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F2P Have Nothing! Give Us Rights!


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Alright so Jagex has come out with a few new skills over the course of my RS 'Career' (Slayer and Farming) and of course more things for P2P to do. These are both members skills and I am not a member. These skills do not appeal to me and i bet do not appeal to any other F2P when they look at the guides. And from what i hear Farming and Slaying are not even appealing to P2P.








What Jagex really needs to do is make at least 1 new F2P skill that's actually fun! For instance ive heard rumors of a carpentry skill ever since my noob days 2 years ago and that doesnt necessarily sound fun because what is there to do with a chair or table? It isnt like Fletching where you can actually use the arrows. Then theres summoning which has also been rumored to be released but theres a 0% chance of it being F2P though i think it would be really interesting to see in action!








F2P has gotten a bit boring doing the same things over and over and we really need new skills. For instance the highest level spell we can use is Fire Blast at Level 59! what are we to do after that? All in all Jagex needs to attract new customers to become members by giving the F2P a taste of a new skill and a reason to become a member! F2P are getting disinterested now and we need something new?








What do you think? Think of the non-members!!



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F2p is not a demo. Members is an expansion. Im f2p and I dont think we deserve this because we dont pay. Im perfectly happy with the new tt stuff becoming f2p.

On the flip side, it's been proven that women are probably better mothers

Yes I have balls, but they melted.
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lol tony hawk you have a good point i never thought of it as a demo... my bros a member and he also says the F2P game is lacking and should be upgraded... were u not a non at one point of ur RS career? If so u would know that it is lacking skills and quests... All members at one point were nons and deep down u know that F2P isnt bearable after a year or so...



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For just the past week:








A Knowledge base (They could of kept parts strictly members)




A new random event




A new set of clothes




Two new emotions (Zombie Walk+Dance)




F2P'ing of Heraldic Shields




-(G) Green dragonhide




-(T) Green dragonhide




-(T) Magic Robes




-(G) Magic Robes
















You've had your 'fair share' , now be quiet and appreaciate what you get :?

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*sigh* another gimmie post.








By the way, to all of those who say F2P don't pay, do you get ads? I pay for the bandwidth those take up. So, no, I'm not getting the game for free, I'm paying for it with bandwidth. I also pay with the extra time it takes to raise my skills to equivelent levels of a P2P, which, in turn, puts more ads across my computer screen. I just don't pay with cash(yet) directly to Jagex.








Back to the topic at hand. We just got a new random, which includes a new set of clothing and two new emotes. I've yet to get the second emote, but I've gotten the entire clothing set, and one of the emotes. Sounds like an update to me.








And, if you are bored, find something else to do. Quit trying to "build" your character through skills, and build your character as a being in Runescape. Make some friends, chat with people, HAVE FUN, that's what the game is there for in the first place.








You want a F2P skill that's fun? Here's one, Sense of Humor. It never shows up on your skills list, but your level is determined by how many people you can make smile behind their computer screens. Extra points if someone blows some kind of liquid out of their nose. Work on training that one.

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*sigh* another gimmie post.








Make some friends, chat with people, HAVE FUN, that's what the game is there for in the first place.








You want a F2P skill that's fun? Here's one, Sense of Humor. It never shows up on your skills list, but your level is determined by how many people you can make smile behind their computer screens. Extra points if someone blows some kind of liquid out of their nose. Work on training that one.








I agree totally.




I am a f2player myself and have always found the idea of trying to ENJOY myself very appealing.




I am always trying to increase my skills, but I always find it so boring unless I am having a PM conversation with another player.

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Yeah that should take awhile. The only thing is, it just takes longer in f2p, like 10 times longer.








F2P is like the everlasting free trial of Runescape.








Basically to Jagex, if you like it, pay us and come to members where we'll give you 10 times more stuff, don't like it, just go away, or if you like it and don't want to pay, keep going with the game, tell your friends so they might actually line our pockets with cash, we just don't want to hear your whining for more stuff.








A Knowledge base (They could of kept parts strictly members)




A new random event




A new set of clothes




Two new emotions (Zombie Walk+Dance)




F2P'ing of Heraldic Shields




-(G) Green dragonhide




-(T) Green dragonhide




-(T) Magic Robes




-(G) Magic Robes











Where can F2P get trimmed and guilded dragonhide? Is it through trading with p2p only?

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This just doesn't deserve my posting time.


...Wait a minute...Dammit.




Go search for smeg's sake, will you? The chances are every question you're asking and thought of have been answered in a previous thread. Probably one that was made yesterday.




I'm getting sick and tired of this, it's getting worse than horses.

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:lol: It's funny because he's deluded :lol:

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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OR you could always play my game when it comes out....


The only difference between the members and non-members is gonna be members have a full screen with no adds....




I do wish you would stop advertising your game in every bloody thread you post in.

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OR you could always play my game when it comes out....


The only difference between the members and non-members is gonna be members have a full screen with no adds....




I do wish you would stop advertising your game in every bloody thread you post in.












Whoops, was that spam? :P

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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Because F2p doesn't pay anything (no, really?) we don't really 'deserve' anything. Jagex works on updates and making a better game for their paying customers, which any business has a right to do.




If you ran a donut shop (I was hungry), how many free donuts would you give out? Would you give out your best donuts for free, or to the people who payed for them?




^I know that's one of the randomest examples ever, but the point is the same. :lol:




F2Pers should enjoy the game, enjoy the updates they get, and hope that Jagex doesn't decide to become like every single other major MMORPG and charge cash for everything.

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Here's an analogy:




1. You go to play at a playground for free. You ride the swings and the slide, and sit at a park pench eating your PB and J sandwich.




2. You go to Disneyland and pay some money. You get to go on rides that are way more exciting, see people the sights, and eat a super-duper chili corndog.




You get what you pay for.




You're actually lucky that RS lets f2p people play as long as they like; many other RPGs have a trial basis where they get to play for 1 month then their char is "locked" until they pay for a membership.

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The donut idea was a good example. Why would Jagex waste their time for people who dont pay, rather than people who do?


If you need something to do, go around RuneScape and say to someone that he/she is your master and you do anything they command. I dunno some ideas. That or Pk,

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The donut idea was a good example. Why would Jagex waste their time for people who dont pay, rather than people who do?


If you need something to do, go around RuneScape and say to someone that he/she is your master and you do anything they command. I dunno some ideas. That or Pk,




Or, even better, Improvise and Role play!




I find nothing more enjoyable then running around making up stories and acting them out, and so on.




I remember one of my most enjoyable memories in Runescape was after the release of wands. A member friend of mine came dressed with a wand, robes, etc, as Harry potter, while I dressed in black robes (the raggedy greenish looking ones), the bobble scarf, red hair, and the bobble hat as Ron Weasly, (from the book series Harry Potter for those poor souls living under a rock). We went around, making places like the white Knights castle Hogwarts, the Wizard's Tower Gryffindor Tower, draynor manor the shreiking shack, etc. We held "lessions" (I think high alch was potions, while bones to bananas was transfiguration).




These sort of things are very fun and easy, and certainly break the monotony of the game. Plus, even in f2p, ther are many items you can get to customise looks and make your own storylines!




You don't need updates to have fun in f2p, just try different things!

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