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Giving f2pers grunt work ?


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But the link between generally poor low level resource gatherers in f2p and rich generally high level skillers needs to be restored, there are a host of resources for the members game that are in generally short supply because p2pers would rather be doing more lucrative activities (I'm looking at you GWD) than tedious 'resource processing' type activities because rightly or wrongly they feel there time is 'on the clock' and they could be doing other things to derive as much value from their subscription.

These 'junk work' activities include ;

Tanning Hides,

Cutting planks,

Mining pure Ess,

Making bronze arrows,

Making iron arrows.



Could there/should there be a mechanism that allows free players to do some of these things?

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Tanning Hides,

Cutting planks,

Mining pure Ess,




Are all areas already heavily dominated by bots, making them f2p would increase this problem exponentially.


F2P accounts are seen as much more disposable and thus more botable.


Prices would probably crash, making them useless to F2P legit players anyway.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Meh, I don't really think F2P needs grunt work.


However, if there was a way for more iron ores and uncuts (seeing that they have very low supply right now)...


Concentrated iron ftw? ;)




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Pure essence was added to stop F2P botters. Of course this backfired, but I don't see Jagex backing down on that.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Indeed, mods stated F2P shouldn't become slaves of P2P. If you want to know why? Well.. let's just say a useless item like the royal crown, seemingly useless.. In P2P it would cost.. I think perhaps 200k after a month. In F2P, this will go for millions I reckon. We get the exclusivity of obtaining certain items. For this reason, prices are high! Construction would become cheap if F2P was able to plank. Magic logs cheap if you got that..


Anything that F2P gets, becomes cheap. Essence is a perfect example. If you received easier ways to get high ores.. heck even that would be pressured. F2P are just to many! Currently a proper earning in F2P is... what? 100k / hour? Perhaps 200k per hour tops? (Reckoning your skilling, not merchanting with 100 million). For P2P this starts at 200k? Going up to 300-500k while skilling!! Not even talking monsterhunting.


Give a P2P ability to F2P and see the price drop. Seeing most P2P activities are currently worth a lot more then F2P activities, lots of F2P'ers will turn to this new ability. (not even considering the fact everyone is going to go to this update).


Just wait for the new skill ;) You will get lots and lots of things to do then I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope that with the new F2P boss thing, one of the rewards is trimmed armour. Or some other way to implement F2P being able to get the god-trimmed armour and other trimmed armour themselves.


In a way I fully support giving F2P grunt work, but for purely selfish reasons: it would make things easier/cheaper for me as a member. But if nothing else, that would be an incredibly bad PR move on Jagex's part. (Although iron/bronze arrows isn't a bad idea, seeing as f2p themselves will use it. But that requires giving them fletching.....)

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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They already do lots of grunt work:

-Mining most ores

-Mining rune ess

-Obtaining/tanning cow hides

-Obtaining willow/yew logs

-Crafting iron/steel bars


....which happen to be some of the most boring/pointless tasks in the game, but tasks which F2P are quite happy to have as they provide a source of income to F2P worlds.

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security."

Support transparency... and by extension, freedom and democracy.

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They already do lots of grunt work:

-Mining most ores

-Mining rune ess

-Obtaining/tanning cow hides

-Obtaining willow/yew logs

-Crafting iron/steel bars


....which happen to be some of the most boring/pointless tasks in the game, but tasks which F2P are quite happy to have as they provide a source of income to F2P worlds.

...which F2P bots will also be quite happy to have as a source of income.

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They already do lots of grunt work:

-Mining most ores

-Mining rune ess

-Obtaining/tanning cow hides

-Obtaining willow/yew logs

-Crafting iron/steel bars


....which happen to be some of the most boring/pointless tasks in the game, but tasks which F2P are quite happy to have as they provide a source of income to F2P worlds.

...which F2P bots will also be quite happy to have as a source of income.


I had no idea bots felt pleasure

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They already do lots of grunt work:

-Mining most ores

-Mining rune ess

-Obtaining/tanning cow hides

-Obtaining willow/yew logs

-Crafting iron/steel bars


....which happen to be some of the most boring/pointless tasks in the game, but tasks which F2P are quite happy to have as they provide a source of income to F2P worlds.

...which F2P bots will also be quite happy to have as a source of income.


I had no idea bots felt pleasure








I'm sigging this.

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I don't like the idea of giving F2P grunt work, but that might be just my being in that group. But that aside, I think there'd be more problems than just bots, price crashes, etc if this went through.


While yes, giving such grunt tasks to us, would in fact make it easier on you, and most of the lower levels would flock to those skills, for a good profit; The older players on the other hand would probably be indignat at the very least. We (the older F2Pers)even if we haven't had first hand experience, would know, plain and simple, that these tasks are essentially what people give to servants slaves. -Please note that I am making NO IMPLICATION OF ANY SORT with this-. It's a fact. the pre-civil war slaves did, for the most part, the jobs that required no real mental power at all and that had no benefit at all to the person performing the task, Roman slavemasters, Assyrian slavemasters, its all the same.


-At the best case scenario, all the high level F2Pers will just be indifferent, ignoring, or maybe using the skills to their own advantage. If i could make steel arrows, then that's a lot easier than training low level monsters for them.

-Worst case scenario, they (myself included) complain to Jagex. Really, there's not a whole lot that we'd be able to do. Start a riot? :roll: like that would change anything, even if we could get the lower levels to rally behind us.


Just food for thought, though you couldn't hold a whip over them, it would, in the end, degenerate into the servant/master sort of distinction, In my opinion the best compromise would be to give F2P some of the lower levels of what are currently members skills, but enough that we could actually gain something from them, like being able to mine and use pure ess, or allowing us to fletch and use yew bows/rune arrows. That type of thing.


Sorry if this just devolved into a basic rant over 'F2P n33dz mor st00fz pl0x' :P I started with a good idea in mind, but I'm tired, so...


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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I'm not against the idea, though I'm not sure F2P would feel it worth their while. There are so many menial tasks out there that are time-intensive and earn no xp, and GP has become devalued enough now that the payout isn't enough to overcome the negatives. Some of your suggestions would lead to more questions. Is F2P forced to buy dhides off of us, or should Green Dragons be opened up to F2P? Should Fletching extend to F2P so they can make those arrows?


I don't like the idea of giving F2P grunt work, but that might be just my being in that group. But that aside, I think there'd be more problems than just bots, price crashes, etc if this went through.


While yes, giving such grunt tasks to us, would in fact make it easier on you, and most of the lower levels would flock to those skills, for a good profit; The older players on the other hand would probably be indignat at the very least. We (the older F2Pers)even if we haven't had first hand experience, would know, plain and simple, that these tasks are essentially what people give to servants slaves. -Please note that I am making NO IMPLICATION OF ANY SORT with this-. It's a fact. the pre-civil war slaves did, for the most part, the jobs that required no real mental power at all and that had no benefit at all to the person performing the task, Roman slavemasters, Assyrian slavemasters, its all the same.


-At the best case scenario, all the high level F2Pers will just be indifferent, ignoring, or maybe using the skills to their own advantage. If i could make steel arrows, then that's a lot easier than training low level monsters for them.

-Worst case scenario, they (myself included) complain to Jagex. Really, there's not a whole lot that we'd be able to do. Start a riot? :roll: like that would change anything, even if we could get the lower levels to rally behind us.


Just food for thought, though you couldn't hold a whip over them, it would, in the end, degenerate into the servant/master sort of distinction, In my opinion the best compromise would be to give F2P some of the lower levels of what are currently members skills, but enough that we could actually gain something from them, like being able to mine and use pure ess, or allowing us to fletch and use yew bows/rune arrows. That type of thing.


Sorry if this just devolved into a basic rant over 'F2P n33dz mor st00fz pl0x' :P I started with a good idea in mind, but I'm tired, so...


Well, one of the differences is that they generally didn't pay their slaves, and the work they did wasn't an option. This is more of a discussion of making these tasks available. It would be up to F2P to decide if they feel it's worth their time. I agree that there wouldn't be much incentive to do more rubbish tasks that pay as little as any rubbish tasks already available. I certainly understand the desire to see an in-game benefit with a little more substance.

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Well, one of the differences is that they generally didn't pay their slaves, and the work they did wasn't an option. This is more of a discussion of making these tasks available. It would be up to F2P to decide if they feel it's worth their time. I agree that there wouldn't be much incentive to do more rubbish tasks that pay as little as any rubbish tasks already available. I certainly understand the desire to see an in-game benefit with a little more substance.


I'd like to see something similar to this idea, more ways to make money in F2P. The worst thing that could happen would be people bot these to get money, but botting has always been a problem, that was never exclusive to F2P (green dragon botters, anyone?)


The neutral thing to happen would be that F2Pers just ignore these new ways to make money, which would mean a little effort from Jagex wasted.


The best thing that could happen is that F2Pers actually utilize these methods to make money.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Well, one of the differences is that they generally didn't pay their slaves, and the work they did wasn't an option. This is more of a discussion of making these tasks available. It would be up to F2P to decide if they feel it's worth their time. I agree that there wouldn't be much incentive to do more rubbish tasks that pay as little as any rubbish tasks already available. I certainly understand the desire to see an in-game benefit with a little more substance.


I'd like to see something similar to this idea, more ways to make money in F2P. The worst thing that could happen would be people bot these to get money, but botting has always been a problem, that was never exclusive to F2P (green dragon botters, anyone?)


The neutral thing to happen would be that F2Pers just ignore these new ways to make money, which would mean a little effort from Jagex wasted.


The best thing that could happen is that F2Pers actually utilize these methods to make money.


Or improved ways of training (i.e. easier or quicker xp gained). Money is nice, but it doesn't have to be the only incentive.

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Why not combine the two? By far the easiest thing would be to give something that provides better exp than the Giant Spiders in the SoS and that has worthwhile drops.


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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  • 3 weeks later...


These 'junk work' activities include ;

Tanning Hides,

Cutting planks,

Mining pure Ess,

Making bronze arrows,

Making iron arrows.



Could there/should there be a mechanism that allows free players to do some of these things?


I like the idea that they can be able to do these activities for the sake of money only. its a strange idea but it sounds like this mechanism could work, sadly i dont see this happening in the near future :D





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At first it sounds like a good idea but it would ruin the market for all of those things. The botting would come back. And you would have all the members quiting for "giving f2pers too much".


If you click on them they hatch or grow up faster and look awesomer!!!

87.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot. If you're one of the 42% of statistics that doesn't, copy and paste this into your sig. In addition, 126.324% of the previous statement does not make sense.

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At first it sounds like a good idea but it would ruin the market for all of those things. The botting would come back. And you would have all the members quiting for "giving f2pers too much".

No one actually quits over something like this. All the people you hear saying such things are just a bunch of angry teens shouting an empty bluff.

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