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RUNESCAPE BOOK OF RECORDS! - just a standard post this time


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--------------RUNESCAPE BOOK OF RECORDS 2006!---------------






Welcome to the Runescape Book Of Records 2006!




These records aim to bring out the best, strongest, most funloving, craziest and silliest players in the whole of Runescape. If you think you've got what it takes to beat a record then contact psycofishy (on rs) either here or preferably in game. After you have contacted us someone will be sent to inspect your record and check that it is genuine. (We may not check immediately).




You can also enter your own records! If you dont see a certain records on this list, be sure to tell us. Please note though, that you must inform us of this record so we can give others a chance to attempt it. As well as this, if it is too similar to already existing records, we may not accept it.




The first entry date is june the first! So youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve got until the 1st of June to get your first records in! We'll inform you first if you have made it or have been pushed off the records table.




There are also certain Records that require groups or a large number of people. These are to be organised beforehand and your team to be given a name. We'll then go to a remote location to certify your record****is is so nobody else can join your group against your will... we will not use the wilderness.)




There will also be Event records. These will be records that come from an event that WE WILL hold. These often include many a people... and often your levels donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t matter, so join in! Keep an eye out here for any events we will be holding.




This is the list of already certified records. If you come up with a record this is where it will go. There arent any records this year yet so everything is up for grabs!






>>> Highest Total level (or xp if tie breaker needed) For a level 3.


-*** - 1197 / 107,781,653




>>> Highest Total Xp for mage compared to Combat level.


- *** - 4800.23




>>> Highest Total Xp For Range compared to Combat level.






>>> Highest number after Total xp has been divided by Combat level.


-***- 35927217.67




>>> Lowest Combat level to wear dragon armour.


-*** - 28




>>> Highest slayer level at level 3.


-*** - 45






>>> Lowest Combat Level Ancient.


-*** - Level 61




>>> Lowest Combat Level Legends Quest Completion.


-*** - Level 67




>>> Lowest Combat Level Monkey Madness Completion.






>>> Highest QP for level 3.






>>> Highest QP for level 25-.






>>> Lowest Level to complete Fight pits.






>>> Lowest combat level in champions guild. (F2p Only)








>>> Most Santa Hats in a Group.(They must be worn)






>>> Most Party Hats (of any type) In a group.(They must be worn)






>>> Most Specific Coloured P hats in a Group (red, yellow ,white , blue , green, purple).(They must be worn)






>>> Longest Group Conga Line.








>>> Most Tinderboxes In one Pack.






>>> Most Knives in one Pack.






>>> Most Chisels in one Pack.






>>> Most Cave crawlers Killed in five Minutes.






>>> Most Kalphite Workers killed in five minutes.






>>> Most hammers in one pack.


- *** - 6950




>>> Quickest time to drink 28 beers.


-*** - 57.48




>>> Most burnt lobsters in a pack.


- *** - 5497




>>> Most Santa hats in one pack.




Event Records:







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i dont know if this would fit or not, but a friend of min (username: falconx015) got into champions guild at lvl 15, beat dragon slayer at lvl 30....




and i still have no idea how :shock:


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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Please dont say records that have happened in the past. It MUST be possible for one of us to come and check this record. For Example. You could show us in a trade how many chisels you have... or we would come along and time it while you killed kalphite workers.





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i dont know if this would fit or not, but a friend of min (username: falconx015) got into champions guild at lvl 15, beat dragon slayer at lvl 30....




and i still have no idea how :shock:




all f2p non cb quests + restless gost thats champ guild at lvl 4 or 5


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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i dont know if this would fit or not, but a friend of min (username: falconx015) got into champions guild at lvl 15, beat dragon slayer at lvl 30....




and i still have no idea how :shock:




Possibly using the knife glitch i rsc. And I nominate goldchipmunk for best player ever. Yay!

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To PROPERLY do this, will take a lot of work and dedication.




hopefully you have acouple trustworthy people to document things?




youi gave me an idea *steals*

Kah..... bah...... danm! Whats the third one again?

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>>> Highest Total level (or xp if tie breaker needed) For a level 3.








>>> Highest Number after Total XP has been divided by Combat Level.





Dude, in case you didn't know, the winner for both of these is... wait for it... ZZZAMORAK!...


Look him up on highscores if you never heard bout him before... He even has three 99's!!!


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Yes he does...


-`SonyBotGS- [sonyBot] User: Zzzamorak


-`SonyBotGS- [sonyBot] Overall 1195 | Cooking 99 | Woodcutting 99 | Fletching 99 | Fishing 99 | Firemaking 99 | Crafting 87 | Smithing 88 | Mining 82 | Herblore 83 | Agility 80 | Thieving 80 | Slayer 45 | Farming 74 | Runecraft 64 |




I believe he is the highest ranked level 3.



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im training my def on my Cabz0rs account.... 36 atm.... going to be the ultimate def noob :P, goals need 2 be done.


-Slay elvarg


-prayer 43


-def 60 ouch


Interrested in joining the cabbagy madness? Click here to go to our forums, and say hi ^^

lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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hmmm I could compete in 1473 total at 84 combat.


that make 17.54 after division people will beat that tho :P






then I did desert treasure at cb 68 i have pics but people did that at lower lvl as well.


btw I think I definetly am the lowest lvl to do desert treasure on my own while only having been member for 1 less then 1 month and self supplied as in doing it with lobbies and swordies and regular pots all made by myself :P and to kill the bosses i used fire and water blast hehe -.- :P


I also completed legends at lvl 72ish but thats no big deal.




Ohw u should add lowest lvl to complete the fight pits because thats what i'm working on right now :P




Ohw I think people should also be able to submit there own made up records because that what the guiness book is all about... not about breaking existing records but making up new ones.

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