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Tip.it Kingdoms

The Dark Lord

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The problem with custom tech trees is that they aren't balanced. The good part of a standard one is that everyone is playing by the same thing.


Maybe each tribe could have 2 unique techs, that have to be approved by other people first?



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The problem with custom tech trees is that they aren't balanced. The good part of a standard one is that everyone is playing by the same thing.


Maybe each tribe could have 2 unique techs, that have to be approved by other people first?



Now we're talkin'!

I'd settle for 1 or 2 unique techs within reason. That's perfectly fair. Especially if everyone would have to approve of it.



I'll spend my "points" from today on 'researching' wall fortification. And if I can't do that, then said points will go to the precursor of this research.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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In that case, I want Ballistics and Advanced Logistics as my two unique researches.


Ballistics: Provides a +1 damage and range bonus to all missile units (archers and siege weaponry). Allows for the recruitment of of Zhuge crossbowmen (Shu special unit).


Advanced Logistics: Improves supply lines, communication, and field logistics. Decreases the cost of maintaining units by 20%.


Also, why don't we allow each civilization to pick a "free" basic research that they start out with? This would allow for some diversity in start-up strategies, choosing from the following:


Basic Farming


Basic Mining

Basic Construction

Basic Science



If you all agree, I pick Basic Science for the Shu. Also, my research points for today go toward Education.

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In that case, I want Ballistics and Advanced Logistics as my two unique researches.


Ballistics: Provides a +1 damage and range bonus to all missile units (archers and siege weaponry). Allows for the recruitment of of Zhuge crossbowmen (Shu special unit).


Advanced Logistics: Improves supply lines, communication, and field logistics. Decreases the cost of maintaining units by 20%.


Also, why don't we allow each civilization to pick a "free" basic research that they start out with? This would allow for some diversity in start-up strategies, choosing from the following:


Basic Farming


Basic Mining

Basic Construction

Basic Science



If you all agree, I pick Basic Science for the Shu. Also, my research points for today go toward Education.

Oh, I forgot to mention this. I haven't decided if those 6 starting techs will be free for everyone, or if people can pick a few to start with, then get the others later.



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We should really decide all of this before starting the game...




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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You know what, let's just say all the 6 starting techs are for everyone. Sere, can you add the list and tree to one of the first posts?

I think everyone should just color in what they research. Remember, 20 stating research points. Plus 1 for today. So 21 total, and the list of costs for everything is on the list.




[hide=list]Basic Farming:

Requires: None

Allows Agriculture



Requires: Basic Farming

Increases crop yields around sources of fresh water

Cost: 2

Crop Rotation:

Requires: Basic Farming

Allows use of the same fields over multiple years


Basic Fertilizers:

Requires: Irrigation, Crop Rotation

Allows larger scale farming, increases yields by 25%



Requires: Basic Fertilizers, Animal Husbandry

Allows production of Farmsteads/Ranches, where citizens can work, and food is produced more efficiently


Food Preservation:

Requires: Irrigation

Allows excess food to be stored from year to year.



Requires: None

Allows domestification, and use of animals.


Animal Husbandry:

Requires: Herding

Improves the yields of livestock.

Cost: 4

Basic Mining:

Requires: Access to a mine or quarry

Allows mining


Copper Working:

Requires: Basic Mining, Copper Mine/Source

Allows production of Copper

Cost: 2


Copper Tools:

Requires: Copper Working

Increases mining, farming, and infrastructural efficiency

Cost: .5


Copper Armor:

Requires: Copper Working

Allows production of copper armor, increases unit Defense

Cost: .5

Copper Weapons:

Requires: Copper Working

Allows production of copper weapons, increases unit Attack

Cost: .5


Iron Working:

Requires: Basic Mining, Iron Mine/Source

Allows production of iron

Cost: 2



Iron Tools:

Requires: Iron Working

Increases mining, farming, and infrastructural efficiency

Cost: 1


Iron Armor:

Requires: Iron Working

Allows production of copper armor, increases unit Defense

Cost: 1


Iron Weapons:

Requires: Iron Working

Allows production of iron weapons, increases unit Attack

Cost: 1


Advanced Metalworking

Requires: Iron Weapons, Iron Armor, Copper Weapons, Copper Armor

Increases production efficiency of metal related buildings/objects by 50%

Cost: 8


Basic Construction:

Requires: None

Allows Construction


Naval Specialization:

Requires: Basic Construction

Unlocks Ship techs

Cost: 4


Basic Ship Building

Requires: Naval Specialization

Allows construction of basic ships (ie: Fishing boat)

Cost: 2



Requires: Basic Ship Building

Allows fishing (note: fishing from boat, not from shore.)

Cost: 2


Medium Ship Building

Requires: Basic Ship Building

Allows production of more advanced ships, ie: longboats

Cost: 5


Advanced Ship Building:

Requires: Medium Ship Building

Allows construction of advanced ships, ie: Warships, Basic Fish Trawlers

Cost: 10


Advanced Fishing:

Requires: Advanced Ship Building, Fishing

Increases yields from fishing by 25%

Cost: 8


Nautical Mapping:

Requires: Advanced Ship Building

Allows creation of sea maps, increases ship speed by 5%

Cost: 5



Requires: Advanced Ship Building

Allows creation of Compasses, increases ship speed by 3%

Cost: 5



Requires: Advanced Ship Building

Allows creation of star maps, and easier navigation. Allows Calendars

Cost: 5



Requires: Astronomy

Require for other technology

Cost: 5


Ocean Faring Craft:

Requires: Advanced Ship Building, Nautical Mapping, Compass, Astronomy, Food Preservation, Academies

Allows production of Ocean Faring Ships (ie: Caravels)

Cost: 25


Civilization Specialization:

Requires: Basic Construction

Allows Civilian infrastructure technology.

Cost: 2


Basic Infrastructure:

Requires: Civilization Construction

Increases civilian structure build rate by 10%, population growth rate by 5%

Cost: 2


Medium Infrastructure

Requires: Basic Infrastructure

Increases civilian structure build rate by 10%, population growth by 5%

Cost: 5


Advanced Infrastructure

Requires: Medium Infrastructure

Increases civilian structure build rate by 10%, population growth by 5%

Cost: 10


Large Population Sustainment:

Requires: Calendar, Homesteads/Ranches, Advanced Infrastructure

Increases population growth by 25%

Cost: 15


Defense Specialization:

Requires: Basic Construction

Allows construction of palisades

Cost: 2


Basic Fortifications:

Requires: Defense Specialization

Allows construction of Towers, and light walls, increases fortification build rate by 5%

Cost: 2


Medium Fortifications

Requires: Basic Fortifications

Allows construction of Heavy Walls, increases fortification build rate by 5%

Cost: 5


Advanced Fortifications:

Requires: Medium Fortifications

Allows construction of castles, increases fortification build rate by 15%

Cost: 10


Wall Specialization:

Requirements: Not specialized in towers, Advanced fortifications

Increases wall health by 15, and decreases build time by 33%

Cost: 6


Tower Specialization:

Requirements: Not specialized in walls, Advanced fortifications

Increases tower health by 5, and range bonus by 1

Cost: 8


Advanced Weaponry:

Requires: Advanced Fortifications, Advanced Metalworking

Allows production of advanced weaponry, and speeds production of weapons and armor by 20%.

Cost: 15


Basic Science:

Requires: None

Required for unlocking science tree


Herbal Medicines:

Requires: Basic Science

Decreases death from disease by 15%

Cost: 4



Requires: Basic Science

Increases # of research points per year by 20%

Cost: 5



Requires: Education

Further increases # of research points per year by 5%

Cost: 7


Advanced Science:

Requires: Academies

Allows more advanced science techs

Cost: 20



Requires: Advanced Science

Allows production of advanced siege weapons

Cost: 5


Dry Docks:

Requires: Engineering

Increase Ship Production by 30%, Ship Repair by 50%

Cost: 10


Printing Press:

Requires: Engineering

Allows mass production of books.

Cost: 15


Regular Schooling:

Requires: Printing Press

Increases Research points per turn by 35%

Cost: 20



Requires: Advance Science

Allows production of basic Chemical Compounds

Cost: 5


Advanced Fertilizers:

Requires: Chemistry

Increase agricultural yields by 50%

Cost: 20



Requires: Chemistry, Advanced Weaponry

Allows creation of gunpowder, and gunpowder units.

Cost: 30



Requires: None

Allows you to rule



Requires: Civic Government

Allows accurate count of your people, unlocks tech

Cost: 4



Requires: Census

Allows you to better tax your people (increases income by 10%)

Cost: 3



Requires: Census

Allows you to draft, increasing military production but lowering loyalty of your citizens

Cost: 5



Requires: Census

Allows use of slaves, increasing production of each slave-citizen by 60% but lowering happiness of all citizens by 30%

Cost: 2



Requires: Slavery

Abolishes Slavery. Increases happiness by 35% (5% from pre slave levels)



You may pick either Feudalism or Democracy



Requires: Non Democratic government, Conscription, Taxes

Increases Agricultural, infrastructural, and military production by 10%

Cost: 10



Requires: Non Feudalistic government, Conscription, Taxes

Increases Citizen Happiness by 35%

Cost: 10




The list is organized by category, so things that come from the same starting tech are together.


If you were to spend all your points on ship building, you could spend all your research points and get up to advanced ship building I think.



I'm pretty sure I'm spending all 21 of my points maxing out the agriculture and herding trees. I'll think of my 2 unique techs soon.

This would give me a lot of extra food, and thus a high growth rate.



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I will spend my starting points on:

(Basic construction[Naval])

Naval Specialization (4)

Basic Ship Building (2)

Fishing (2)

Medium Ship Building (5)


(Basic construction[infastructure])

Civilization Specialization (2)

Basic Infrastructure (2)


(Basic farming)

Irrigation (2)

Crop Rotation (2)


I am filling in my techs with green on the research tree, just so I can remember.



Research begins on Animal Husbandry (0/4)


Is tech trading going to be allowed? I don't think that it should be, or if it is that it must be limited (i.e. only being able to buy/sell one tech every 10 years).

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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I made a new map which is easier to change the colours in, the grid isn't exactly the same but I figured it wouldn't matter much since everyone only own one square anyways. I didn't fill in the existing civilizations though since I'm not sure where exactly they would want to be place, I also omitted the key as for now. I did however include my own civ, the Visens (white on map). They are kinda like Polynesians, I'll post more later including my hometown.


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Heh, I agree your grid is better. (Though, it doesn't look so pretty, imho).


I'll update the first post with it and add everyone's towns.


Updated the map.. The grid numbers have changed, and I think the squares are smaller now so the map is in effect bigger. Some people got moved one or two squares, but it's not a big change and I hope everyone can shrug that off.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Alright, I made me one of those pretty maps of the surrounding area. My capital is Al Nour (of which I already posted the map) and Wastunia is a village that was also around the oasis that I've settled it. It had a lot of priests and such and they made golden goods, but a great flood ended up killing most of them and sending survivors into the desert. The oasis, btw, is actually part of a river, which is not unsimilar to the Nile.




I will post my units soon, but I was wondering, what're limits/standards for OS, DS and MS? And how much RNG can an archer have?


PS: My name on the world map is written wrong lol, Eygpt. I know it probably can't be corrected, but I'm just pointing it out.

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Oops, sorry, it was early in the morning when I was doing the map. I'll try and fix it now.


Okay, fixed.


I think the caps for normal units are:


OS - 19

DS - 8

MS - 9

RNG - 5


All normal units have a HP of 20, divided into 10 people with HP 2.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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I disagree with Rocco - Restrict, Restrict, Restrict.


kindapanglargegridl.png Put myself on the map but i'll do my unit roster and techs in three days

Having it the way we're planning on having it will restrict you more and make every civilization the same...


Fair point.


I propose micromanagement of certian units to give bonus's

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Hex, if you want to name every single unit and manage every single one of them seperately, be my guest, but it'll get hideously confusing after a while.


I'll decide what to put my research into later, and I'm also going to add my kingdom onto the map.

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Sorry for the lack of updates/activity, I've been rather busy/sick but I should have time this weekend to at least post my initial stuff.

How are we going to do resource distribution? I see that some of the techs (like copper working) need a specific resource. Are we going to assume that we all have the basic resources, or do we get to pick one or two?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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1) Hex. Use the map on the front page. I'll add you now. FFFFFF. - Ok, no I won't, someone has already settled on that island. If you still want to settle there, then I will, but otherwise choose another tile. Give me the grid reference and I'll add you.

2) Hex. What on earth do you mean?


Why don't we have something like 10 different technology branches, but you can only advance in three of them? That way there is still some diversity.


Yeah, for some WEIRD reason my scientists just can't wrap their head around iron working!


No. Were civs in Hegemony the same? Not really, even though everyone was allowed to research anything.


I guess you can argue that in hegemony you could research anything, whereas here we have a tech tree, but even in Hegemony, there was a virtual tech tree.


As I said.. you get a 0-20 day head start in a field that you want, and if you want to specialize (as you are proposing) you will never lose that advantage unless you are a bad player. Even apart from this, you get 2 techs unique to your own civ. Isn't this enough?


There are already 10~ civilizations. There's bound to be at least two which are similar, but it's still your own playstyle which will determine how your civ works.



'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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No, Dungeon, that was just an example. There would be basic tech that everyone had. And then there would be specialized branches like advanced agriculture, upgraded walls and towers, etc. that would add more flavor to the game and make the civs more unique.


Look closely. "Tower specialization."

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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I think trade should be another concept in this game. Here is my proposal:

First off, some new technologies would need to be added. First tech could be basic trading, which takes 2 points to complete, and the effect is that you can trade with one other town in a 10x10 square radius on the map, and this would yeild 2.5% bonus income for the city that is trading. You must be trading with another city to get this bonus. If the city you are trading with dones not have the trading tech, then they do not get a bonus.


Following basic trading could be a few more levels, which allow more cities to trade, a larger radius, an increase in profits, and let you have more trading. As an example, after basic trading, there could be "better trading" (can't think of name). This would allow two of your cities to trade, increase the radius to 15x15, increase the base bonus to 3.0%, and allow for two trade routs per city. There would be several more techs after this increasing the bonuses.


An offshoot of "better training" would be a "trade caravans" tech. This would add trade caravans, which increase the trading distance to 30x30, but also has a penalty on the base trading profit. If a caravan finds another city in the 30x30 area that is willing to be an outpost, the caravan range then increases 10x10 only from the distance of that city. So the base range still stays at 30x30, but the range is extended from the outpost city. If you find another city within the 10x10 radius from the first stop, you can extend your caravan even further.


As an example (for trade caravans), lets say that the Han want to trade with Egypt. They use a caravan, which increases the range to 30x30, but they still cant reach Egypt! :( However, they notice that there is a Mongolian town within that radius, and they both agree that the Han can use the Mongolian town as an outpost. Now, the trade caravan's range is extended to the 10x10 squares by Mongolia, which then allows the Han to reach the Egyptian Nomads :D !! They can then trade with the Egyptians, but...if they get approval from the Pharaoh, they can use their city for another caravan stop! Once again, the range is extended to 10x10 squares, and then they can reach Rome, and if they get the privilege to stop there also, they get another 10x10, so they can reach Phoenicia :-o . However, the rulers of the cities may not be happy when they see the bill for how much money was spent on the caravan's stay. In order to make things a bit more challenging, the caravans charge an upkeep fee for each city they stop at. This fee is a yearly charge, and the cost of their upkeep is the number of stops times 100. So for our example, Mongolia would have to pay 100g for the stay, Egypt 200g, and etc. The destination city has to pay no upkeep fee. Note that the fee is charged to the owner of the city, so there needs to be negotiation and compromise in order for a long caravan to work. So why caravans? This will be explained.


So why use caravans, you ask? Well the answer to that questions is districts. Several trade districts will be outlined on the world map (i.e central desert, island chains, north and south hemisphere, etc.) and depending on your location, trading with towns in these different districts adds a % bonus on top of the basic trading bonus for the city. If you manage to get a trade caravan from the Han to Aresia, there will be a large percent bonus for the trade. Please note that a trade caravan takes a trade route for a city, so at "better trading" you could have 2 trade caravans and no regular trade routes, or have a mix, or no caravans at all. And THAT is my proposal for trade :thumbup:

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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Really good idea Paul, I actually especially like the idea of giving the map sub sections. I think that it should take a while to research trading when it's going to give huge payoffs, but yeah, it's a great concept.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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