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dam adults think that computer games make us anti-social?


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you might be social in the Internet but the fact is you will be less social in the real world.




*Sigh* Predicament that my friends I meet online aren't real friends because I don't see them. Internet is real life but with a sea between me and those I speak too[/i]


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People blame any problems on something other than what it really is. About 20 or 30 years ago when a lot of the "gamer" type kids were playing Dungeons and Dragons they blamed kids causing problems on that. How could someone in their right mind think that paper, pencil, and roleplay made someone go insane and kill 10 people?




It's plain and simple that people blame problems on something that can't defend itself. However, having no human contact is a problem. I can almost guarantee most people that play games communicate with others, which is fine. There are cases that playing games can cause problems, but 99% of the time it isn't a game that caused a problem.




Though, you shouldn't blame parents for something like this. They just look to keep the best for you, whether or not it bothers you. In most cases they are just trying to be good parents. However, games causes a lot of dispute even though it's such a simple thing.

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man my parents always say that computer games make us anti-social but if u ask me i think that rs is a very social game. everyday u meet new people and have a nice chat with them. what do u think?




My parents say the same to me. :lol:




But the reality is that spending hours a day on a computer (which I fall into that trap somtimes) is just going to make you anti-social. Let alone what it's going to do with your health. :wink:

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you might be social in the Internet but the fact is you will be less social in the real world.




I agree, it doesnt have anything to do with whether the people on Runescape are your real friends or not.

Currently: Quit Ages Ago

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man my parents always say that computer games make us anti-social but if u ask me i think that rs is a very social game. everyday u meet new people and have a nice chat with them. what do u think?




My parents say the same to me. :lol:




But the reality is that spending hours a day on a computer (which I fall into that trap somtimes) is just going to make you anti-social. Let alone what it's going to do with your health. :wink:


meh my health is fine :roll:

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you might be social in the Internet but the fact is you will be less social in the real world.


same problem to me, i can act more free on the comp than in real life




computer kills real life social skills sometimes, but not the other way around

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man my parents always say that computer games make us anti-social but if u ask me i think that rs is a very social game. everyday u meet new people and have a nice chat with them. what do u think?




God, my nan is always nagging at me about playing games, she thinks I should get out more. Though I guess she does have a point, but I do have communication problems (shy, get confused easily, etc) which means I find my self socialy isolated anyway.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Though, you shouldn't blame parents for something like this. They just look to keep the best for you, whether or not it bothers you. In most cases they are just trying to be good parents. However, games causes a lot of dispute even though it's such a simple thing.




Quoted for truthfulness. Make sure you fully take heed to your parents' advice.

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Do you parents know you play a game with other people, and not just a single player game?




Talking on the internet simulates socializing, and you will feel that you just talked for hours once you get off of the net. It is perfectly fine to not talk much in real life, but don't forget how to talk. If you'd rather takl to someone that will listen to you and understand you, then tell your parents that you've some great supportive friends online. I'd rather have an online friend that supports my motives than a real life friend that bails on you when you're in trouble.

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There's no doubt that socialising with people outside of a computer uses different skills that aren't 'ehnahced' by socialising on the Internet. But a couple of hours on the pc each day isn't going to kill all your irl friends, and it's better than watching tv for the same time like most of the people i know who aren't pc-orientated do.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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man my parents always say that computer games make us anti-social but if u ask me i think that rs is a very social game. everyday u meet new people and have a nice chat with them. what do u think?




My parents say the same to me. :lol:




But the reality is that spending hours a day on a computer (which I fall into that trap somtimes) is just going to make you anti-social. Let alone what it's going to do with your health. :wink:




this whoel thing is a load, havent you guys ever heard of a Lan party ? ya get together with people hook up computers and play games or anything. Its just like thier old yahtzee or card game nights except each person has to have a computer in order to pay but even then ive seem some impromtpe partys just set up around a card \ diner table. How is that anti social? ive met a lot of gamer friends at conventions or just walking down the hall in class and seeing hte playing a game and you can instantly strike up a conversation because hey who doesnt love games? admitidly genres can ruin that but still usually the "anti social" people would be and WERE anti social BEFORE they found gaming. they just used gaming as a solo activity.




and as for health, moderation is key. most true GAMERS i know are actully pretty fit, you ever seen a halo tournament? that can get pretty active lol. now if you played liek 16hrs a day everyday then yes definitly you got a problem, but it would be the same if yu played cards, watched tv, played chess, or practicly anything else. massive amounts of anything can be bad or you




And what about the positive aspects of gaming? i know some kids in my area that just couldnt even do basic math but because they started playing runescape they were working with lots of numbers( buying and selling stuff) now they can at lest do that ( they still arent going to win any nobel prizes thats for sure but it is an improvement :oops: )


plus games can help with your hand-eye cordination, and thinking\ logic skills wth puzzles. runescape is also a great way to learn typing as strange as it sounds. I used to constantly have to look at the keyboard even with classes but now after countless fishing guild hours and other stuff i can type pretty well because of the long convorsations ive had thruout the game




so once again; games dont make anti socials, and can actully be good for you in moderation




my 2 cents





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I met my best friend playing a video game against him. But my dad just hates video games.




For example, he set up this "one-hour-a-day-rule." It's okay, i can live with it. And when my sister got on for the 1st time all day, he says get off and she says why? And he gives the lamest excuse, he says, "Because I don't want video games to be THE driving influence in your life." :? It's like he thinks that they'll suck you into the screen and chain you in some kind of jail! what the heck?! b But the HE's on the internet until the wee hours of the morning, and HE is the one I get up to find asleep in front of the TV.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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real life and typeing on a computer is huge!!!! difference you physically see this person in front of you, you do real activites with them, not a series of clicking,




and meeting a pixel shaped girl on runescape, and a live beauty...is quite the difference :oops:

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And I would have to agree with them, since there are better things to do at home. Think about it you can goto a movie, read a book, watch TV, do things in which people will be able to socialize with you. If you do that you won't be depressed. I was depressed from not doing other things, I could see why everyone else would be.




That's because us adults have pr0n, son.




you think you're funny but ur not

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anti-social!! hell no.


im 19 go to college.


got my own aprt.


I Got A Girlfriend


Manager at work.


AND THE BEST THING IS!! ive been playing rs for 5 years. antisocial my but! lol. maybe if you play the game a ton but i dont as much time to play anymore!!!!




antisocial. hell no!

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man my parents always say that computer games make us anti-social but if u ask me i think that rs is a very social game. everyday u meet new people and have a nice chat with them. what do u think?




The fact that you think RuneScape is a social game goes to prove your parents right.

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