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human...are we really the most advaced race on earth?


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Guest GhostRanger
Because my original question wasn't my point. My point (stated in my original question) was that I want to know how you decide which traits are more advanced. Animals everywhere can do different things, so how do we decide which trait is advanced? Just because some birds can swim doesn't change my original question, which is:




How do you decide which trait is considered most advanced?




We have altogether adapted the skills of other animals and blown them apart. A whale can dive 5,000 feet without having surface for 1 hour. So? Humans have used physical laws. Humans could dive 7,556.12 feet without having to surface for up to 2 and a half hours.


Birds can fly 130 mph. So? Humans adapted to creating something flying around 500 - 600 times as fast.


Charmelians can change colour. So? We can change the colour of our clothes to up to 9000 times as many colours as them.


It proves one theory. We are the dominant species. Great, well done smart allec, some creatures are SMARTER than us, but no, thats not the question. Who is the dominant creature is the question. The dominant creature is by far us, the smartest creatures by far is us, but in ratio compared to the size of a dolphin's brain they are smarter than us, as they use the whole thing not partial pieces. But that overall doesn't make them smarter than us. We are the dominant and smartest by far in brain power than anything. I'm going to stop now before my fingers break off from typing too much..




I'm confused as to why you are calling me a smart allec. Please go back and read all of my posts, you might find very conclusive evidence that I agree with you 100%. My question was not directed to you so I understand why you wouldn't understand where I was coming from, but please read everything I say (considering I was one of the first to respond to this post) before calling me a smart allec.

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GhostRanger Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:22 pm Post subject:








whee_wee_wee wrote:




Because my original question wasn't my point. My point (stated in my original question) was that I want to know how you decide which traits are more advanced. Animals everywhere can do different things, so how do we decide which trait is advanced? Just because some birds can swim doesn't change my original question, which is:




How do you decide which trait is considered most advanced?






We have altogether adapted the skills of other animals and blown them apart. A whale can dive 5,000 feet without having surface for 1 hour. So? Humans have used physical laws. Humans could dive 7,556.12 feet without having to surface for up to 2 and a half hours.


Birds can fly 130 mph. So? Humans adapted to creating something flying around 500 - 600 times as fast.


Charmelians can change colour. So? We can change the colour of our clothes to up to 9000 times as many colours as them.


It proves one theory. We are the dominant species. Great, well done smart allec, some creatures are SMARTER than us, but no, thats not the question. Who is the dominant creature is the question. The dominant creature is by far us, the smartest creatures by far is us, but in ratio compared to the size of a dolphin's brain they are smarter than us, as they use the whole thing not partial pieces. But that overall doesn't make them smarter than us. We are the dominant and smartest by far in brain power than anything. I'm going to stop now before my fingers break off from typing too much..






I'm confused as to why you are calling me a smart allec. Please go back and read all of my posts, you might find very conclusive evidence that I agree with you 100%. My question was not directed to you so I understand why you wouldn't understand where I was coming from, but please read everything I say (considering I was one of the first to respond to this post) before calling me a smart allec.







It wasn't specifically dericted towardyou. It was retorical wording.

New account, Golem54.

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Guest GhostRanger
GhostRanger Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:22 pm Post subject:








whee_wee_wee wrote:




Because my original question wasn't my point. My point (stated in my original question) was that I want to know how you decide which traits are more advanced. Animals everywhere can do different things, so how do we decide which trait is advanced? Just because some birds can swim doesn't change my original question, which is:




How do you decide which trait is considered most advanced?






We have altogether adapted the skills of other animals and blown them apart. A whale can dive 5,000 feet without having surface for 1 hour. So? Humans have used physical laws. Humans could dive 7,556.12 feet without having to surface for up to 2 and a half hours.


Birds can fly 130 mph. So? Humans adapted to creating something flying around 500 - 600 times as fast.


Charmelians can change colour. So? We can change the colour of our clothes to up to 9000 times as many colours as them.


It proves one theory. We are the dominant species. Great, well done smart allec, some creatures are SMARTER than us, but no, thats not the question. Who is the dominant creature is the question. The dominant creature is by far us, the smartest creatures by far is us, but in ratio compared to the size of a dolphin's brain they are smarter than us, as they use the whole thing not partial pieces. But that overall doesn't make them smarter than us. We are the dominant and smartest by far in brain power than anything. I'm going to stop now before my fingers break off from typing too much..






I'm confused as to why you are calling me a smart allec. Please go back and read all of my posts, you might find very conclusive evidence that I agree with you 100%. My question was not directed to you so I understand why you wouldn't understand where I was coming from, but please read everything I say (considering I was one of the first to respond to this post) before calling me a smart allec.







It wasn't specifically dericted towardyou. It was retorical wording.




You quoted what I said and responded to my words. It was directed towards me. Thanks.

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Human beings became selfishly the most "advanced" animals since we only think about the technology, the ability of thinking, feeling, analyzing, and building new civilizations and empires of our own.




It's also true that every animal is evolving as human history passes through time. However, our adaptation is slowly breaking every single contact with nature as we progress with technology, policitcal changes, and social changes. We self-imposed a cycle of survival that didn't exist before {the cycle of money; you get rich or die tryin'.} We self-imposed new habitats by building houses and destroying the natural landscape {as we eradicated the other existing animal without mercy.} We created new things, we kept building, we kept expanding, we fight, we win, we struggled, we change, the cycle continues...


We kept evoloving into an emotional "animal" who acquired more knowledge than the others. We reused it in many domains for many different purposes. We lose the posture of the ape. We stand up straight. We slowly reduce manual work. We use less physical and brute force. We are slowly losing contact with Mother Nature. We manipulate our environment. We don't follow Mother Nature anymore. We become more creative and greedy {we invent more useful things and we wanted more power}. We kept on going in this line. We risked other living being {animals and human being} for a small social, political, national, or cultural change.


Now look at us, what have we become? we became the only animal who can actutaly kill other living being with pleasure, with passion, and lust. We created slavery. We eradicated Native Americans. We created wars. We pollute the Earth with our industrial and chemical waste. We changed the weather. We loathe each other for our colour. We kill each other. We use weapons of mass of destruction for the protection of a nation.


{What direction are we evolving into?}


As we presently sit in front of the computer, you can't say a human is most advanced animal since we eradicated a a good majority of the animal population. We can't say we're advanced that those living don't know how to use the cell phones and space ship that we have{every living being has already own strength and weaknesses in every domain.} If we are truly the most advanced animal on Earth, then we should be immortal. We shouldn't have any problem with Mother nature and with other human beings {in which is not the case}. If we are truly the most powerful and advanced living being, then we can deal with any problem that comes out {from nature to technology...in which I believe is not possible}




To sum up my opnion, there's no degree of advancedment compared with other living being since we gained and lost abilities that we had and never had. It's a question of evolution and adaption that we've been taking and imposing.

-=Aznhuskarl=- Cleric

-=20Cent=- Juggernaught

More to come...

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uh... yes? :? :shock:




the fact that you even asked that question makes me wonder, though... :lol:








haha ok so perhaps that is a bit harsh... but seriously man... this is a no brainer. :roll:


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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Of course we are! What other species on the planet (or in the galaxy, even) spends HOURS a day playing games (in virtual reality) that don't help you in any way, shape or form whatsoever?




What other species spends time discussing this point? :lol:

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We are on this forum discussing things with people halfway around the world.




Let's see a dolphin or a squirrel do that.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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We are on this forum discussing things with people halfway around the world.




Let's see a dolphin or a squirrel do that.


Dolphins can communicate much furthar unaided than we can.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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We are on this forum discussing things with people halfway around the world.




Let's see a dolphin or a squirrel do that.


Dolphins can communicate much furthar unaided than we can.




Dolphins can communicate on the interweb? To thier friends on land? Wow, try reading before responding. My point was that we are communicating on a network with people across the world with no restrictions (sans those we put into place eg censors). A dolphin might be able to cry for help from miles away, but can they communicate with another dolphin 4000 miles away ON LAND! And without effort, I might add.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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also another point. No, dolphins cannot communicate further than us. Also, can dolphins type? Can dolphins write what they have thoguht? DDo dolphins think outside the box? Can dolphins pikck things up? Can dolphins breathe underwater? Can dolphins make things that were not naturallly invented? Do dolphins extend their ability to use their knowledge? can they report to the whole world that something major has happened? I believe the answer to them is.. no.

New account, Golem54.

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Modern man defines intelligence by whatever is the currently accepted science, or by what our technology can detect.




Furthermore, man has the audacity to declare himself superior to all other creatures. Because he has the power to destroy the world and wipe out every living creature in existance. Is that what makes us more intelligent?




Mother nature is far more complex than any technology we could invent.


Man owes all of its technological prowess to nature.


Whether it's computers, planes, or any other invention, humans have "reverse engineered" it, so-to-speak from nature.


"Natural-computers outdo conventional computers in solving problems (like the SAT[4]) where an exhaustive search is apparently indispensable. The secret is that the natural-computer does not have to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅsearchÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


Kill corporate radio. http://www.killradio.org

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Hahaha I like it when Riku posts because he makes me laugh.




Why, because his educated and well-formed posts are both informative and yet accessible, presented in a comedic manner whilst retaining a level of articulation unparalleled the world over?

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Hahaha I like it when Riku posts because he makes me laugh.




Why, because his educated and well-formed posts are both informative and yet accessible, presented in a comedic manner whilst retaining a level of articulation unparalleled the world over?






Yes, that is exactly why.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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As humans we can: build nuclear weapons, manufacture chemical agents, synthesize biological agents, geneticly synthesize organisms, travel into space, make computers, gaze into deep space, fly faster than the speed of sound, fire projectiles faster than the speed of sound, travel to the moon, send a probe to Neptune, and even destroy this entire planet. No other animal can do that.

Good day sir, how may I help you?

Id like to access my bank account please.

Certainly sir.

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Sort of a good idea for a topic but it's not really working out. needs to be tweaked a bit.




Humans are the most advanced species basically because of our brains. The only argument iv seen on the other side is that other species are more advanced because of their physical capabilities. In terms of being "advanced" I see that as intelect and not perhaps how strong. If someone were to put me in a cage with a gorilla the gorilla would tear me apart. Now if somebody placed a gun on the ground who's going to figure out how to use it? Let this topic die.

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I really can't believe we spent three pages debating this...




Didn't we spend like 5 or 6 pages discussing why a male Can't get PMS that one time?




some people are well.... eh.

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I really can't believe we spent three pages debating this...




Didn't we spend like 5 or 6 pages discussing why a male Can't get PMS that one time?




some people are well.... eh.






I hate it how I can't right "haha" more than once....




Haha! I remember that one!!!


Man, another argument that my brother was involved in. He was saying "No it isn't possible." But there are the select few in this world that would indeed argue with facts.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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o0f corse were the most advance race on earth !!! you dont see monkeys watching tv do ya? unless there smart
Nico and Samba, two Gorillas at Longleat, have a centrally-heated miniature stately home, satellite television and even computer games on their little island.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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