that I found that actually made me laugh (which is more than I can say for 98% of the videos)...






What do you guys think about this video or

? It's pretty decent, but I can't decide whether they're just cute or if either of them has actually got an outside shot.


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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What do you guys think about this video or
? It's pretty decent, but I can't decide whether they're just cute or if either of them has actually got an outside shot.
The 1st one is one of the best I've seen but the second one was just a rip off of the bronze dagger one. :P It wasn't bad though.
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What do you guys think about this video or
? It's pretty decent, but I can't decide whether they're just cute or if either of them has actually got an outside shot.
The 1st one is one of the best I've seen but the second one was just a rip off of the bronze dagger one. :P It wasn't bad though.




I remember pming cops guy saying he had exactly same idea as mine lol, at the time mine was still a work in progress, it's a very nice entry though :thumbup:

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Well, everybody who's in is in.




I liked the pirates video - it could be a pretty strong 3-minute video eventually.


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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Well this is brilliant, the day I find out about this is the day of the deadline. -.-




But still, JESUS CHRIST there's some real good talent out there. I thought there was only a few good RuneScape machinimators but I stand corrected. The way I was thinking of doing my entry when I read the title (before realizing the deadline) I would of surely lost compared to the competition. I always underestimated RuneScape machinima but no more.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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60k says this has already been posted but I REALLY think this will win



Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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60k says this has already been posted but I REALLY think this will win






Yeah it already has been, bit of a tehnoobshow rip off though just wit different gods that's where originality points will be taken off apart from that its very good.

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60k says this has already been posted but I REALLY think this will win






Yeah it already has been, bit of a tehnoobshow rip off though just wit different gods that's where originality points will be taken off apart from that its very good.


Yeah, theres a lot of videos that are ripoffs of other videos. Though, he acknowledges the fact that his thing is a lot like tehnoobshow's videos.




^ thats a ripoff of another video I've seen before which I can't seem to find :| Well, at least the part after he picks up the mithril sword.


EDIT: Found it.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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If they truly go for original ideas as their main criterion, a lot of popular videos will NOT be included in the top 5.




Excl's video is the same idea as several others.


Sosolid2k's video is interesting but not very original.


Sei_Seii's contribution is also well-produced but is just a simple music video in the end.


All of the Runescape News videos would probably be thrown out.




It'll be interesting to see how it does end up turning out, though. Public support they say has factored into it, which means any of those videos could easily sneak through.


Support mine!!! haha





is somewhat poorly produced, but scores lots of originality points.




Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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Hey, old time poster here. :thumbsup:




Here's a few of my fav's. Going to be a real tough contest indeed. Lots of really talented people out there. :shock:








HellsEnemy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecQLGNan7es


JinSr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQX02RNq46s




Sparc Mac: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4bpTMmrjnU&feature=sub


Arrow Gun 99: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98t_wihDMQY






This Cops one is great, but it's a little strange. The guy has no other RS videos on his account, and then throws together this well produced one. He also has the "Machinima Contest" tossed in the credits, so I can't tell if this was made for the contest, or just and older video that they cleaned up and re-released. Or even just stolen from somwhere else ... it just seems odd. If this is truly his first video, then awesome job!


D00m100: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrvVma0901I




And then some great videos that are older videos, but recycled for the contest. Jagex claimed they wanted new videos made within the time-frame of the contest. If they allow these, there's no way I'm sniffing even the top 10. :(


MrTheB0ss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFtrbiM7mPs


ThePerfectEffect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HH2FVVEXHI






As for mine ... well, it's not my best. I didn't even want to release it because I really didn't like it. I work best when ideas pop into my head and I can just make it. Not really when they say, "you have two weeks to make a video ... and, go!" :mrgreen:




I admit, it's really not that original ... but with 700 some entries and only two weeks to think of something, I guess it's going to be hard finding one video that isn't similar to another. ;)




I decided to take the most common and most suggested video ideas, and somehow spin them into 10 second awful, yet clever video clips ... pretty much showing WHY I shouldn't be making these types of videos anyway. A few other people made similar ideas ... alas, what's a video maker to do?




Good luck to everyone who entered! :thumbsup:

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Excl: I made a separate account for my video as well - I suppose people have their reasons for doing so. (Mine happens to be that I told my girlfriend I quit...XD)






All of those videos are good, although I'm not so sure about some of their chances since a lot of them seem to be carried by the quality of production, which Jagex has implied that they're going to try to ignore.


I guess we'll just have to see...


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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