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Farming A Useless Skill?


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actually its a very good skill but takes ages to get high...



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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Yes, farming is worthless because it takes a long time to raise and the only good things that come from it are at high levels. Btw I bet runecrafting, herblore, and slayer are worthless as well, right? :roll:




runecrafting: death runes (blood later)




slayer: gran maul, whip, armoured boots, mistic.




herblore: high lvl pots...








fire making is more useless...




He was being sarcastic :oops:








Firemaking FTW :)

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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Yes, farming is worthless because it takes a long time to raise and the only good things that come from it are at high levels. Btw I bet runecrafting, herblore, and slayer are worthless as well, right? :roll:




runecrafting: death runes (blood later)




slayer: gran maul, whip, armoured boots, mistic.




herblore: high lvl pots...








fire making is more useless...

I was being sarcastic :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Farming is GREAT!! its fun(for me at least ). I average 4-10 ranarrs per seed, which i buy for 8-15k. I sell ranarrs for 5k each, so i make a fairly nice profit, and my trees are great for woodcutting xp and fletching or fire making.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

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DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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farming does take forever but what alot of ppl dont realize is that you DONT HAVE TO STAND THERE and watch your plants grow. you can leave and periodically come back to water and/or anti-poisen your plants. if you're that worried about them, pay off the farmer to look after your crops.




Lower levels of farming, yes, are virtually worthless (potatoes, cabbage, ect) but, once you get into the higher lvls (mainly herbs and trees) farming can become very profitable.




If you have the patients to get your farming up high enough to grow a yew or maybe even a magic tree....imgaine the profit. a tree all to yourself. maybe a few trees all to yourself. no more switching worlds and areas to find yews and magics with little or no people at them...




also, growing herbs is very profitable. you can use the herbs to imporve herblore and sell potions or even just selling the herbs can quickly rack up some serious cash.








so....final verdict.............




farming, definatley not usless...just requires time and patience









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If you farm all 4 patches as say rannars u'll get about 40 - 60 rannars








people can pay up to 2k for rannars from what i seen thts around 80k - 120k for 1 load of herbs whihc take 30mins to grow.











I'd love to buy every ranaar you grow for 2k each :lol:








they sell for more like 5-6k to be honest








But I dont think anyone yeilds an average of 10-15 each harvest , nor any harvest at all








yea, paw your info on some things get skewed a little i think. no offense but ranarrs are triple that price.












id seriously say, id get 24-35 herbs per patch. if they all lived. ant 25 ranarrs makes well over 100k








Well my avergge yield is taken from what my friends have told me of what they get, when I ask them bout it cause they constanly try to buy all my herb seeds








As for rannar prices I said that as as minmum as I have never really traded in rannars and my only major exposure to them has been my merchanting friend trying to make a quick sale using his 'friend' prices where he offered at 2k each (shame I had no money then)








Your friend should retire from Merchanting

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Farming is not worthless you can grow ranarrs (as already mentioned) and make pray pots and sell for 6k-6.5k each, or do barrows yourself and make tons more (maybe).








Growing sweetcorn and cooking it gives you 104xp per corn. So if you have 1000 raw sweetcorn that's over 100k cooking XP right there for minimal effort. Then make the new tuna potato and use the food or sell it.








A basket of strawberries heals 30, good for training.








And it is not slow, I went from 68-70 in 2 days. Of course it was expensive....

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If you farm all 4 patches as say rannars u'll get about 40 - 60 rannars








people can pay up to 2k for rannars from what i seen thts around 80k - 120k for 1 load of herbs whihc take 30mins to grow.











I'd love to buy every ranaar you grow for 2k each :lol:








they sell for more like 5-6k to be honest








But I dont think anyone yeilds an average of 10-15 each harvest , nor any harvest at all








yea, paw your info on some things get skewed a little i think. no offense but ranarrs are triple that price.












id seriously say, id get 24-35 herbs per patch. if they all lived. ant 25 ranarrs makes well over 100k








Well my avergge yield is taken from what my friends have told me of what they get, when I ask them bout it cause they constanly try to buy all my herb seeds








As for rannar prices I said that as as minmum as I have never really traded in rannars and my only major exposure to them has been my merchanting friend trying to make a quick sale using his 'friend' prices where he offered at 2k each (shame I had no money then)








Your friend should retire from Merchanting




:lol: So should R2. I mean, 15Cents of profit per felt hat? :oops:

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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If you farm all 4 patches as say rannars u'll get about 40 - 60 rannars








people can pay up to 2k for rannars from what i seen thts around 80k - 120k for 1 load of herbs whihc take 30mins to grow.











I'd love to buy every ranaar you grow for 2k each :lol:








they sell for more like 5-6k to be honest








But I dont think anyone yeilds an average of 10-15 each harvest , nor any harvest at all








yea, paw your info on some things get skewed a little i think. no offense but ranarrs are triple that price.












id seriously say, id get 24-35 herbs per patch. if they all lived. ant 25 ranarrs makes well over 100k








Well my avergge yield is taken from what my friends have told me of what they get, when I ask them bout it cause they constanly try to buy all my herb seeds








As for rannar prices I said that as as minmum as I have never really traded in rannars and my only major exposure to them has been my merchanting friend trying to make a quick sale using his 'friend' prices where he offered at 2k each (shame I had no money then)








Your friend should retire from Merchanting
















Because he is willing to sell cheaper to his friends?




Because he was selling cheaper neway to make quick money for a deal?








Belive me if I show interest he drives a hard bargin


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Growing sweetcorn and cooking it gives you 104xp per corn. So if you have 1000 raw sweetcorn that's over 100k cooking XP right there for minimal effort. Then make the new tuna potato and use the food or sell it.




well if u have 1k raw sweetcorn... do u know how hard sweetcorn seeds are to get?

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People say its useless cause they think they have to stand there watching them. I use super compost and get on with the game, stopping by 2 or 3 times a day to harvest and replant, and I very rarely hvae dead crops. I also use the flowers wich help. My patch in Catherby has nastriums, and combined with super compost, I have never had any watermelons die on me. My farming is 53 wich isnt that bad, but not that good. It is my highest ranking skill on the highscores.








Also, the herbs and 2nd ingrediants you can grow bring in big bux if you sell them to pot makers. Also, baked potatoes (even though the butter takes FOREVER to make) can heal ALOT of damge, so being able to grow sweetcorn its a big plus.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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well if u have 1k raw sweetcorn... do u know how hard sweetcorn seeds are to get?








Since I steal all my own allotment seeds, and have 1.5K sweetcorn in the bank, yes I do... I'll estimate worst case...








approx. 10 sweetcorn seeds per theiving session on the master farmer




1 theiving session is about 10 minutes




average of say... 10 corn per 3 seeds








you need 100 crops * 3 seeds = 300 seeds for 1K sweetcorn








To get 300 seeds, it would take 30 theiving sessions at 10 minutes each = 5 hours








You can grow 24 seeds at a time, so growth time is (300 / 24) * 55 = approx 11.5 hours








5 hours + 11.5 hours = 16.5 hours








This concludes today's math lesson.

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  • 3 months later...

A little FYI:


Butter can be purchased after starting the new Recepie for Disaster Quest. The Bank Chest in Lumby basement sells them but only at a max stock of ten. A little world hopping and you're good to go.

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A little FYI:


Butter can be purchased after starting the new Recepie for Disaster Quest. The Bank Chest in Lumby basement sells them but only at a max stock of six.


[sarcasm]Gratz on the 3 month bump; I think you're ranked at about 50th in the Largest Bump League (decent bump but nowhere near the 2 year bump experts) Keep up the good work :mrgreen: . [/sarcasm]

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Farming, is everything except useless. I'm kind of fond for it and its really good herblore exp, iv gotten like 200 guams, 270 marrentil, 220 tarromin, and i still got about 200 seeds to plant... thats a hell load of exp..



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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A little FYI:


Butter can be purchased after starting the new Recepie for Disaster Quest. The Bank Chest in Lumby basement sells them but only at a max stock of six.


[sarcasm]Gratz on the 3 month bump; I think you're ranked at about 50th in the Largest Bump League (decent bump but nowhere near the 2 year bump experts) Keep up the good work :mrgreen: . [/sarcasm]




nowt wron g with his bump imo- he had some usefull info to contribute, so under the new rules here, his bump is perfectly fine.


maybe you should take a read of em before you come out with sarcastic remarks?

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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back on topic after that short but stron message :P


Farming, usefull yes. But as many said, farming is not!


a) the best money making skill.


B) a skill where you have to stand around doing nothing.




What makes farming great, is that you can make money over time. While you can do other things, like runecrafting, cooking or herbloring if you like. Even mining and smithing is done, while people wait for their crops to be fully grown. Let's say you can make 300k with runecrafting per hour, which is decent. You can make another 100k by doing 10-15 minutes of farming your herb seeds before you go for an hour of abys. That is 100k in 10-15 minutes, which is more then your runecrafting average.




To my opinion, farming is a good skill, but mostly because it is something you do next to other skills. I would almost say: Phr33 M0n3Y Pl0x

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I find farming very useful and not nearly as boring as fishing or wood cutting. At least with farming you can walk away and do something else.




I have 2 of my own yew trees from farming, no more competing for logs anywere. If I want Yews I cut my own trees.




I grow all of my own herbs and limps for herblore. Without Farming my Herblore would be in the toilet.




I grow lots of Sweetcorn. When RFD came out I made good money selling raw sweetcorn and now I use them all for Tuna Potatoes. I use the Tuna Potatoes for myself and sell all of the sharks I catch.




I have also gotten lots of cactus needles, belladonna, and other secondaries for higher herblore that I can sell, trade for high level pots, or save for when my herblore gets higher.


In a world without fences, who needs GATES?

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I must say, I've grown to love farming :oops: ... I started it because of my current goal to get all stats to 50, and now I find I can't stop! Being a DIY-girl, it has also proven to be invaluable to my thieving (from master farmer), my fletching, woodcutting, fishing and cooking. I worked on those last four skills in farming heaven Catherby while groing crops and got myself a fairly respectable over-all level while other stood around waiting.




Of course, there are always folks who prefer standing around complaining about how boring farming is. Quite frankly, I couldn't manage wc and fletching if there weren't my crops to check on from time to time.

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you must be congratulated on bumping a 3 month old thread




no fofence but try reading dates in a thread b4 posting


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