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I think i have found something... another underwater land...


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Well guys unless this area is linked to the already out underwater layer then well... I dont know maybe its new. Perhaps a secret on whats to come! O well correct me if im wrong.
















I would like to thank kazuma for posting this, also if you beleive this find is false( not real or old, Recipe for disaster then prove it.:




Hmm if that is not the underwater part for Recipe quest I dare say that may be a future update concerning the "Underwater City" in that one guthix letter that lightly said something about it some ways back




Edit- found it:










it would make sense to put it there where there is a large body of water

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i agree i think the water color is just a screen effect.. you know like if you drink a keg of ale how it gets all tipsy and stuff? but i dont see any kelp or anything else in that pic so i think its new area




just mho





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port sarim dungeon, why was i there? seeing if ice giants had safespots their cuz it would be nicer then the old wildy ones.




There is a safespot. Did you find it?






Interesting find. I don't think that is the underwater part of Recipe for disaster because that had a ton of kelp and stuff. Then again, you never know. Someone should see if they can see the bandits from the underwater place of Recipe for Disaster.

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Hmm if that is not the underwater part for Recipe quest I dare say that may be a future update concerning the "Underwater City" in that one guthix letter that lightly said something about it some ways back




Edit- found it:










it would make sense to put it there where there is a large body of water

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It could just be like the dragon pick, for everyone to go pmg!1!!1 dersz a plcae under teh water tell all of your friends!!!1! (not that i'm calling you one of those poeple there are people that will probably see that and tell everyine that they have found the next update place)




Edit: his mage is 26 for everyone like me who needs to know this kind of stuff.

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watch out!! remember the "dragon plate" thing pulled off by Jagex?? Maybe they need some more people to ban, so they might ban you for hacking and seeing "new area", then release it as a fake or something.







lol but that is cool!

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interesting find, but usually they don't load updates to the server until released so maybe it is the rfd place




lol rather than going to the trouble of putting the text in over ure stats, u could have just cropped it with the rest of the pic lol


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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interesting find, but usually they don't load updates to the server until released so maybe it is the rfd place




Nah they do that with certain future land expansion places, off the top of my head, they did the same thing in the southern part of the desert, the bandit camp place.

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hmm... i dont think they would include a part of a new area if it was not accessable yet. However, to play along with all the other optimists:


ITS PART OF THE NEW CARPENTRY UPDATE ILL BET! Yea... and i also heard through the grapevine that you get free dchains when you build... a... umm... house... Well you better stock up on nails! Here i got some for sale. (omg, hes not an optimist, hes just a greedy person to take advantage of the situation!) Yea.. just buy em from me...




That was off topic...


Lets see is anyone pays any attention to this post!

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Simple way to find out if that "underwater area" is from the recipe for disaster quest or not would be to get someone to go to that area and go as far north-east as they can. Instead of speculating whether it is or isn't...




And I don't know why people are convinced that Jagex don't add areas into the game... especially when its been done on occasions. And there might be some portions that just simply cannot be seen. Its really silly to state how Jagex does something when you absolutely have no clue.


R.I.P Shiva

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