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National Man Day


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I like how people think I'm complaining about the holiday, when in reality I'm making a critique about the idea of it, why it's there in the first place, and its ideas about what is and is not manly. For example, why isn't "Spend extra time with your family" on the list? Is being a good father not manly enough for you? Of course not, it's not associated with manliness because of how patriarchy dominates our society. THAT is what I am criticizing.


The holiday isn't the problem, it's its manifestation in the first place. Your lack of understanding of this nuance explains the problem in itself.

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I like how people think I'm complaining about the holiday, when in reality I'm making a critique about the idea of it, why it's there in the first place, and its ideas about what is and is not manly. For example, why isn't "Spend extra time with your family" on the list? Is being a good father not manly enough for you?


The holiday isn't the problem, it's its manifestation in the first place. Your lack of understanding of this nuance explains the problem in itself.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot I was supposed to enjoy it when you have to find some negative in a thread that's meant to be a joke.


I'm not an idiot - of course the idea of a lumberjack cigar smoking axe wielding beer drinking woman beating man is ridiculous and outdated. It doesn't mean you can't take one day to make fun of that.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It sprouted for a reason though.

For lulz? This is the internet, reason doesn't apply here. Unfortunately neither does logic. <_<

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It sprouted for a reason though.

For lulz? This is the internet, reason doesn't apply here. Unfortunately neither does logic. <_<

I can tell. :wink:


Its a harmless joke, get over it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I like how people think I'm complaining about the holiday, when in reality I'm making a critique about the idea of it, why it's there in the first place, and its ideas about what is and is not manly. For example, why isn't "Spend extra time with your family" on the list? Is being a good father not manly enough for you? Of course not, it's not associated with manliness because of how patriarchy dominates our society. THAT is what I am criticizing.


The holiday isn't the problem, it's its manifestation in the first place. Your lack of understanding of this nuance explains the problem in itself.


Exactly what I meant.

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Manly I would define as things typically done by men, such as hunting, chopping wood, clubbing baby seals, drinking excessively. Thats why spend some extra time with your family isn't on the list. And all this "Oh patriarchal society." is making me sick. Women have the same rights as men, arguably more as they have to be given jobs to meet standards set by the government. And before you bring up the pay gap, there are more female millionaires than male millionaires, so that just an excuse. It's not our fault you were born with a vagina so stop ripping on us about it.


And before you even get near the thought of saying I'm just some backwoods redneck who thinks all women are my pets, i grew up/live in a house where I was/am the only guy, so that [cabbage] won't fly.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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I think some people should lighten up a bit.


As for me, i'll be heading to the pub at night after work and will have a few pints while watching the world cup. Hell, it's not quite wrestling bears but they're pretty much non-existant over here anyway.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

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I think you complainers also forget that chivalry is very manly. Or maybe you remember, and that's an issue. I don't know.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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In the spirit of lulz, let us dissect your argument for the lulz:


Just more evidence of the gross dominance of what is "manly" in our patriarchal society.

Extremely ambiguous claim. You are either trying to say that the stereotype for males is undergoing a "gross dominance" of the majority involved in popularizing stereotypes, i.e. males that do not fit the stereotype feel alienated. Or you are trying to say that what is manly in our "patriarchal" society has the position of gross dominance.

Either way, you seem to be taking some cooped up, and emotional, disdain for society as a whole and funneling it into an entirely unbased and relatively (relative to +50 years ago, and many countries where men actually do get preferential treatment and are expected to behave certain ways i.e. Mexico, the middle east, etc) inappropriate direction.



What does it mean, exactly, to do manly things or be "manly"?

This can be solved by using a handy-dandy dictionary. Attempting to question the accepted definition of a very common word, or even equate it to another common word like "chauvinistic" isn't going to do much for your argument.


These aren't "manly" activities, they're just part of our sexist culture to drive home the point that man = macho masculinity.

Manliness is defined by the society and context in which it is being used. If, in Canada, people see the Facebook page and define manliness as ice-fishing and eating spicy foods, let it be so.



I like how people think I'm complaining about the holiday, when in reality I'm making a critique about the idea of it, why it's there in the first place, and its ideas about what is and is not manly. For example, why isn't "Spend extra time with your family" on the list? Is being a good father not manly enough for you? Of course not, it's not associated with manliness because of how patriarchy dominates our society. THAT is what I am criticizing.

Are you too dense to see that the creator of the group may not have an identical, but equally valid, perception of manliness?

And what is it that you are arguing? I don't even think you know. You seem to be in limbo between attacking the way our society perceives manliness different than you, and how society lets patriarchy rule.

I really hope you live somewhere like Saudi Arabia, because in that case you would have a shred of credibility in saying that society is controlled by men. But if you do not, it would be obvious you're willfully ignorant of the political and sociological systems that even feminists now-a-days approve of.


The holiday isn't the problem, it's its manifestation in the first place. Your lack of understanding of this nuance explains the problem in itself.

We can only aspire to understand the complex nuances of your unraveled intellect that briefly graced this otherwise pedantic thread, Sir!


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Lol, is L0rd trying to say that sexism is over in the Western sphere of the world (US, Europe, etc)? That's all I really got from his post: sexism outside of the Middle East is dead in the water and women are equal. Oh, and that things that are manly depends on the culture (even though the creator defined "manly" things to do on the site), which as Snickers documents, is a crock of [cabbage]:




Homophobia aside, do you think this commercial is sexist?



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No fun allowed guys, everything is too racist, sexist, ageist, stereotypical and demeaning to a culture.


It's a joke. Would you complain that "Talk like a pirate day" demeans pirates?


That's like asking if a "Dress like a unicron" day was demeaning to unicorns.

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LOL I already planned a party at my house, epic win. Of course to celebrate the day before 9 pm I'm just going to put my GI Joe costume on and smoke a fat cuban sigar whilst watching the world cup. Have fun fellas!

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Man day huh? Better strip down to boxers and roam the city.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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did anyone celebrate this day?? I drunk beer a whole day :thumbsup: . What you do at man's day

I chopped wood while my girl made me a sandwich.

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I don't have Facebook so i cant read what it says.

I think these "special" days are silly. Everything needs to be celebrated it seems. Just like our national holiday became a public holiday in 2005, but it's just crap since it's just some multi-culture mumbo-jumbo event. If anything, have a national/world day for all those that have been lost in war all over the world since the dawn of time.

Altho i gather this is more a sort of joke.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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I'm not an idiot - of course the idea of a lumberjack cigar smoking axe wielding beer drinking woman beating man is ridiculous and outdated. It doesn't mean you can't take one day to make fun of that.

Making fun of this is how I wish I spent the day. For some reason I find ridiculous manliness to be the funniest thing ever. Instead I looked at the Courage the Cowardly dog page on Tv Tropes.

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I went fishing and climbed a sheer dirt cliff. And then went back down. Got all dirty. Grrrr. Manly.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I'm not an idiot - of course the idea of a lumberjack cigar smoking axe wielding beer drinking woman beating man is ridiculous and outdated. It doesn't mean you can't take one day to make fun of that.

Making fun of this is how I wish I spent the day. For some reason I find ridiculous manliness to be the funniest thing ever. Instead I looked at the Courage the Cowardly dog page on Tv Tropes.

My girlfriend and my brother's girlfriend came over for dinner since it was my sisters birthday, and my brothers girlfriend kept hitting him. I told him he had to take it without complaining since it was man day :P

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Lol, that is the only funny cat I've seen on the internet in all of my years.


That's like asking if a "Dress like a unicron" day was demeaning to unicorns.


But pirates do exist.


I don't see why you guys are getting offended by it. I mean, I think it's stupid just like every other [insert random word] day, but where are you pulling this hostility from? Should Fathers Day be offensive to mothers?

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