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Yup, I haven't had a match with Kassadin where I haven't maxed out my Mejai stacks. How do you level your skills? I take 1 in Q for last hitting, then max out the cone spell and ult.


I was doing R>Q>E>W.


Also what do you do for item build on him? I want to fit in a soulstealer earlier but not sure when. Right now I do:


tear of goddess > basic boots > catalyst > rod of ages > full boots > archangels as a core. I was thinking of getting a soulstealer before catalyst but idk if I want to delay my rod that much or what.

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I would take mejas after tear of the goddess actually. Kassadin is so mobile which makes him extremely difficult to kill, once you burst somebody down and get those 2 stacks is very rare you will lose it. A kass with 20 stacks can pretty much 1v5 and still come out ahead.


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Yup, start out with Amp Tome, on first return get Basic Boots + Mejais. On next few returns just go straight for RoA then get second boots. Depends who you are playing against realy. Archangels isn't worth it on Kassadin, believe me, get things like Zhonya's, Void Staff, which increase your damage and damage only. You don't need mana regen.


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Ill try that ca2.


Loosh, its a casual friendly dota style game. Think of it as an rts where you focus on one 'hero unit' on a team of 5. Throw in a bit of tower defense and rpg mechanics and you got it.

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It has never failed for me, just play super defensive in lane, like, you need to be babysat by an uber ranged harass carry. Ashe is perfect, but you need to last hit aggressively, like, even with spells. Use mana for last hitting not to harass, that's your partners job who will also be able to last hit. When you get mejai's, still play defensively but be prepared to feel the suicide, Q to silence -> R -> Spam everything -> Q -> R escape. Silencing before you go in and before you leave prevents snares, silences on you and stuff.


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It has never failed for me, just play super defensive in lane, like, you need to be babysat by an uber ranged harass carry. Ashe is perfect, but you need to last hit aggressively, like, even with spells. Use mana for last hitting not to harass, that's your partners job who will also be able to last hit. When you get mejai's, still play defensively but be prepared to feel the suicide, Q to silence -> R -> Spam everything -> Q -> R escape. Silencing before you go in and before you leave prevents snares, silences on you and stuff.


I play him mid.

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Heh alright yeah, I'm just going to stick with HoN. Every time I give LoL another go I get annoyed with how slow and boring it is. People don't seem to really die often and later on its sort of dumb because you can't tp to towers without a summoner skill. I feel like it just gives into a much slower paced game overall.


Here's some of my thoughts in depth:


Leveling System:


I'm not totally opposed to this. I understand why they would have this in a casual friendly game like this. What frustrates me is that:


A. I can't participate in ranked play at all.

B. it takes forever to level up.


Like I know I could compete on a decent level even without full masteries or runes. However the game forces me to go through this grind. While this might be fine for new players, and I"m sure that is LoL's target player base, for people who migrate from other games it is just a pain in the ass and an unnecessary block.


Masteries System:


This is alright. Like I said I actually think it adds a little bit interesting to the game with what they are going for and adds a bit of uniqueness between even the same heroes. I don't really have any complaints about it per-say.


Rune System


God this is the one thing that really pisses me off about this game. The problem is that you need to sacrifice ip to get runes which could be used to get new characters. As a player I will very rarely play the game hero more than once. It's boring. In LoL I don't have a whole hell of a lot of options for that and I pretty much have to spend ip on characters to get anything interesting. The problem is that I gimp myself on these runes. They aren't enough of a difference for me to really make a huge noticeable difference but they are a big enough of a difference for there to be one. I pretty much just have not got runes (Even at 20+) because its such a stupid system.


I mean, it would be so much better if you could just buy a rune and have it forever to use as many times as you want. Instead you have to buy one for every...damn...slot and then if you want to play a character who needs different runes? Have fun!


Game Pace:


The game is very noticeably slower paced than HoN. I was alright with this at first, I mean, it felt like a chiller HoN. While it was a good break I feel like as I advanced in levels and people got a little smarter at avoiding ganks that it just... didn't really happen. The pace of the game is just so sluggish to me. Because you only can tp to other structures with a summoner skill (that not many people take) it means that there is no such thing as a tp gank or going to another lane, ganking and tp'ing back to yours. Things such as team fights and pushes seem much more deliberate and calculated than in HoN where they can happen in the flash of an eye. In top level HoN play, for example, a simple 2 man gank in a lane can sometimes turn into a full blown team fight due to people tping to the towers to support their teammates. In LoL this just doesn't happen. (This is my experience and also watching high level play on Milkfat's stream). Fights in LoL might happen around the dragon or something but you just don't get big team fights until mid game when people start grouping up constantly.



Really just the fact that tp's are so slow and only go to base kill the pacing in my opinion. The game its self too is just slower. The movements, animations, reaction time of units and projectile speeds are all slower than HoN and that leads to a kind of boring experience I think.


No Denies:


I'm still not ok with this. Whoever thought that this was unnecessary or "improved" the game is an idiot. As a mid player in HoN I am very used to the CS (creep score) war. Pretty much mid lane in HoN is so much more intense than in LoL. In LoL mid lane, for the most part, is 2 dudes sitting there farming easy last hits and harassing each other. (depending on the mid matchup). In HoN even killing creeps is an out right war and test of skill. You HAVE to be able to out creep your opponent or you will get nothing. In LoL the only way to stop your opponent from really creeping is to harass them out of the lane (which just doesn't happen on most mid characters). In HoN you have plenty of ways to gain an advantage over your opponent.


I'm sure the reason there are no denies are, again, it's more casual friendly. It means even a scrub can do decent and hold their own in mid where as in HoN you NEED to have a great understanding of game mechanics to survive it. Again this is from my own play and then also observations of high level mid play. (watching Atlanta and Milkfat play, Atlanta being one of the best US players IIRC).




Some of these guys have some cool concepts, I will give them that. Mordekaiser is a pretty neat concept, for example. Most of them though I just found sort of boring. I enjoyed playing Kass. I enjoyed playing Pantheon and corki a bit. But most of the characters I just found bland to play despite them all pretty much having 4 active abilities.


Obviously I can't go in depth about balance (and I won't I have no concept of it for this game) but as far as playing them... yawn.


Ability Power and stats:


This one I'm torn on. I actually did like the concept of ability power in a way. For a pub focused game I found it fun to know that even if I'm playing a nuker I'll be able to make myself significantly stronger though AP. I do think it sort of devalues the concept of a "support" player a bit (save for a couple of heroes) but it's a good idea for a game who is radically different from dota anyways.


I also will say that taking away some of the complexities of stats is a good idea for a casual friendly game like this. In HoN you need to worry about what your heroes stat type is (Str/Int/Agi) for what items will do for you. Having items just give a flat out +hp +AD +AP +mana +AS ect. is nice from a casual point of view. It does make certain items more widely available to characters as well which is a decent thing.





Overall I just... found a lot about LoL off putting. And yes, I know I have not played it at high tier ELO blahblahblah but the game is just too boring to get that far. Once I got over the "ooh new heroes and game mechanics" thing I found the game just did not have the substance to keep me. It was a good break from HoN, and a very well needed one at that, but I'm done with it. Even though the HoN community is certainly something ...special I would rather put up with a good game and vocal community rather than a boring one and quiet community.

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To be fair to you, I got to level 16, stopped, got to 25, stopped, then finally got to 30 where I stopped again. And now I don't really play anymore if I'm honest. The only thing that kept me going back was my 8 or so friends who I played with for a laugh, it was always funny even if we lost because all we did was troll half the time.


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I've been playing this for the past two or three months now, and I'm loving it. There's about 10 of us in total who play and we make a pretty decent team with the champs we chose. We usually play 3v3 with a Jax, Shaco and Poppy/Garen and we rarely lose. Jax - OP, Garen - OP, Shaco - Annoying and amazing for back dooring because of his fantastic escaping capabilities. And with 40% extra crit damage at about level 27/28 from the runes, end game crits are nearing 1000 with an AD build.


Anyone who wants to play, add me: DarkwebzMitch - Not a big fan of 5v5 unless there's a full 5 premade though. Idiots who I can't communicate with are useless. -.-

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing Ashe a ton and using this item sequence:

Maki Pendant (7mana/sec)

Trinity Force (That really hard to make item)

Phantom Dancer

The Black Axe

Yomki's Ghostsword



Is this a good strategy, I have never gone less than 12/5/2 with it?


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I'm a game away from level 14 and I can't stand not being able to start on rune builds till 20 and having the funds to complete it till 30.


45 hours in and I still need another 90 more to start and 405 more till the end.





I've mainly been playing:

Veigar and Kayle the first 15 hours

Zilean the 15-40 hours

Sona the 40+ and up hours


Still have another 10-20 random champions played.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been playing Master Yi mid (im in the legion of "NO ASHE GOING MID") and working reeally well. People are so scared of alpha strike its not even funny.


I also play a pretty mean Lux.


Master Yi = DPS Alpha Strike gets him in range where he can hit like a train with "criticals"



Final Funkeln is so satisfying it makes me want to play her more.




Anyhow I've been working on Tier 3 Runes and the leveling process.

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Been playing Master Yi mid (im in the legion of "NO ASHE GOING MID") and working reeally well. People are so scared of alpha strike its not even funny.


I also play a pretty mean Lux.


Master Yi = DPS Alpha Strike gets him in range where he can hit like a train with "criticals"



Final Funkeln is so satisfying it makes me want to play her more.




Anyhow I've been working on Tier 3 Runes and the leveling process.

Yeah, get Phantom Dancer, Infinity Blade, Trinity Force, and some other Sword i forget which gives +50% attack speed and Yi + ultimate kills anyone



And Lux is just :)


I build her like an AP carry even though your not supposed to and I end up going like 15/5/10


Then again im only level 12

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Just played Lux since you wanted to make me play her, 24/1/7 at 25 minutes. Then played Kassadin in lane, 28/0/1 at 20 minutes. I just went around raping whilst rest pushed. I think my ELO decayed a lot since I haven't played much recently. Also played Ashe twice in ranked went 12/1/10 and 8/0/14 as carry in middle.


Working on a jungle rune page for Olaf at the moment and need a few more runes for Amumu jungle. Then I need to work on Soraka jungle (Oh yes sirs, it is possible).


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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing on and off lately. Recently got Malphite, Rammus and Amumu jungle properly working and also Malphite solo lane. I'm still stuck hovering around 1500 but that's because I've been trying new characters lately more than anything.


Also, since a bunch of friends are stuck with this too, I thought I'd post this here... Tips to get from 1200-1500+


AP carries are best, Kassadin, Malzahar, LeBlanc, Veigar perhaps. This means your can just take someone out 1v1 most of the time. Assume your team won't teamfight, and focus on pushing, but don't overextend and play safe, Flash/Ghost is a good combination, perhaps teleport if you feel it would work. However, keep an eye on your team and if they want to teamfight, then stick with them, wait for the tank to go in, if the enemy start attacking then go in. All too often I see a tank go in and then the carry straight in after, but the enemy are just actually sitting around the tank not doing anything, waiting for you.


If you can't play carries, or there is a competent carry on your team, play support. There's nothing like a good support character. Janna, Soraka, Zilean, Sona, Kayle, Nidalee. You can solo with Nidalee and you can jungle with Soraka and Kayle (But practice a lot, they are hard to jungle with). They aren't particularly fast, but they are extremely effective gankers, since Soraka means you can towerdive at level 3 and Kayle's damage is beyond ridiculous. You can properly babysit someone in lane, let them get most, if not all of the last hits, and you can sit there and heal, shield, etc. whilst they harass and get kills (Unless you are Zilean then do the harass yourself).


If you are stuck at 1200, or below, learn to play tanks. You can 1v5 a team as a tank, all you need is your team to follow you. Malphite, Shen, Amumu, Mordekaiser and Rammus especially. Rammus and Amumu are junglers, the other 3 are solo but if you have to you can jungle with them. You can jungle with Shen without any masteries or runes too it's just a little slower. If you can learn to pick those times when your team is in a good position, and you can initiate, do it. If you are one of those tanks who goes in, takes a bit of damage and runs, you are bad. You must learn that, even if you are on 4hp, taunting the enemy carry and killing him whilst you also die is better than not getting killed and not killing him. If you die, it doesn't matter. I've won games playing perfectly, going 0/6/11 because I sacrifice myself for 2, 3 or 4 kills which allowed us to win.


Ideally, you should be able to play every champion perfectly, but this is not always the case. I recommend you learn 2 of each role. So a couple of carries, maybe Kassadin and Malzahar, 2 tanks, doesn't really matter, 2 support characters and a couple of AD sidelane carries, Ashe and Miss Fortune are a good start. Build upon this and you shouldn't have too much trouble breaking the higher ELO.


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