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What would you do if RS was real?


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Make a living selling (snape) grass and (ranarr) weed.








Join a highly racist cult that has a 3 letter acronym and dresses in robes.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


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i would tele to all places i need to go to save time








Honestly, that's something i'd wish too. Some machine that can teleport us to anywhere, so we don't need the expensive cars/boats etc.


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kill druids for herb and become rich, and not go to school

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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i wil grab a whip and go whipping a hor and then drink beer get in a fight tele away and then thief gifts for my friends and thief a cake and eat it and i wil get borred and start doing castle wars because thats what i do when i am borred and kill the teacher LOL :roll: :roll: :roll: have a nice day on rs if you are rich feel free to donate me :P :P :P :P :P it is a :oops: same that most don't do that and dont get bothered by my ugly typping

true follower of zamorak

Jingle Bells, Guthix smells, Zammy all the way. Sara died, no one cried. Hip Hip Hip Hurray!


goals:60/70 def 84/90 combad

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isn't runescape just a little time machine to show modern ppl how it was in the past? 8)

true follower of zamorak

Jingle Bells, Guthix smells, Zammy all the way. Sara died, no one cried. Hip Hip Hip Hurray!


goals:60/70 def 84/90 combad

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Horaay! Around five people or more considered my post disturbing! =)








Time for some serious serial killing now... hey, it's in the name of science, right? Making new potions... it is neccessary to sacrifice the few for the benefit of the majority, isn't it?








*Signed ~Toxicologist~












I'll test those pots out irl if rs was real, well if i got paid anyway








i wonder if they are gonna taste like apricot...




















btw id freak out, theres gonna be a bland taste around the world if rs was real, no veal marsala!!!!!












otherwise id make bombs using my book of bangs and blow up things

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id go slapping everyone with my rubber chicken.








i would follow people for 5 hours straight saying: "Z0MG PHR33




ST00FS PLX!!!! ILL R3P0RT Y00 IF Y00 D0NT!!!! Z0MG I AM L33T!!!








i would go to a church and scream: Z0MG PRAYER N0000000000000BS!!!!!








this is clearly the best

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put a doller on the middle of the sidewalk, hide in a bush and telly-grab it when ever someone walking by trys to grab it!!!!








Mabye that might work in RSC, but if it were anything like RS2 they'd grab it before the 'animation' completed :wink:








Hmm... If RuneScape were real... well let's just say I'd lock my doors and windows to keep out the PKers.

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kk.. so.. i would be immortal in a fantasy world and live forever?




First i'd do something really "fun" but then i'd get bored and just wait till internet falls -.-

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I'd go around being the only lvl 91 who can't get into ledgends guild, nor start the quest :lol: then I'd head north to kill as many ppl as I could, then log off by pressing my belly button XD and go wait for "The World" to come out, I'd play the .Hack style games way more than RS, no offence, but TWINEBLADE ALL THE WAY!... or maybe a Wavemaster.... >.>

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I'd report every single one of you for;








Killing gentle and innocent monsters [ed. - inoccent - that black demon attacked first]








Illegal wood cutting








Selling illegal substances (aka herbs) - herbs aren;t illegal - u dont get arrested for selling mint...




Killing endangered species (dragons) - they just respawn anyway so the are not realy endangered




Manslaughter - unless u mean we kill each other accidentaly what u mean is murder




Illegal fishing (sharks) - it isnt illegal to fish sharks in certain places




Possession of dangerous/illegal arms with the intent of destruction/murder




Illegal trading




Illegal practicing of heathen religion - what are u? some racist?




Illegal practicing of magic. - only punishable if you are a fundamentalist christian...and then punishable by stoning








and do what exactly... we would be impossible to ban, as there would be no one outside of runescape, as it was "real", and would you realy like to try and imprison a lvl 126 with 99 mage?

yes i would




i would protection from mage right




then i would unplug their power cable or kick them in their sack or something

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Id erm.... learn how to do magic better... to erm kill kittens or something :? Id mostly spend my time looking for the logout button so i can join the final fantasy world :wink:
you sicken me!! kill








kittens. You know what???? :?: :?: :?: Ill kill you animal abuser. I pwn j0








homie XDD


RS name: Scoupe123

Combat: 124

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