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Runescape Pro vs Old timer


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A large majority of the players I was friends with pre-update madness are still around. It's also worth noting that clan chats have helped in a large way to make Runescape more social in one aspect, but that could be the very reason you see a lot of players enjoying the game with their public chat off. Personally, my public chat is almost always on hide. The people I speak with in the clan chat I use are the people that I enjoy talking to, and my friend list has been quite crowded for some years now, so it's difficult to add anyone I meet while playing. I simply tell them that I'll be in the clan chat whenever I'm online, and they can talk to me there. Also, having public chat on hide allows you to see what those random people following you, and on your screen are saying, without your chat log being overwhelmed.


Personally, I don't see the problem with finding great people to talk to throughout Runescape. Sure, there are some real [developmentally delayed]s out there, but world hopping, or using your ignore list are simple solutions for those folk.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Back then, I had many friends, but now... almost whole list is red...


Everyone is gone...

So lonely... So ronery...




So true.. :(


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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Friends are obsolete. Sure, I get the occasional "Hi." when I log in, but mainly, I'm greeted by the clan chat I use. Clan Chats made making 'friends' simpler. I do miss free trade; only because I gave my friends gifts a lot. As for the GE: it was a good thing overall. Sure, I get nostalgic about the 'old' Runescape, but it's all the same to me. I still log in with the same username and password, and play the game just as I used to. Nothing has really changed in my eyes.

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Depends how you play. I have 2-3 friends I talk to regularly, that's about it. I haven't felt a "community" since RSC.


I'm assuming that you're pretty close to those friends, right? That's how I was at least. I had 2-3 friends, and I was pretty close with them even though we'd never met.

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Those people were passionate

Those ppl were kids in their early teens...


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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When I started playing again a year ago like the OP - my entire list, literally my entire list was red. Nobody was online when I first logged in. The only way I've been able to get people on it through item related discussion in the RSOF. This restricted market and the way it works one thing I a few share an interest so there's something - but outside of that, almost absolutely nothing.

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I played since Cabbage Patch PKing days. It's very noticable how the game has changed these days especially the community. Most of the time I play with chat off or just ignore people who talk cos most of the time i find its people asking for your stats when if they really wanted to know, go check hiscores, most of the time its to ridicule anyway. Everytime I'm seen with a Sara Sword I get people with 99 str asking me my str level, and then saying 'lol'. Happened so many damn times already, very prevalent amongst str pures who are like 100 combat with 99 str.(I'm 127 combat with 95 str, I don't train str anymore)


Most of my friends back then were mostly Scapeboarders anyway, and I never did like how the TIF community went after the major change. Too big of a forum to maintain the old way of the community. Most of my friends' list these days are red, and the only person I still ever talk to is a real life friend who got me back into the game. I used to have another guy, who was from Scapeboard(No surprise) but I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks.


Game's basically a grindfest nowadays, with everyone either going for 99 or bust.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Most of my friends quit when Jagex decided to get rid of wildy PK'ing and replaced it with BH (as most of the people on my list were PK'ers first and skillers second). Honestly, 90%+ of people on my friends list don't play anymore. I really should just delete most of those names, but I don't just in case they ever log back one. As it is, there's only two people I knew from Classic who still play, one of which I don't talk atm as we're kind of on bad terms <_<

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You guys and gals sounds like old women going on with "it was so much better in them olden days" :)


I my self have played since summer of 2001, and I have adapted to every change runescape has gone through. Acctually, I don't think I complaint once about anything - just adapted to the changes and gone on with my runescapian life.


I don't belive in the longing of and the reminising of old days - I belive in living in the here and now. Allthough, I give you that, I do think the community as a whole, was much better in them "olden days" :P


PS @ xpandax; You are not the only adult playing this game, you are young enough to be my son/daughter :)


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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  • 3 months later...

What I don't accept is people in the 13-17 age group calling me old because I happen to be in my mid 20s. Being in your 20s is barely considered old. I am a good 10 years older than a lot of people who play this game, and I can definitely see the changes in interest. Personally, I find myself still stuck in the '90s and hearing the days of Nirvana, De La Soul and when it was cool to idolize MTV and Sonic the Hedgehog.


Many people who play this game happen to be in high school. Since that was quite some time ago for me, what interests them doesn't apply to my age group. And vice-versa.


I too, have been rather annoyed with how Clan Chats have vastly changed the attitudes of many players. That coupled with the Grand Exchange, Skill Capes and the strive for 'efficiency' is the reason why you don't hear many people talk in public. Clan Chats are a lot like a chat room, you discuss your feelings for the day and move on. There is this void that I really can't explain and neither can many others.


If there is one thing I don't like in this game right now it's the attitudes of today's players. I've argued a lot about Climbing Boots, Bonus Weekend, and the Dungeoneering. But I know that I'll get over them because you're going to get those eventually in MMORPGS. The way you're treated, and making friends plays a huge role whether or not you want to set goals for yourself in a game or just quit and do something else. I am hanging more with the latter.

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I play with public chat on, and private chat off... weird eh?


Mainly because people ask me to add them, and I just can't say "no" outright, so I add them then "never log in".


I should clean my friends list, although theres only 50 people on it :razz:


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I know how many of you feel. I may have played since May 07, but at least I had a glimpse of pre-GE days. To me, thinking of playing an old RS is like thinking of playing 'A bug's life' game. The nostalgia I have...


Edit: There were more online friends in my list before, too.

La Vallett1


A.k.a. "Nostalgic Vallett"


What's been said must be done.

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So, looking at Runescape, it is easy to see that the community once was awesome. Now came along the GE and trade limits and now everyone is too hell bent on productivity and instant gratification. The once amazing community is now filled with people who are just very cold to each other and are only worried about their own business.




Kind of like exactly what happened with the development of the capitalist consumer society here in America (which is spreading to other parts of the world). Runescape is such a clear example of what happens to a society when you take away most of the social interactions and replace them with interactions with a faceless conglomerate (in this case, the GE). Really interesting to think about, actually.


I also think that "old school" RS was focused on blaming the players for when bad things happened in the game. Now, when people explot bugs, we blame Jagex, instead of the scumbag exploiters. Just like everyone in the US blames the government for all of the problems, instead of the mass of people who are doing nothing to fix it.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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