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Gah! Peoples theses days...


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Well I finally got some friends around to go to the Dk's. Rebel been my melee friend at Dk for about a week and always went when i needed him. He was very good but never got any kills but i always shared. Liquid was my old Dk buddy from a while ago that i haven't talked to in a while.




Well we go the first trip and me and Rebel melee, Liquid mages, and Frito friend ranges of course. We got nothing good. Friend B got a berserker ring. :)




Nest trip, i maged and Rebel and Liquid meleed and Frito ranged. We were doing pretty good. My first rex drop was a berserker ring. They killed the supreme and prime a few times. Well i noticed Rebel being nailed with big hits so i ran over. Just as i got to him he died. I started eating sharks and i only got his Torags helm and Obby cape. Liquid got his Whip, Rune boots, Glory, and Row. He claims he died and kept 2 whips after he teleported and also kept his gloves. I knew he was lying so i ask politely for him to give Rebel his whip back and i'll pay for anything Liquid lost.




A few moments pass. Rebel, Frito, and I are standing in cammy talking. Frito had no clue what happen. So we told him. I went to get tele runes because eariler Liquid said he was at Falador. By the time i got to seers bank, Liquid logged.








I decided to go back to Rebel and give him my berserker ring(By the way when i teleported out i gave him he stuff back). I can't believe people would pick pixels over friends but it happens. :(




Thanks for reading.

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Shame, how some people think of pixels as better than friends, but... What can you do?




Shows how good some friends really are...




Can you replace "Friend A", "Friend B" and "Ranging Buddy" with understandable aliases? Like Bob, Harry and Jim or something... It gets confusing trying to remember who's who.

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Heh it happens to everyone. I lent a friend 6mil because he wanted it. I said ok and gave it to him. A week later I asked him can I have it back and he said some abuse to me then deleted me. And I thought this was meant to be my best friend in game. Pfft, people these days. :roll:

Neocrononom. Rune pure FTW.

Goals - 99 magic, 99 attack.



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I havent been in a situation like this yet, but I do have a general rule towards RS friends: I only loan them stuff I can afford to lose. So giving a friend 6M will not happen anytime soon for me, but I've handed out full runes and d longs before and if you don't expect to get them back it actually feels better when you do get it back.


And you need to choose the friends to loan stuff to, I once loaned a friend full rune with warrior helm and d scimmy, then he died at Taverly Blue dragons. Since he wasn't rich (he needed to sell his mystic if he needed full rune and vice versa) I didn't expect to get anything back from him, but he did pay me back for all that he lost and he is now one of my best friends on RS.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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lol I've handed out 50mill to my best rs friends and always got it back :)


but then theres those naabs coming upto me saying they urgently need 50k to do whatever.


I'm like ok but add me and remember to give it back.


They're like yes I will I only need it for now because i ran out of cash.


And then I never see or hear of them again :S

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Shame that friend will find out how easy it is to get a whip again and just lost a really good friend for it.




Best to just ignore him because people like him ruin the game for most of us.




Very honorable of you.


~Aprzepioski <--My username if you like to add me

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In your title "gah, peoples these days" umm people is plural you don't need an "s" Rolling Eyes




Does that really matter?




Back on topic: As further example of how bad people are, i recently made an f2p mage pure. I had just reached lvl 20 when some idiot came along, and did his 'trade trade trade - look how rich i am' thing, showing off. I replied that it was nothing special, and i had 1M, and money really isnt that important. To which he gave me a sack full of racist abuse (all incorrect, since i only made a coloured female character cos i like the look - in fact i'm male and as Anglo-saxon as it gets!)




My point is that people seem to think its fine to be racist, when on a computer game people can be anything they like. The way racist insults are taken for granted as acceptable alongside 'noob' and 'fauck you' disgusts me.




needless to say, he was reported.

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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My point is that people seem to think its fine to be racist, when on a computer game people can be anything they like. The way racist insults are taken for granted as acceptable alongside 'noob' and 'fauck you' disgusts me.




needless to say, he was reported.




Tell me about it. What is even more sad is that most of those kinds of people are twelve or eleven years old. It's a shame to see someone so young, so corrupted already. It's also sad that people that act like that because it makes them cool or look hard. In reality 90% of those trash talkers wouldn't dare confront you in person.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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today someone was loudly proclaiming that they 'knew every swear word', and thenm proceeded to ask me if i new what 'camp' meant - i said effemiante and they demanded it meant gai... and he had told me earlier he was 10

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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*COUGH*illegal action, please delete post*COUGH*


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I dont expect (Friend A or Rebel) to repay me. I just hope he wants to go to Dk's again :)






In your title "gah, peoples these days" umm people is plural you don't need an "s" :roll:




Well Captain Grammarman, sorry for that mistake. I'm pretty sure you ignore grammar from time to time.




Thanks for telling me Who :)

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Me and my riend just got a Dragon Axe drop from the Rex. Trust is shown when you can trade it between youselves.




1.1M each soon i hope :)




P.S: Darkarno rocks. :)


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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ouch, i know how it feels....i Dk alot but recently my old team was a bunch of BS'ers.....wouldnt share and stuff and my clan isnt very big on these (did it ONCE when it came out, got massacred [no stratagy so duh they did!] and now wont do again :'( ) add me in RS i'll kill with you

I'm 106 and I'd do it if it wasn't for what Reb posted...


If Reb jumped off a cliff, would you follow him?

:lol: Who wouldn't? :wink:

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That sucks, a year ago my friend and I met this other guy while we were pking and the guy we met became a pretty good friend of ours. He came back to RS last month and scammed my old friend for 500k which is really pathetic since he rather give up a friend than an hour of killing green dragons.

123 Combat / 1900 Skill Total / 99 HP / 7x 99 Stats

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That sucks, and almost the exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I had gathered a group together to go Dk'ing, and of course I happened to pick a bunch of idiots. Total chaos ensued within a matter of minutes down onc we got down there, and one meleer (our poorest, weakest meleer) ended up dying thanks to a Prime-Supreme knock-out. The other lvl 100s jumped on the pile (in which I recall seeing a whip and obby shield), grabbed what they could, tele'd, and deleted the me and everyone else on the trip. I didn't get a chance to grab anything for the poor kid because I was maging on the other side of the arena :? .What some people will do for pixels these days...

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Well... naming names is actually against the rules. And I think the alias that you gave the guy can be recognized by some.




If its the guy I think you are talking about... You should've known better then to train with him. He is an immature moron.




Yeah... it sucks to get burned like that. But its only a game and thats all it ever will be. Its best to just let someone that weak minded think he got a good steal, when actually you can get the stuff back in under a week or so (depending on how well your overall skills are).


R.I.P Shiva

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