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Can My Parents Force Me To Go To Church?


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A little background..








My mom is "Christian". Or at least she says she is.




She goes to church, but is by far the worst person I know.







That is very sad, but I know there are two sides.








I don't know about Canada, but in the US, there are no laws that say a parent can't force a child to attend church. Basically, if you don't want to live by your mother's rules, you need to move out, get job and support yourself. When that happens, you will be the adult in your house and you will get to say what you do when.











A few times she's threatened to not feed me all week.




If this is true and not an exaggeration, you need to seek help now from the police, a teacher, pastor, adult friend or relative.


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I don't know about Canada, but in the US, there are no laws that say a parent can't force a child to attend church. Basically, if you don't want to live by your mother's rules, you need to move out, get job and support yourself. When that happens, you will be the adult in your house and you will get to say what you do when.











Well if you did read what i did wrote earlier you would know about canada.
















Everything in there is law.


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Approach him/her nicely about the problem you're having, and just say that you might like to try "experiencing" the Lord a different way.








Why does he need to "experience the lord" at all?








Seriously though, grow up. Think about the thousands of kids whose parents hate their guts and beat them daily. Think of all the kids that starve do death every HOUR. Think of all the babies that are aborted and don't even have the chance to live. And here you are complaining about being uncomfortable for an hour or two?! Be grateful for what you have!








If his mother forces him to feed himself and pay his own bills, then she has no right to morally educate him.








I didn't say that he has to. I said that's what he should tell the priest. There is a difference. Notice the "just say" bit, implying a bit of deceit.








On a side note,












I hope the large font size and capital letters help you understand how important and significant my statement is.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Props to you for taking a stand, like many have said you are old enough to make your religious decisions and it should be obvious to your mom that you have. It's a shame that she is so close minded, so I doubt trying to have an intelligent conversation will work.








If it doesn't affect your social life that much, I would suggest going to live with your dad. Even if it is just temporary to try and get your mom to think about what she has been doing.








Anyways, good luck in whatever you choose to do.

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  • 1 month later...

This topic isn't very old so I guess I can reply.




The church is just a place for many Christians to meet and pray together. You don't have to pray together, you can pray anywhere.




If you aren't a Christian and you don't want to go to church, I'm pretty sure there will be a law saying you don't have to. Tell your mum she can't control your beliefs. They are what you believe, not what she wants you to believe. If she continues to mistreat you I suggest you actually get a job and as soon as you can move out, do so.

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Why you people telling him to go? I'm not sure of Canadaian laws, but there has to be a freedom of religion. People can't FORCE you to obey a religion. I say report her to police, say "she's volating my rights."
its insane say ur wiken lol or athiest how ever u spell it but thes dumb idont no ur laws but look up thm and is it just in the us ur is freedom of religion true there im shure it is

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Why you people telling him to go? I'm not sure of Canadaian laws, but there has to be a freedom of religion. People can't FORCE you to obey a religion. I say report her to police, say "she's volating my rights."
its insane say ur wiken lol or athiest how ever u spell it but thes dumb idont no ur laws but look up thm and is it just in the us ur is freedom of religion true there im shure it is


Are you a 8 year old? Lear some grammer. And you're the idiot here.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Why you people telling him to go? I'm not sure of Canadaian laws, but there has to be a freedom of religion. People can't FORCE you to obey a religion. I say report her to police, say "she's volating my rights."
its insane say ur wiken lol or athiest how ever u spell it but thes dumb idont no ur laws but look up thm and is it just in the us ur is freedom of religion true there im shure it is


Are you a 8 year old? Lear some grammer. And you're the idiot here.




You're one to call somebody else an idiot, you spell it grammar, with an a. Look it up sometime, before you contradict yourself and make people think less of you than they already do.




And, to guss, the fact that you have

(2).jpggerard way(my chemical romance) (2).jpg




...My Chemical Romance image filenames without the proper tags or URLs lends even less credibility to your already flawed argument.




Either way, I gave my solution already, just mopping up the flaming jacktards.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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It is morally wrong to force someone to go to church against their will, although unfortunately i doubt any court of law will side with you. As a minor, you have basically no rights to speak of.

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A fairy tale cant really hurt you (at least in this case)




So why not just go?




Even tho its all fake theres no harm In respecting and going along with it just to make people happy.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I agree -- if you're "not old enough to make your own decisions", then I'd just do what your parents tell you. I'm not religious, and don't go to church, but I'd go to church with my parents if they asked me to (however they aren't religious either, and I'm old enough to make my own decisions).




It is as other have already said: they can't make you believe in it -- that is, as long as you're strong willed enough to see that you're being indoctrinated. I don't agree with imposing a religion upon the young, but then, I'm not religious. If I were then of course I'd see it as a good thing; hence I understand that, for those parents who are religious, they are doing the right thing.




It's a shame, but there we go.

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A fairy tale cant really hurt you (at least in this case)




Not in this case (hopefully), but in general they've caused more deaths than any war or plague has caused :P




Personally I'd skip it. You are the one who decides what do you do with your life, not your mother, not your father and hopefully not the church. If it's so important for your mother that she wouldn't even feed you if you skipped it, something is really wrong. If my parents told me I wouldn't get food for a week because I don't want to waste an hour or few of my life listening to fairy tales and poisoning my brains, I'd definate move out. That's a really serious threatment for a reason like that. I'd understand it if you had done something serious, but for that?




Btw, what I know, it's not against your laws to skip your weekly fairy tale meeting, but it's against the law to torture your own kid by not giving food.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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You mum is clearly serious about her faith and though i think it's pointless to go to church you must respect your mum's belif.




Whilst under her roof her rule's apply despite what you think and when you move out don't bother with church but until then respect other people's faith's :D

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she can...untill your 18. but in reality, just go, what bad can it do?
I'd be careful when asking a question liek that. I could write an entire essay on it. But you are lucky that im tired and not in the mood for writing a long post about religion today.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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she can...untill your 18. but in reality, just go, what bad can it do?
I'd be careful when asking a question liek that. I could write an entire essay on it. But you are lucky that im tired and not in the mood for writing a long post about religion today.




Yeah Merc, I'm sure going to church for an hour every Sunday is going to cause a lot of harm. :roll:

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Being that this topic is two months old, and we keep hearing the same things over and over again, I'm givin' this one the ole lock.

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