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Amout of Cash you got


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About 33m. Will be 67m when I get a couple more barrows drops and sell all my stuff to get a p-hat. Then its nat crafting for torags, then dusty killing for a chain, then 23m cash to play with... Yep, I have it all planned out...

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Now I have only 22 K, been spendin a little :) The most I ever had as about 200 K, but now I'm killing some yews to get 1 mill. 8)

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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All the money i,ve EVER had in RSC and RS2 combined would probley be around the 3-5 mil range even though i,ve played for four years all i,ve got to show for it is a lvl 78 dude kinda sad.

Barrow Drops: Guthan's Helm, Karil's Crossbow.

5 Pieces of the Crystal Key so far.


I would never consider meeting people irl. Not just because of risks that they could be a 40 year old man who is only interested in the bottom half of your body.
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round 4.5mil usually just depend swether im in melee or mage mode because whenever i want to something im mage rather than melee i just hop over to world 2 and buy/sell everything i need but overall i have bout 5mil in my wallet right now which is soon to be spent on 25k laws for my goal of 80 mage

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17m, I have been playing 3 months now, f2p all the way! :D








No offense to you at all, but how would you have gotten the money in the first place? 70 woodcut definetly doesn't equal 17 mil, nor 60+ fishing and cooking. Also, if you made maybe 2 mil, How the hell did you merchant (my guess) that to 17 in 3 months and still get skills up? :?












But myself, the most I've had moneywise is 9.9 mil (SOO close to that 10M look), but that's because I had purchased items and things, which doesn't make the gp very relevant (More like 15+ mil with items). Pretty bad for a 91 combat... :(

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At the moment I only have a pathetic 1.4k in my bank after returning to Runescape a couple of days ago, the most I've ever had in pure cash would be about 5 mil or so.








If you take the net worth of all my items put together, the value of my bank has probably been hovering around the 10 mil mark for a year or 2 now. :oops:










Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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1163543 gp...








most ly 100k+ but now 1mil+


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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