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Possible Graphics For A Runescape 3?


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If Jagex can make graphics such as in this picture I found in one of their Runescape Plays to Runescape Character letters (shown below), maybe they could make a game around these graphics? Could happen in the future? Discuss!
















All credits of this picture go to Jagex!!








No Flaming please its only a thought!

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I would hate zombies to look like that one behind the wizard.
I think it looks amazing like a real zombie would look although it might freak out the 5 year olds that play... A zombie is the dead, the dead rot unless they are cremated...
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that graphics wouldnt be possible in a 3d game let alone something internet based.








Runescape is in three dimensions, the world we live in is in three dimensions, World of Warcraft and Guild Wars are in three dimensions. Have you not seen the pictures for "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" for the Xbox 360? They are very close to that.








Runescape is a game written in Java and is BROWSER based. It is on the internet and technically it is internet based as Yahtzee is dice based. World of Warcraft and Guild Wars are internet based games as well.








Not trying to be a smart-aleck, just trying to keep the technology jargon in the upper regions.

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It would take ages too make the game like that, we'd have to buy DVD/CD-roms, the bandwith we would need if we wouldn't get DVD/CD-rom would be enormous and it would take ages for every single update aswell...




Not gonna happen unless something major happens to the every day possibilities of the 'plebs'.












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It would take a few years to make RS3, but if the only improvement was graphics it could take less time.








But the problem is that once the graphics get to a certain quality (that of the WoW of Guild Wars graphics) then the game would probably need to be released on CD to support the high quality.








I think RS2 is just fine as it is though.

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Jagex bases its actions on the fact that their game runs on low-end computers and you can play the game anywhere. First of all, such graphics are you possible to do with Java(or even if it's possible, it would take over 20 GHz to run it). Jagex would have to change away from java to a whole new code that they don't know. They would have to start again from square one and the game would be much heavier than it is today. So, I'm sure Jagex will never make RuneScape 3 look like that. In fact, I doubt if there'll ever be RS3.


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Well It could be possible... Way later on, when we have better computers at low cost. Those graphics are better than X-Box 360 and the specs on that are better than most computers out today.

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If they made it like that, it would be sold at stores #1, and any ideas you have about how RS2 is done are thrown out the window, if you dont have a CD or DVD rom then you have a really really old computer and if you dont have high speed then you dont get the game. It would apeal to a different croud, and hopfully more adult (18+), like most other games online are. If they were smart they would do a guild wars style thing and just have to buy it and not pay monthy fees for RS3.

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I happen to love the graphics just the way they are. I don't want them to be changed. 8)



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