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Exercitum Defeats Downfall


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Exercitum vs Downfall


Exercitum Memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rsexer


Downfall Memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=downfall





Sunday 7th March 2010

Mass at 6.30 pm gmt

Start at 7.00 pm gmt


- clanwars Turrets 1houre run in

- ALL STYLES ALOUD (melee+binds+range+blasts)

- no curses

- no weakens

- 4 man sniper cap

- no corrupt items

- highest pull attacks

- rsc post aloud



First of all I was expecting us to be badly outnumbered as I've seen downfall pull 35+ easily. So at the time of starting I was suprised to see that we had outpulled them. Anyway we had a great pull on our part, and the fight started out with us having 29 starting and downfall 28 members.





The fight:


This was the first time in months we did an all styles fight and we havent had a fight in turrets in ages, so it was pretty new for all of us and we had to get used to it. Because of this we started out slowly performing less good than usual. Nevertheless we managed to keep up with downfall and keep the kills even. Eventhough we outnumbered them (by 1 person) at the start, as the fight continued downfall had more and more people getting online and i think i saw them peak at 36 people in game while we peaked at 30 people in game. Despite downfall having the number advantage we kept the kills really close.


The last 10 minutes we were determined to win it and had a lot of ko's with a couple of df members tanking it.

The ending was really close, one of our closest fights for sure so props for that.




Thanks for the fight Downfall, was a lot of fun. Goodjob to all exercitum members for being there, was a great turnout!


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Exercitum Full Member Requirements - 108+ F2P Combat

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Grats Exer looked close

Team Flip Flops Retired - New Destiny Officer


Ex - Member of The Titans


Ex - FA Manager of Tempted Killers

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wow..i'm actually surprised downfall kept up with you.


Then I heard jeff lead and that was probably why.



Jeff only lead in the beginning for like 2 piles because they piled me first and i was only leader on at that time.


OT:It was a clean war i just didn't appreciate all the mass sniping from you guys hopefully it won't be like that next time. We lacked in binds which is what hurt us a lot throughout the fight and i really wish we could've won but we just have to practice more with all styles.

Gf Exer, maybe a rm soon would be nice.

358s5k1.gifProud Downfall Leader


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gratz exer... your levels were great. Gj guys @ peaking around 35ish i think... 70%ish ml on a sunday... pretty happy with that.




Be Part of the Downfall Today!:

Click For Downfall's Site!


#Downfall on swift irc


>>110+ Clan (108+ for Fa) - 85+ Def. - 70+ Mage - 15+ Rune sets - TS3<<

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Thx for fight Exer, sadly I had to work today as well and couldn't make it. So that's 2 leaders who weren't there at the start, hopefully we can rm soon, grats :thumbsup:



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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wow..i'm actually surprised downfall kept up with you.


Then I heard jeff lead and that was probably why.



Jeff only lead in the beginning for like 2 piles because they piled me first and i was only leader on at that time.


OT:It was a clean war i just didn't appreciate all the mass sniping from you guys hopefully it won't be like that next time. We lacked in binds which is what hurt us a lot throughout the fight and i really wish we could've won but we just have to practice more with all styles.

Gf Exer, maybe a rm soon would be nice.

Yes i wanted to lead but i was dissapointingly blasting and being mass sniped and the first 2 piles were k0's expected when im leading tbh. Gf exer was sad when we lost after i left. Every time i got piled i either caught us back or tanked a lead like in the beginning when it was 3-4 i tanked 8-4 and they got off me didnt bring a ring since I lost it in pvp and I am a lazy person. Looking forward to rematch ~

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Grats Exer!


I missed it.. something came up last minute so couldn't go.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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