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Rule 12, a clear stance.


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i don't sell, i don't play and i don't care for these pointlessless rules..




it's pointless.




it's an educative passe-temps and the money behind is the drive for many..








why do people even wanna post these things, i do not understand you.

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i don't sell, i don't play and i don't care for these pointlessless rules..




it's pointless.




it's an educative passe-temps and the money behind is the drive for many..








why do people even wanna post these things, i do not understand you.








If you don't play then why reply? This is for those people that are unknowingly putting their accounts at risk.

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Im geting really sick of people continually posting these topics, you think jagex doesnt know about this sites sig trading? its all ben cleard with them and iv heard it from mutlipal admins, if jagex found this to be against the rules they would have it shut down. Poeple can stop posting these now, im sure soon an admin will show up, explain it, and close your topic, so dont bother...

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That is off the official Runescape website, the confusion was caused before because the only clarification was via queries, which gave different answers. This is one answer, clearly shown, if Tip.it supports Jagex rules as much as they say they do then they will support this one equally.

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Heh, the only part of that ENTIRE rule that makes selling of sigs illegal is the first one "RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game."












And that one has been around for a long, long time.

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Heh, the only part of that ENTIRE rule that makes selling of sigs illegal is the first one "RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game."












And that one has been around for a long, long time.








Never before have the rules specifically stated sig selling to be illegal however, and thats what sig sellers were using to prove that it wasn't. Now it does and i bet they'll still come up for another excuse for their cheating, and yes thats exactly what it is, within the game.

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Methinks someones jealous, but seriously, crap....








Jealous? I can make sigs perfectly fine :P I just prefer to play the game the way its supposed to be, earn my money through ingame skills.

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If Jagex really cared, they would (or will) take action against forums that allow sig selling. I personally think that RS players should be able to buy a sig if they want to.








I agree totally.








Also, i saw a guy with a lovely party hat the other day, I personally think that I should be allowed to hack his account and take it. I mean it's not like the rules really matter anyway...









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i don't sell, i don't play and i don't care for these pointlessless rules..




it's pointless.




it's an educative passe-temps and the money behind is the drive for many..








why do people even wanna post these things, i do not understand you.








If you don't play then why reply? This is for those people that are unknowingly putting their accounts at risk.








the more important query is why do you reply to that i post rather then to what i post?




you ignore my point, wich is very annoying in a debate.

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One thing I would like to say is that the only reason these rules are inplace is to stop people from going to Jagex saying "I gave person "x" money for a sig but I didnt get the sig, I'm sueing J00!" etc...








Therefore as long as people accept that it is there responablity to sell the sigs etc and they do so at their own risk, I think it's fine, and I will defend this to the end.

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Methinks someones jealous, but seriously, crap....








Jealous? I can make sigs perfectly fine :P I just prefer to play the game the way its supposed to be, earn my money through ingame skills.








drawing is a skill too, even if it is not ingame. It takes hard work and practice to be as good as some of the people on here and this is their way of making money.


TheDark or Kevinnv on other forums.

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Methinks someones jealous, but seriously, crap....








Jealous? I can make sigs perfectly fine :P I just prefer to play the game the way its supposed to be, earn my money through ingame skills.








drawing is a skill too, even if it is not ingame. It takes hard work and practice to be as good as some of the people on here and this is their way of making money.








Drawing is a real life skill, you need some skill to be able to afford to buy cash on ebay, either way shouldn't be a way for you to earn gp.








Whats up Terly? afraid of losing your only income? play the game like it is supposed to be played and don't break the rules.

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Just brilliant. What am I going to spend the 10m I was going to spend on a mxm sig now? I have everything else ingame that I want...


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Bloodveld, you could give ME everything I want in the game instead, stick that in your goal sig and smoke it. :wink: :lol:












Whats up Terly? afraid of losing your only income? play the game like it is supposed to be played and don't break the rules.








Stop flaming. You know that isn't his only income, and you should also know it is alot harder to make by selling sigs than it is ingame.

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Bloodveld, you could give ME everything I want in the game instead, stick that in your goal sig and smoke it. :wink: :lol:












Whats up Terly? afraid of losing your only income? play the game like it is supposed to be played and don't break the rules.








Stop flaming. You know that isn't his only income, and you should also know it is alot harder to make by selling sigs than it is ingame.








Exactly. Anyways, unless jagex specificly tells tip.it and other major sites to stop, I wouldn't blink an eye. although, it would be very idiotic to ban buying signatures, I mean, what does it hurt?

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Muahaha, time to go organize the underground pixel art community I've always dreamed of and not be afraid of retribution cause I don't care enough to play anyways! Muahaha.








...Perhaps now those who really love pixel art and those who are just in it for the money are weeded out.








Hey Frizoid- why are you being such a jerk? It doesn't help the whole moral superiority facade.








(Its kinda sad to see the method that got me to start and took me to where I am to day in pixelart be gone. So many talented people now without reason to become pixel artists.)

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Bloodveld, you could give ME everything I want in the game instead, stick that in your goal sig and smoke it. :wink: :lol:














Whats up Terly? afraid of losing your only income? play the game like it is supposed to be played and don't break the rules.








Stop flaming. You know that isn't his only income, and you should also know it is alot harder to make by selling sigs than it is ingame.








Exactly. Anyways, unless jagex specificly tells tip.it and other major sites to stop, I wouldn't blink an eye. although, it would be very idiotic to ban buying signatures, I mean, what does it hurt?

They are afraid that people are going to cry to them that they've been scammed :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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(Its kinda sad to see the method that got me to start and took me to where I am to day in pixelart be gone. So many talented people now without reason to become pixel artists.)








Exactly the same as me, but replace "pixel art" with "digital art" in general. I got started because I wanted to make money in runescape, and now i'm going to do it as a job...

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Alot of the runescape community make signatures, and sell them for runescape gold, i agree that means alot of loyal players might be banned.




jagex are just afraid to lose P2P players, who have been scammed about a sig, and have now quit because they have no cash. I think just because 1 person got scammed, it screws up alot of truthful sellers. As the saying goes: A rotten apple spoils the bunch. :evil:

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