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Unjustified censorship!


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I think as the idiots on this thread made clear, most online communities are too immature to handle that sort of discussion, and yes if the words were allowed they would be used as derogatory terms.


There is no legitimate conversation to be had on Runescape where the terms "gay, lesbian, homo, [bleep], etc" come up. Runescape is not a medium through which to discuss sex or politics. Go somewhere else for that.


For the most part, dead on here.


I do disagree that there is some legitimate conversation to be had using these words. While I obviously don't solicit RW information from people, the folks you talk to on a day to day basis will invariably over time know more about you, and vice versa. This includes sexual orientation; I know several RS players who are openly gay and have told me as such.


That's right, they've communicated that they are gay within the game. It doesn't take much imagination to work around the censors. This is exactly why the censor should stay; it is easy to remove the inflammatory and immature hatespeek without restricting freedom of orientation.


But 'walking around the censor' is illegal... And even if it wasn't, if your friend can tell you he/she is gay while bypassing censor, so can an immature idiot that tries to insult you...

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I do not understand, you believe that if Jagex remove the censors then the players will be more aware of the problems gay people are having? :?


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But 'walking around the censor' is illegal... And even if it wasn't, if your friend can tell you he/she is gay while bypassing censor, so can an immature idiot that tries to insult you...


It wasn't really walking around the censor. And while slurs can certainly still be uttered, the truly derogatory word or callous use of such words as derogatory is destroyed. This is beneficial, moreso than the incremental benefit of being able to say the word gay, homosexual, etc. in exacted lexicon.

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Until society changes to accept homosexuality, Runescape won't change either. Runescape is not a social revolution tool.


That'll never happen, same with racism, discrimination, people will always look at others who are different from themselves and judge with that without even knowing the other person, that'll never change.

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The fact that I see people claiming content is g@y/g e y on a daily basis is enough evidence the community simply isn't mature enough to handle different sexual orientations.

Pity, I know. Do not blame Jagex on this one, blame the players.


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There are places where people are mostly mature and you can have discussions about sexual orientations, like our off-topic forum, but Runescape isn't one of them. Sorry, it just would cause havoc.

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The fact that I see people claiming content is g@y/g e y on a daily basis is enough evidence the community simply isn't mature enough to handle different sexual orientations.

Pity, I know. Do not blame Jagex on this one, blame the players.


This above is indeed true. And this is "why we can't have nice things!" (Sorry, I had to.)


Talking about ones sexual orientation really isn't a good idea, in RuneScape. As others mentioned, most of the community that play are far too immature. I can't imagine what uncensoring these words would lead to, and how much busier the Mods would be muting people. I see "G@Y" etc, on a daily bases. And that's only by people who wish to push their luck and border losing their freedom to type without quickchat. If they uncensored these, can you imagine what people would be wanting uncensored next? I can.


Generally, adults that play RuneScape are perfectly fine with the censor. Most, will tell you that they're even fine if the censor is put back to how it once was. With nearly everything slightly offensive being removed. I personally have no reason to use such words on RuneScape, therefore them being censored doesn't phase me.


Not only that, but there's really nowhere one could use the words without being moved on to change topic. Unless it's in private messaging. If you attempted to discuss it in a clan chat, it's as bad as trying to discuss politics or religion. It doesn't work. Flame wars will start, almost instant.

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FACT: All words in RuneScape relating purely to sexuality are censored. The word "heterosexual" is censored as well (just tried it within the safety of my POH).


SUBSEQUENT CONCLUSION: It is justified for Jagex to censor the words referred to in the original post, as Jagex is also censoring all other sexual words.


I don't see why it isn't just that simple...?


Boom. Done. Not "unjust"


I don't think the censorship of a word in a **GAME** has any effect on the choices of gays/lesbians and most certainly do not have any effect on thoughts of suicide.


I honestly think this thread is nothing more than a rabble rouser. Sorry, but that's the way I feel.

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First and foremost, Runescape is a game. It's not really here for us to debate politics, economics, philosophy, or sexuality on it. Quit worrying so much about this gay stuff. I'm a girl. I date other girls. I've said this many times on here. I've never said this in the game for a simple reason. I have no reason to. Can we move on and train a skill or something? <_<

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I do not understand, you believe that if Jagex remove the censors then the players will be more aware of the problems gay people are having? :?


Not at all, I'm not even trying to make a revolution through RuneScape. All I'm trying to do is start something, somewhere, wherever. I'm not only working this through RuneScape, I'm also working on a similar way in my school (I already gave quite a speech in front of half of it), and in my city in general. I'm trying to increase awareness of everyone around me.


No, I do not think that most RuneScape players would even understand why the censor would go off, that's not my intention. My intention is to get as many places and frames to use these words freely, even if at the first years as insults. Eventualy, if achieved in enough critical places, this could lead a very simple process of creating awareness.


The first goal, is to make it seem like a word not to be afraid of (you'd be surprised at the amount of people who are actualy either afraid of using it, or use it in order to insult others). I don't have the slightest hope that uncensoring these words in RuneScape would lead to any kind of revolution, on the contrary, it would lead to some sort of havoc, atleast in the early days. Eventualy, if what I do right now would make one person do the same in his/her school, city, community, or whatever- we can make a progress, and we can make a change!


Sure, it seems so very far away, it seems like I'm day dreaming and it also seems like the havoc it would create is not worth it. But you must look at the big picture, you must look at the point where, in a few years, people's language, all over the world, would barely even use it as a swear word- People use it that way because of the restrictions, perhaps even because of embarrasment, insecurity, and BECAUSE of censorship!



What do you think makes a little kid start using swear words so often? The fact that he's not allowed! That fact his mother said it's wrong, and that all the cool kids are doing it!


Same goes for our subject- the word gay is used as an insult purely because it is "not allowed", because it's "not nice" and because grown ups wouldn't.


So it may seem that even if my final goal is good, implementing it in RuneScape would do nothing good- but it would do nothing good anywhere if we only implement that in 1 frame. We can't say no simply because we think it wouldn't matter- ofcourse it wouldn't, it's just a game. But it only wouldn't in theory, in the long run it makes a big change.

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What makes you think that being able to say the word gay would make everyone feel better. It wouldn't. Gays would be bashed and insulted to no end, and to be honest I think I'd rather have people not be able to talk about me than insult me.


Basically, the maturity of the Runescape community is nonexistent, and there is no way around it.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Oy vey. I am so tired of all these "open dialogues" people are still trying to have about this. Gay people exist. We know. I am one. I don't think we really need to talk about the words and all that. I'm so tired of beating this dead horse.


To turn one of the gay mottos: You're here. You're queer. We're used to it. :roll:



How about this? When the game reveals some religious texts about what Zaros thought on homosexuality then we can discuss it. If not, let's forget it. Please?

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Until society changes to accept homosexuality, Runescape won't change either. Runescape is not a social revolution tool.


That'll never happen, same with racism, discrimination, people will always look at others who are different from themselves and judge with that without even knowing the other person, that'll never change.


Exactly, meaning RS will uncensor those words.. never.


I agree with britonlongbow. This really isn't a topic with much to discuss.


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I think private clan chats should have an option that enables you to disable a censor. Once you attempt to enter such chats, you get a disclaimer. If you enter the chat anyway, you accept that Jagex is not responsible for what goes on in the chat.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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The reason gays are treated badly by many, is the in-ability to comperhend their situation.


Stop. The premise behind this thread was invalidated before it even started, that Jagex was not being "unjust" in censoring "homosexual" words because they censored "heterosexual" words as well. That's like saying a restaurant is being racist by not letting you in and you happen to be black, when the restaurant is closed for the night. They're not letting ANYONE in, there's no discrimination.


OP doesn't want equality, but rather special treatment. Not saying that makes the OP a bad person, most people are generally looking for what fits them best. But this thread was very narrow minded from the start and no matter how you spin the question to encompass any sexual preference: This is the wrong medium.


And yes I do acknowledge the comment about people who become good friends and inevitably divulge that sort of information. But take it to another medium. A fansite, instant messenger, anything. Coming from a person who works a lot with management at retail chains, I can say there are a lot of things a company will allow, but will officially stand against. With Jagex, I'm sure they have no problem with friends talking about really anything, but officially they have to assume strangers talking to strangers with an almost infinite potential age range with every intention under the sun, and as such must officially voice their disapproval of all sex talk.




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FACT: All words in RuneScape relating purely to sexuality are censored. The word "heterosexual" is censored as well (just tried it within the safety of my POH).


SUBSEQUENT CONCLUSION: It is justified for Jagex to censor the words referred to in the original post, as Jagex is also censoring all other sexual words.


I don't see why it isn't just that simple...?


Beat me to it. Its a shame it got 3 pages in before anyone picked up on the real reason behind this thread. The words gay, lesbian, sex, sexy, sexual, penis, vagina, heterosexual, homosexual...they are all censored because they all center around the discussion of SEX. The game has players under age 11. There are Sex Education Classes and Parents to teach these things to children. They don't need to learn it from Runescape.


Case Closed.

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Actually, it's not just those words that are censored. Words like "screw" and even "google" that are perfectly normal are censored as well.


The truth is, Runescape is not a kid's game. The censor is a very unnecessary feature, and adding it is a hindrance to us older players who are used to speaking and hearing those words.


Besides, who cares about swear words? We don't give a damn about them. :roll:


"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Jagex obviously does not know that.




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The reason gays are treated badly by many, is the in-ability to comperhend their situation.


Stop. The premise behind this thread was invalidated before it even started, that Jagex was not being "unjust" in censoring "homosexual" words because they censored "heterosexual" words as well. That's like saying a restaurant is being racist by not letting you in and you happen to be black, when the restaurant is closed for the night. They're not letting ANYONE in, there's no discrimination.


OP doesn't want equality, but rather special treatment. Not saying that makes the OP a bad person, most people are generally looking for what fits them best. But this thread was very narrow minded from the start and no matter how you spin the question to encompass any sexual preference: This is the wrong medium.


And yes I do acknowledge the comment about people who become good friends and inevitably divulge that sort of information. But take it to another medium. A fansite, instant messenger, anything. Coming from a person who works a lot with management at retail chains, I can say there are a lot of things a company will allow, but will officially stand against. With Jagex, I'm sure they have no problem with friends talking about really anything, but officially they have to assume strangers talking to strangers with an almost infinite potential age range with every intention under the sun, and as such must officially voice their disapproval of all sex talk.



I have to disagree.


The whole idea I'm revolving around, is that the fact people use these words in an inappropriate manner, is what creates censors and insults. The reason a kid might feel bad for being called gay, is the fact that many see it as a bad thing.


I do NOT think that removing it from the RuneScape censor would change anything of said above. But if RuneScape was not the only one, we could eventually reach a change.


Perhaps if my English was better I could explain myself better, but as it's not, I'll do my best.


Censorship (not particulary in RuneScape), is what causes a person to want to walk around it. For example, I hadn't used the word 'noob' in atleast a year or so to name another person. Frankly, if this word never existed I'd have no problem.


However, if Jagex censored this word, I'd be annoyed, I'd WANT to say it. The fact that I'm not allowed to say it is what makes me want to say it more.


For the same reason, the words we're discussing are used so often (outside of RuneScape) as swear words, as a way to make fun of others, or just thrown out in the air for no reason.


Once again, I'm not expecting to revolutionize (sp?) the world by uncensoring these words in RuneScape, but I think that if I and others started working towards changing individuals' and communities' opinions, and change the whole view of our surroundings' thoughts and feelings towards these words, they could eventualy become just another word known to describe someones else, just like 'young', or 'dark-haired'.



I am 100% aware of the consequences of removing these words from the RuneScape censor. I know 'gay' just might become the new 'noob' in-game, but I feel it's something we must live with. At some point players would realize their banned accounts are not worth it, and the use of these words would decrease. (Just like [wagon], when it first came off the censor you'd see it everywhere, but now it's used a lot less often (although too often in my opinion).



And so, as a closing statement, removing these words from the RuneScape censor would not cause any good if it stands alone in the world. It would probably only cause havoc if so. But if we work towards changing it in the real world aswell, we can expect a drastic change in a few years time, in the world-view of many towards the subject.

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FACT: All words in RuneScape relating purely to sexuality are censored. The word "heterosexual" is censored as well (just tried it within the safety of my POH).


SUBSEQUENT CONCLUSION: It is justified for Jagex to censor the words referred to in the original post, as Jagex is also censoring all other sexual words.


I don't see why it isn't just that simple...?


Beat me to it. Its a shame it got 3 pages in before anyone picked up on the real reason behind this thread. The words gay, lesbian, sex, sexy, sexual, penis, vagina, heterosexual, homosexual...they are all censored because they all center around the discussion of SEX. The game has players under age 11. There are Sex Education Classes and Parents to teach these things to children. They don't need to learn it from Runescape.


Case Closed.



Oh? Then why isn't 'straight' censored? It DOES 'center around the discussion of SEX', why not censor it?

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FACT: All words in RuneScape relating purely to sexuality are censored. The word "heterosexual" is censored as well (just tried it within the safety of my POH).


SUBSEQUENT CONCLUSION: It is justified for Jagex to censor the words referred to in the original post, as Jagex is also censoring all other sexual words.


I don't see why it isn't just that simple...?


Beat me to it. Its a shame it got 3 pages in before anyone picked up on the real reason behind this thread. The words gay, lesbian, sex, sexy, sexual, penis, vagina, heterosexual, homosexual...they are all censored because they all center around the discussion of SEX. The game has players under age 11. There are Sex Education Classes and Parents to teach these things to children. They don't need to learn it from Runescape.


Case Closed.

Excuse me... this game is for people aged 13+.


Who the freaking cares about those words? A lot of the people in my school say these words just about everyday. I don't give a crap, and neither should the rest of the community.


Ever since internet blocking, censors just get in the way instead of helping. Fact.




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