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Superstitions and Placebos!


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Wow some people on here need help... :P




I feel that whenever I attack a new monster after killing the last, I make sure run is on - If im running when I hit the monster I will hit it harder= makes sense :lol:




Whenever I kill dustdevils (and no-one is around) I talk to one of them, he's named Cecil.If im nice to him he may give me a drop.He doesn't say much back, but i love him all the same.




If i dont get any decent drops for a while, I like to examine my ROW, or just as I get the last hit on the monster I examine it. Still to get a decent drop this way.




Im sure there are more but I take them for granted.

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I always water every one of my plants, herbs, bushes, doesn't matter. You'd be surprised how many times I was called n00b because of that.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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I try my best to only kill sketetons in the barrows for kc (with the brothers of course) because I seem to get more death runes, if that counts.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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When I was low-level in mining and taking a lot of swipes to mine a rock, I became convinced that timing a click exactly as I made contact with the rock would get the ore. It did seem to me to work more often than not, but that was probably a case of "I think it works - therefore it does" syndrome.

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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If i keep kitting zeros, i click again until i hit something




also, i always cut trees that at least one other person is cutting (magics and yews). it seems to cut faster if there is someone else there lol.

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I kiss my modem sometimes, because I think that if I flatter it, it wont make me lag.




I try my best to only kill sketetons in the barrows for kc (with the brothers of course) because I seem to get more death runes, if that counts.




Theres reasons for that. Someone on another fansite did some huge experiment thing with kill counts, and whats killed, and the loot.

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The funniest one I find is the 'bugged attack/defence levels' it's funny how people believe 96 attack is better than 99 attack. When really it's just that the difference between 96 and 99 is so huge in terms of experience that when compared to the real affects (which are barely noticible) it doesn't seem worth it.




Don't ruin my delusions!!! WAAAAAA!!!! :cry:




I'm just kidding. That's an interesting one. I feel it's their way of making themselves feel better for not wanting to work up to 99 attack.


Hey hey! No need to get all personal :cry:




Anyways, I always think Abyssal Demons stopped dropping whips since 31 December 2005, and then I conclude it's true :cry:!






LMFAO!!! great one...yah. Mine would be that Jagex targets me for bad things. If im having it rough, ill be like " why i have to yell at jagex's lazy company for releasing chrap updates in general chat"...hehe...im insane :D

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heres my ones:




when im in wild i always keep the prayer menu up because its the menu that gives me the least laggs




after i finish dueling somone and i win i do a dance, i duno why it jus makes me feel better




when im fighting someone i sit up right, everything tensed and concentrate on the screen for anything that shoudnt of happened.




and finnaly, always have tele runes on you :D

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Some people think the faster you click on a rock/tree/fishing spot the fast you'll get resources.




It works on rocks. I GUARANTEE it. I tried it on wood and fishing but it didn't work.




If you listen to the sounds, every time you click, the game makes a check to see if you got the ore. So if you click at the right rate, it'll increase the chance of getting it drastically.

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Sometimes when fighting the lvl 360s in fight caves... if I am hitting like 5 zeros in a row I will like move 1 space and then attack again. It makes no sense really but I always think of it as a superstition to like reset or something so I don't hit 0s.




yeah when I'm fishing and I don't catch anything for a while I click on the spot again (maybe I stopped fishing or something). It's kinda the same thing.




I also carry a magical pitta dough to get more genies when smithing! lol jk




also I used to water my herbs 8 times lol but turns out that is totally pointless :D




also sometimes I get the idea when burying a lot of bones in a short time it will get me an event faster (than doing the same amount over a longer time).




also a lot of people think they get better clue rewards when talking to me while finnishing them (they even get angry when I wasn't online and they got a lousy reward!)

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i like to think running into a fight makes you hit harder.




i like to think having your North facing south in the wildy makes it more safe.




i like to think killing the monsters that spawn when u open the doors in barrows gives me a better chance of getting a barrows item XD




and i like to think moving the camera around while u fight makes you hit more lol

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I always wait with looking in my invey till i'm out when i just opened a barrow chest


Me too, and I always slooooooowly check the weight carried before checking invent rofl.

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when starting to do something new like start ranging after a long period of time i feal my character isnt that good then after a hour he gets some nice hits.


Yes, I think that's actually true though. Every time I decide to range after a lot of melee, I hit some 0's and after that it goes well. 8)


Proud member of The Slayer's Guild

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I am absolutely certain that if you keep a steady rhythm clicking while mining,


it will increase your chances of getting the ore faster. This is because with a rune


pick, you have a cretain % of a chance in getting the ore on your first swing


(or with a rune pick it's half swing), and if you don't happen to get it on your


first swing then your character will strike the rock twice more before renewing


his or her efforts. If you keep a steady pace, clicking every half swing,


then you can effectively mine 50-75% faster. This doesn't seem to be superstition,


as I've tested it against people with higher mining levels than me and it


almost always results in me getting the ore faster ... although half of the


whole thing is just blind luck. So that's my thing that many people call superstition


and I call proven fact.




Another thing that many people chalk up to superstition is, when mining gems


in Shilo Village, wearing a full charged Amulet of Glory will help you mine faster.


This is, in fact, not superstition. When you charge an Amulet of Glory, it tells


you that now your chance of getting gems while mining is greatly increased.


Since the rocks in Shile Village yield gems and nothing else, wearing a charged


Amulet of Glory really will double or triple your mining speed.




While it is usually very foolish to rely on superstition, all myths also have


a certain degree of truth in them. There is no true or false, only perspective.


Oh yeah. That's right.

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sometimes i bury all the bones of monsters i kill for a better drop. My friend keeps the ashes of all lessers and demons and stuff he kills...little over the top. :?

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Uhm i used to talk to my computer, and to fire giants claiming that they owe me a dragon drop(over 7k kills) =x




But i don't dot that anymore ;)




Also if i hit 0's i will left click and select attack *target*, also when mining if i don't get the ore within a certain time i click to try and get it again... also i trade or buy and sell rings of wealths after alot of kills if it hasn't given me a good drop, thinking that a new one might help me.




Probably a few more i have forgotten :P

Pier pressure?

I can just see you being threatened by a wharf or jetty because you're a teleporter. Yes, I can see a large wooden wharf uprooting itself from the shore, walking over to you and slapping you in the back of the head for teleporting.

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