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science law violations - for fun only!!


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RuneScape isn't realistic, but hey, it's just a game. The most important thing is to have fun, as long as everything is balanced.








However, it's fun to spot scientific errors! Feel free to post interesting violations of scientific laws.








Here are the ones I found:








- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








i have no idea how you figure this, but it sounds realistic and it sounds crazy :lol:

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- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.








Sorry but I think they are all rpetty weak








-Jagex use it correctly, there is much mis conception as to what weight is. People weigh themselves and weigh ingredients as weights. Techincally yes they are all masses and not weights, but people call them weight and measure them in kg - not everyone is good at science








-In the making of such a large gold object impurtieis would be absorbed into the metal, plus you add a white gold inlay to the helm that is not a bar in your inventory both of whihc supply the extra weight








-That is perfect logical, cannon balls are an iron sphere the heat caused inside the steam pwoered cannon would soften them somewhat then the friction cuase by the speed would allow the iron to react with the water. Such a combination would release some oxygen from the water and the rest would form into iron hydroxide - a gas aka it would vapourise








-In real life gold and silver ore are filtered by machinery to remove more earth and impurties than some ores have but are then heated in a furnace to remove the rest hence jagexs is a perfectly logical process








-Obsidian in its natural state is a weak metal yes, when interlaced with a substances like coal or occasionally granite it offers the strength and properties of the metal while gaining in durabilty and strength (thats why steel is stronger than iron) so it is correct








99% of jagexs game checks out against science fact if you devele deeper than basic fact...


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- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.








Sorry but I think they are all rpetty weak








-Jagex use it correctly, there is much mis conception as to what weight is. People weigh themselves and weigh ingredients as weights. Techincally yes they are all masses and not weights, but people call them weight and measure them in kg - not everyone is good at science








That still doesn't make it Scientifically correct even though people call it weight. And I think that's what Ixfd64 is getting at.








Well I have one, which kind of makes sense. How can a cannon fit into somebodys backpack even if the cannon is pulled apart into 4's. Its still to big. But if this wasn't the case the game would be far less fun.

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- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold




and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.








Sorry but I think they are all rpetty weak








-Jagex use it correctly, there is much mis conception as to what weight is. People weigh themselves and weigh ingredients as weights. Techincally yes they are all masses and not weights, but people call them weight and measure them in kg - not everyone is good at science








That still doesn't make it Scientifically correct even though people call it weight. And I think that's what Ixfd64 is getting at.








Well I have one, which kind of makes sense. How can a cannon fit into somebodys backpack even if the cannon is pulled apart into 4's. Its still to big. But if this wasn't the case the game would be far less fun.








Thats y said its 99% correct








That top part of the 1% tht technically is incorrect, but is coprrect as far as msot care as it is a common and accepted word misuse


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- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.








Sorry but I think they are all rpetty weak








-Jagex use it correctly, there is much mis conception as to what weight is. People weigh themselves and weigh ingredients as weights. Techincally yes they are all masses and not weights, but people call them weight and measure them in kg - not everyone is good at science








-In the making of such a large gold object impurtieis would be absorbed into the metal, plus you add a white gold inlay to the helm that is not a bar in your inventory both of whihc supply the extra weight








-That is perfect logical, cannon balls are an iron sphere the heat caused inside the steam pwoered cannon would soften them somewhat then the friction cuase by the speed would allow the iron to react with the water. Such a combination would release some oxygen from the water and the rest would form into iron hydroxide - a gas aka it would vapourise








-In real life gold and silver ore are filtered by machinery to remove more earth and impurties than some ores have but are then heated in a furnace to remove the rest hence jagexs is a perfectly logical process








-Obsidian in its natural state is a weak metal yes, when interlaced with a substances like coal or occasionally granite it offers the strength and properties of the metal while gaining in durabilty and strength (thats why steel is stronger than iron) so it is correct








99% of jagexs game checks out against science fact if you devele deeper than basic fact...




if im not mistaken, hammering out gold would thing the metal and also knock miniscule peices of it that would be small enough that it is not really noticable to the human eye, but would actually DROP the weight in a very small amount








also...wouldnt it be iron OXIDE? meaning rust, which wouldnt form in a matter of seconds, even with this degree of pressure.








and last, if im thinking correctly, obsidian is more of a crystal-type substance than a metal.

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- Jagex uses kg as a measure of weight. However, kg is a measure of mass, not weight!








- During the Between a Rock... quest, the player must make a helmet out of gold bars. After doing that, the inventory becomes heavier! This violates the conservation of mass/matter!








- According to the newsletter, each cannonball can only be used once because they "vaporize" on impact. Think about it - if cannonballs really vaporized, the kinetic energy released would be probably sufficient enough to level an entire building! Also, you can see that cannonballs travel at only a few meters per second, not exactly fast enough to cause vaporization on impact. But then again, real cannonballs would be pretty unbalanced.








- Gold and silver ore are refined in furnaces, not exactly what we do in real-life.








- Obsidian is one of the strongest materials in the game. However, in real-life, it's rather weak. It is only ranked 5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Any sharp blow will shatter obsidian.








Sorry but I think they are all rpetty weak








-Jagex use it correctly, there is much mis conception as to what weight is. People weigh themselves and weigh ingredients as weights. Techincally yes they are all masses and not weights, but people call them weight and measure them in kg - not everyone is good at science








-In the making of such a large gold object impurtieis would be absorbed into the metal, plus you add a white gold inlay to the helm that is not a bar in your inventory both of whihc supply the extra weight








-That is perfect logical, cannon balls are an iron sphere the heat caused inside the steam pwoered cannon would soften them somewhat then the friction cuase by the speed would allow the iron to react with the water. Such a combination would release some oxygen from the water and the rest would form into iron hydroxide - a gas aka it would vapourise








-In real life gold and silver ore are filtered by machinery to remove more earth and impurties than some ores have but are then heated in a furnace to remove the rest hence jagexs is a perfectly logical process








-Obsidian in its natural state is a weak metal yes, when interlaced with a substances like coal or occasionally granite it offers the strength and properties of the metal while gaining in durabilty and strength (thats why steel is stronger than iron) so it is correct








99% of jagexs game checks out against science fact if you devele deeper than basic fact...




if im not mistaken, hammering out gold would thing the metal and also knock miniscule peices of it that would be small enough that it is not really noticable to the human eye, but would actually DROP the weight in a very small amount








also...wouldnt it be iron OXIDE? meaning rust, which wouldnt form in a matter of seconds, even with this degree of pressure.








and last, if im thinking correctly, obsidian is more of a crystal-type substance than a metal.








obsidian ok i didn;t no tht but the point still applys








and no








iron + water and air makes iron oxide aka rust








iorn plus hot water vaopur (from steam pwoered cannon) and friction creates alternate reaction where by 1 oxygen is released and the rest forms iron hydroxide whihc is a gas


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Its only a game.....








^ too true.








why not point out the fact that we respawn when we die :roll:




All Runescapians are simply buddhists, all very close to the point of nirvana or something like that.








As for science law violations, the alchemy in Rs [magic anyways but whatever] seems pretty unrealistic to me.

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Obsidian is also known as volcanic glass. It's formed from cooling lava. Depending on the speed at which it cools, you either get obsidian or something else(I'm sorry I can't remember what).

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The smithing skill. Or rather, the whole smelting aspect of it, seeing as IRL, you use waaay more of the ore than coal.








Electrolysis would be awesome on RS :D.

I'm Jake Milroy

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You know... I can't honestly say that I think Jagex was going for a completely scinitific based fact game, where everything makes sense. That's what we have real life for...
















Have you ever tried to teleport in real life? Or go around killing men without anyone even giving a second thought? Or eat a chicken in one bite?








Get real. It's a COMPUTER GAME!!!! :wink:

OoC Overseer


137jq9.gif Eet mor kabbig! 137jq9.gif

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You know this IS FOR FUN. Just to see if there are any unrealistic features in Runescape. Sheesh, read the author's post carefully.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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-Obsidian in its natural state is a weak metal yes, when interlaced with a substances like coal or occasionally granite it offers the strength and properties of the metal while gaining in durabilty and strength (thats why steel is stronger than iron) so it is correct
wait wait what? obsidian a metal? do you anything about geology or minerals? oh, and i didn't know you could "interlace" a metal (or you would call obsidian a metal, which it isn't) with stone. explain the process, could you?












oh, and as for ixfd64, mad props!!




funny how using logic can get so many people fired up about a little thing.








next time you want to try and look smart Paw, get your facts straight.

proud quest cape owner

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Hmm, lets see.








You can carry 100kg.




There is magic.




Protection prayers.








Oh, and nothing has a set "weight". This is because weight = mass x gravitational pull, and gravitational pull may vary.

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* I want to know how a bunch of Harpie bugs can carry heavy mith chain armour




* Eating food heals you? Need to remember that next time I pull a muscle.




* Arrows only travel about 20 feet.... what's that about? ;)




* If I pray hard enough, then I am completely invurnable to all forms of attack!




* I can stand next to a stall and repeatedly steal stuff for hours on end and the guy who owns the stall is dumb enough to constantly replace them every few seconds ;)




* The Master Farmer carries hundreds of thousands of seeds in his pockets!




* I can carry 28 bars of gold! Man, I'm soooo strong.




* I can cook a shark in under 2 seconds!




* I can turn tin into gold!




* I can teleport from one end of the planet to the other... the uncertainty principle does not apply to me!




* I am frequently assaulted by a chicken that has magical powers




* I amunable to buy more than 10 items at a time.




* A plot of farming land which is at least 144 square feet, is unable to yield more than 20 strawberries.




* I can grow a potato in under 30 mins!.... miracle grow or what!




* An inventory that can carry 28 full plate mail is apparently too small to hold 29 finger rings.... hmmmmm.








Oh, I could go on all night... point is, it's only a game. If you tried to make it realistic, there'd be no point in playing... you could just wander out into the real world and play there instead.

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HEY!! I KNOW!! let's quote the originator of this topic BECAUSE WE HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO!!




RuneScape isn't realistic, but hey, it's just a game. The most important thing is to have fun, as long as everything is balanced.








However, it's fun to spot scientific errors! Feel free to post interesting violations of scientific laws.





hmm... lemme think. oo, i know!! it only takes 5 seconds to make chain body armor!!yay!! i actually payed attention to the authors inquiry!! give me a cookie!!

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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HEY!! I KNOW!! let's quote the originator of this topic BECAUSE WE HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO!!




RuneScape isn't realistic, but hey, it's just a game. The most important thing is to have fun, as long as everything is balanced.








However, it's fun to spot scientific errors! Feel free to post interesting violations of scientific laws.





hmm... lemme think. oo, i know!! it only takes 5 seconds to make chain body armor!!yay!! i actually payed attention to the authors inquiry!! give me a cookie!!








theres your cookie :D

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theres your cookie :D

dude, you are just about the coolest person on this thread. is that raisin or walnut though? cuz i don't like raisins. i'd rather eat the grape while its still juicy.

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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There's supernatural ghosts that can injure natural beings :)




You can hold over 1 billion coins in your sack without ever increasing weight or space ;)








And for those saying "it's just a game!"... the author said that! This is just for fun! It's not a criticism.

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