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A Strange Tale about The Most Brave (and stupid) Begger


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Well, Yesterday's night I was meddling with my own bussiness: Getting a super-set and a load of pineapple pizza to Brimheaven dungeon, killing Bronze Dragons and hopping invane to get the ever-missing dragon legs drop.


So, Im killing the big fat lizards down there, getting the usual addy javelins and mithril alch-junk. Then, I so another white dot on the minimap. Well, I thought that another player came to kill Dragons; why not?


Then, He appears: a lv75 with iron armor, wielding a rune hatchet - no antidragon shield. So, I first wanted to warn him, but before I been able to type, he begins "Need free stuff plz".


Well, first I though he is joking, so I replied "lol" - but he just keeps following me and begging (I was fighting the closeset dragon to the entrance), he tries to trade me, and so on.


So, get annoyed and warn the noob: "Go away, or I'll feed you to the dragons" - nothing helps, he keeps begging from the entrance. When he see none of the wild dogs near, he comes to me and tries to trade.




Ok, that noob had gone far enough, I think to myself - then I ran away from my dragon in the middle of the fight. As expected, after a few seconds the dragon turns to noob. Fire breath...pufff, 23 damage. The noob runs away, but the dragon keeps breathing after him, not to mention a black demons approaching his root in the room west of the bronze dragons.


After a second, I see a lovely red dot, and runs there to explore - some coins, and lovely 15 cooked lobbies (pity I could pick more then 10 at that point). I had to have a quick chit-chat with the black demons who decided (surprise, surprise) to settle on the death pile, but I still got the 500gp and 10 free lobbies (no dragon slayer will object such a kindly food restock).




Then, I couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t resist messeging that begger (no dought he is in lumby/fally now, whining "omg, evil Bellatrix g0t me kill!!!!111 free st0ff pl0x!!!!!1".


So, I pm him and say "Dragon's breath is hot, ah? Thanks for the *free* lobbies, pal".


The guess what he replies?


ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åfree stuff plzÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


Slayer: 85/85, Herblore: 82/82, Farming 81/82, def 99/99.

new goals: full sardomain costum from t.trails (2/6), slayer 87/90, attack 98/99

Dragon drops: 4 half shields, 2 dragon spears | whip drops: 5.

barrow drops: Ahrim's hood

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omg i hate noobs so much! in school you can ignore bullies, but in rs, you cant ignore noobs, it happens constantly "free stuff plz" sometimes even a threat "ill own you in wildy unless you gimme ur mask" do they really expect me to give them my mask because they told me to?? i mean come on is anyone really that stupid!!!???




the thing that ticks me off most of all is that some people actually give them free stuff!!! i mean come on people! giving to newbies fresh if tut island who dont ASK for free things i agree with, but actually giving things to people who ask for it, its stupid! your giving the enemy what they want!!




even i tried it once, i was in a good mood, some chick asks me for free armour plz, it was a girl, i thought she was trying to turn me on with her cexy sprite phisique (unlikely... lol) but as i said, i was feeling generous, and me, in my full rune, gave this level 32 full addy (it was junking up my bank anyway) so this chick accepts trade and goes " full addy??? is that all??? omg you noob"




i lost faith in the rs community that day




noobs suck worse then my english teacher




the alchaholic has spoken

siggity siggity shwa

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Nice story...


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Meh, I was once killing blue drags in taverly, and it was nearly out of food.




Then a white dot runs in and attacks a blue drag. It was a level 64 with no antifire shield.




Before I could warn him, he got flamed, and I got a full load of food.




Same thing repeated itself 8 times before he stopped coming.




He never wore an antifire shield.




It was... wierd. He never said anything to me, but I did like the free food :)

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Beggars deserve to be burned by a dragon! :twisted:


I went to the f2p worlds yesturday to buy iron *cough* cheaper, noobs*cough* and I had 10 guys saying "free stuff plz". I mean I said NO and still, I said "I will not give u free stuff!" and it seems if the noob couldn't read, since he misunderstood that as give u free stuff.


noob wishes to trade with you


noob wishes to trade with you


noob wishes to trade with you


noob wishes to trade with you


grrrrrrrrrr :evil:




A good way to get the noob off ur tail is to put on run, trade with him, decline, and run away. He ant follow you. Unless he finds you again

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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hey bell! lol i feel sorta sad for the noob, begging there is not supposed to happen. they got beggers in barrows, dragons and now brimhaven dungean. what has rs come to? :roll:




I've seen a lot. But my most prized moment is when a level 95 asks me if i can spare anything in dharocks crypt. I think he'd never been to the barrows before because he fought dharock on no pray and almost got killed. Yep, he had to tele.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Lol, i bet my incident is worse than all of yours. I was killing druids for herbs and i say, "yay a rannar". This lvl 100 killing druids right along beside me says, "can i have?" and i respond with a "lol" because i thought he was joking, but he actually starts trading me. :?

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Thank you all for reading and making your comments :)


Slayer: 85/85, Herblore: 82/82, Farming 81/82, def 99/99.

new goals: full sardomain costum from t.trails (2/6), slayer 87/90, attack 98/99

Dragon drops: 4 half shields, 2 dragon spears | whip drops: 5.

barrow drops: Ahrim's hood

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I liked.. and disliked the story..




it's well written, and not just a 'omg i got my 798th begger today..'




on the other hand.. we all have a story like that (well not really like that..)


but we all have a story about being chased, bugged and annoyed by a person why is too lazy to play to get his own money.




it's one of the reasons i'm going to play less RS and buy another..

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


Goals: | Fletching lvl: 97/[b:05c6bf8

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Asking if someone has something to spare isn't bad, especially when someone is mining all of the mithril or something and you only need one for a quest, or you need s lobby real quick to escape Barrows, and stuff like that. Its just people who ask for free stuff just for the sake of not having to work for it that are annoying.

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