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Denied by FEMA for "Insufficient Damage"


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Jefferson County resident Jonathan Stewart said he laughed in shock after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) claimed the house his family lost in the deadly April 27 twister was not unsafe to live in.


Displaced families in tornado-ravaged Alabama are outraged after being denied federal aide to rebuild their flattened homes due to insufficient damage.


The devastating reality is the house is now a concrete slab surrounded by rubble.


Mr Stewart told AL.com a FEMA inspector saw first-hand the Pleasant Grove residence he shared with his wife, Lisa, and their two children was ripped from the ground.

Three days after the visit, however, he received a letter reading: Based on your FEMA inspection, we have determined that the disaster has not caused your home to be unsafe to live in.


Although the disaster may have caused some minor damage it is reasonable to expect you or your landlord to make these repairs. At this time you are not eligible for FEMA housing assistance.


Mr Stewart told the website: Lisa and I looked at the letter and laughed.

While he has since found out his insurance coverage will replace his house, the family is not alone.


Lashunta Tabbs home 15 miles away in North Smithfield Manor was stripped of its siding, and more than half of her roof blew off with tornado-force winds.


She too, received a letter claiming there was insufficient damage the number one reason in Alabama the people are determined ineligible for FEMA grants, worth up to $30,200.


It is not yet known how many Alabama tornado victims received the letter.


FEMA deputy branch director for individual assistance Lynda Lowe said finding of insifficient damage are often correct, and many of those who filed for assistance did not have damage.


FEMA officials encourage whose who believe they were wrongly declared ineligible to file for an appeal through local disaster recovery centres.


Spokesman Renee Bafalis said: If you have a question why you received a determination of ineligibility, go in there and let them look it up and help you file an appeal.


A report issued on Wednesday, however, revealed few disaster victims follow through.


It showed less than one percent of the 25,081 applicants initially declared ineligible for any reason had appealed, leaving the potential for millions of dollars in federal aide to go unclaimed.


An applicant has 60 days from the date of the determination letter to appeal.


It was not known at press time how many applicants were declared ineligible in Alabama due to insufficient damage. However, similar findings have occurred after nearly every recent disaster.




When a disaster victim applies for a FEMA grant, an inspector is dispatched to the applicants property.


Inspectors carry laptops connected to a database called NEMIS (National Emergency Management Information System), which guides them through measuring rooms and assessing damage.


Items marked for repair or replacement are priced depending on the geographic region.


Letters are issued based on the computerised report, telling an applicant whether he qualifies for FEMA assistance.


An applicant has 60 days from the date of the determination letter to appeal.


What qualifies as insufficient damage remains unclear.


A pending lawsuit accusing FEMA of improperly denying thousands of farm workers in Texas money to repair their homes after Hurricane Dolly struck in 2008 based on the insufficient damage finding claims that FEMA used a concept called deferred maintenance to back the rejections.


Deferred maintenance is not referenced in any regulation, Jerry Wesevich, an attorney with Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid who represents the plaintiffs, told AL.com.


Mr Wesevich described deferred maintenance as a shorthand term that FEMA uses when it determines somehow that a condition of a home prior to the disaster caused the damage after the storm.


An Alabama inspectors coordinator for FEMA said deferred maintenance is no longer used in assessing damage, although there is a place for inspectors to note pre-existing conditions.


I find this story incredible. I mean, the picture says it all. If that's enough to deny aid, I shudder to think what "sufficient" damage is.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


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Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
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Your tax dollars at work. :wall:



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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At least the part about their house not being unsafe to live in is true; since the houses lack of existence means it can't fall down on them.


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At least the part about their house not being unsafe to live in is true; since the houses lack of existence means it can't fall down on them.

if they cleaned up the hazardous waste, broken glass and metal shards it might be almost pleasant!


I wonder what their reasoning was for denial...

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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There is a reason why sites like DearFEMA.com exist.


FEMA states insufficient damage means that "The inspection showed your home to be safe, sanitary and functional and you are able to live there."


In their case, I think maybe...hopefully...that the reason why they were denied was simply mixed up--they found out that their insurance would cover the cost of replacing their home, which is another reason why FEMA declines people. Who knows if that's the case for other citizens in Alabama though...


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Pathetic and insulting display from Fema.

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Pathetic and insulting display from Fema.


Seriously, what the hell?




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There is a reason why sites like DearFEMA.com exist.


FEMA states insufficient damage means that "The inspection showed your home to be safe, sanitary and functional and you are able to live there."


In their case, I think maybe...hopefully...that the reason why they were denied was simply mixed up--they found out that their insurance would cover the cost of replacing their home, which is another reason why FEMA declines people. Who knows if that's the case for other citizens in Alabama though...


This is probably correct. My guess is that there was simply a bureaucratic mix-up due to an assessor checking the wrong boxes or something, since from the picture no reasonable person could conclude that the house was livable.

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Okay so with the big FEMA mess up during Katrina it was decided that Geroge Bush hates black people. So does this mean that Barack Obama hates white people?


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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There has to have been a mistake made. I honestly don't believe someone could consider that safe to live in.

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There's plenty of space for them all underneath the fallen down porch. :rolleyes:

You can see that the dog has already taken the initiative and secured his personal space in the corner...


Why can't the Big Bang be done by the hand of God?

It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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Okay so with the big FEMA mess up during Katrina it was decided that Geroge Bush hates black people. So does this mean that Barack Obama hates white people?


No, he just hates people. He is the antichrist after all...that is, if you're to believe my extremely right wing cousins in Indiana. :ugeek:


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Okay so with the big FEMA mess up during Katrina it was decided that Geroge Bush hates black people. So does this mean that Barack Obama hates white people?



I didn't want to say it. :lol:

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
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It's a small harmless error that only extends as far as that piece of paper, let's be honest, even if it's a funny one. I stopped caring when I found out family's insurance will cover the house, in which case they shouldn't have applied for FEMA in the first place, this family has wasted public money.



I think that article is far too desperate to criticise these institutions that are there to help people.

~ W ~



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It's a small harmless error that only extends as far as that piece of paper, let's be honest, even if it's a funny one. I stopped caring when I found out family's insurance will cover the house, in which case they shouldn't have applied for FEMA in the first place, this family has wasted public money.



I think that article is far too desperate to criticise these institutions that are there to help people.

I don't think insurance covers for the tent they'll have to buy or hotel they'll have to rent, which (I believe) is what FEMA is for. FEMA grants are only up to $30k, which won't get you a new house.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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It's a small harmless error that only extends as far as that piece of paper, let's be honest, even if it's a funny one. I stopped caring when I found out family's insurance will cover the house, in which case they shouldn't have applied for FEMA in the first place, this family has wasted public money.



I think that article is far too desperate to criticise these institutions that are there to help people.

I don't think insurance covers for the tent they'll have to buy or hotel they'll have to rent, which (I believe) is what FEMA is for. FEMA grants are only up to $30k, which won't get you a new house.


FEMA will help you with rental assistance though. It seems like they applied for help to rebuild their home, not for rental assistance. Probably from poor advice from someone who claimed to have known better. But if I've understood it correctly you can send in your hotel receipts to FEMA and get some form of reimbursement, possibly. The issue becomes finding a place to stay while you try to cut through the red tape and, well, there's nothing that can be done there. The nation doesn't have the infrastructure to improve upon the process yet.


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Okay so with the big FEMA mess up during Katrina it was decided that Geroge Bush hates black people. So does this mean that Barack Obama hates white people? :twss:


I would never use that smiley, but thanks ;)


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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