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01-Oct-2009 - Display Names

The Observer

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01-Oct-2009 - Display Names


Members are now able to change their display name to something different from their username. This display name is the name by which other players will see you in all Jagex games and across all website features – from the hiscores to the forums. Your username will always remain the same, regardless of what you change your display name to, as this is what you use to log into the game and website. (NB: Everyone’s initial display name is the same as their username.)


Changing your display name

The ability to change display names is currently only available to members of either RuneScape or FunOrb. To change your display name, visit the Account Management section of RuneScape or FunOrb and select ‘Change your display name’. You can then change your display name to anything that is not currently in use by or ‘held’ for (see next paragraph) another player. (NB: Once you have changed your display name, you will be unable to do so again for 28 days, even to revert back to your previous display name, so make sure you are happy with your new name before confirming the change.)


After these 28 days, you will have a period of time in which you can revert back to your previous display name, should you wish. You will have at least 7 days after the 28 days to revert to your previous display name, as it will be ‘held’ for you and unavailable to anyone else in this time. Depending on how long that name was in your possession before you changed it, you may have more than 7 days to revert to your reserved name.


When you change your display name, an icon will appear next to it on your friends’ Friends Lists. This will inform your friends that you have just changed your name and, by hovering their mouse cursor over that icon, they will see what your previous display name was. It will take a while (up to 15 minutes) for your display name to be updated across the website, so your previous display name may still show on the hiscores or forums for this short time.


Offensive display names

Display names allow us to remove names we deem offensive. Previously, we were only able to ban accounts with offensive names; now, we will simply remove the offensive name from the account. Should this happen, you will receive a temporary display name in the form of a random string of numbers (such as “[#123456789]”), and you will not be able to log into the game until you choose a new name. Players who repeatedly choose offensive names will lose the privilege of being able to change their display name for one year, and will instead be assigned one by a Jagex moderator.


Finally, please be patient with the system at this time, as it will be under a lot of load by many players trying to access it. If you do not get a response, please try again at a later time.


Mod Duncan

Web Systems Developer


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Honestly, I'm keeping my name as it is. Even though I could change it it's just more confusing to everyone and also TecMaster532 is who most of the tet regulars and most of my non tip.it rs friends know me as and I just don't feel any reason to change it.

Owner of the Quest Point Cape

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My new name is Voltaic Core. No more generic unimaginitive username with a string of numbers attached at the end. I'm now badass :cool:



Slayer Drops

Dragon Chainbody (dust devil), Dragon Platelegs x2, Dragon Plateskirt x3, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x5, Dragon Spear x3, Shield Left Half x4

Staff of Light x2, Abyssal Whip x16, Dark Bow x17, Granite Maul x17, Focus Sight, Hexcrest x2, Black Mask x4, Leaf-bladed Sword, Mystic x31, Obsidian x13, Brine Sabre x2, Spirit Shield, Dragonstone x5

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Unfair that only members get this. Why Jagex?! Its only a small part of the game, why must you squeeze us dry!

It took me an hour to find an available name and change it. Could you imagine how much more overloaded the servers would have been than they already were?


I think this will be introduced to f2p in due time. I see p2p as the test subjects.


Are you winning The Game?

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The update is pretty awesome since most of my friends are really obsessed with their name :-P! However, I'll be keeping this username until I get bored of it or when it is necessary to change :).


Overall, a five out of five update for Jagex :thumbsup:!



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Everytime I get to the name change confirmation, I start missing my old name. Two people already changed their name for me so I guess I'll keep my original name for 28 days more. And to my two groupies, I ♥ you.


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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Dammit, killer stole my topic. <.<

Ooh well, it was fun whilst it lasted.


Back on topic, they need to implement something into the cc to show if people have changed their names and make it so that you don't have to add them to your friends list just to check.


Why can't the Big Bang be done by the hand of God?

It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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Everytime I get to the name change confirmation, I start missing my old name. Two people already changed their name for me so I guess I'll keep my original name for 28 days more. And to my two groupies, I ♥ you.


NEVER change your name, your beautiful the way you are! <3:


Btw I'm now JesseRSlayer.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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I thought I'd never use this, but I looked at my name and was like "Ew numbers..." So I changed it to Quiet Fey. Yes it's Gaelic for fairy, I'm not a fairy though <.<

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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Yeah, this is by far one of the best updates! :thumbsup: :thumbup:


Although, I actually like my name, I've changed it (Kapeg Kiefer) :cool:


Anyway, 5 out of 5 for Jagex! =D>

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I'm tempted to change my name to see if I can get rid of my numbers, but 04 has kinda become part of my personal history...


Good update anyway. Though, now I've gotta re-learn my friends' names.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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