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PS3 VS Xbox/360


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We are all aware of the giant competition between the two systems PS3 and XBOX/360, so i have decided to let you, the public decide which one is the BEST. Below this post i will give you a chance to vote for your favourite system, also if you have any rants about any good or bad qualties of these systems feel free to speak your mind.




Post Your choice for favoruite system










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The PS3 isn't out yet. How could be decide which one is best? :?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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Playstation has always been a home to many great games, and many great game making company are dedicated to playstation..




FF series


MGS series


silent hill series


Biohzard series (apart from BH zero and code verconica)


Kingdom hearts


GTA series


Onimusha trilogy (ignore the 4th one for being out of style)


Suikoden series






but some people never appreciates these games. And a simple game call Halo, people can choose this one game all over these great titles.




this is only all about taste. Some kid thinks Metriod Prime is beter than Metal Gear..sooo, get it?




console perfromance..mehhh. One thing for sure, it is better both PS2 and Xbox, PS2 and Xbox can produce some really decent and realistic graphics already.






No point bashing each other's favourite system, just end up all miserable bunnies. Enjoy your favourite game instead.

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I vote PS3.


So what if 360 came out before it means nothing, sure they will get more sales sooner but I bet PS3 will be even more popular. People see Microsoft as notorious for bugs and the like.


Ive played an XBOX360 and to be honest, I was disappointed. I expected more, compared to a PS2 I didnt see much difference in gameplay or AI. The noticeable difference was the lighting and shadows, especially water. The configuration of human detail was nice but really not ground-breaking.


Now from what i've seen of the PS3 (Mags and Videos) EVERYTHING looks improved. Explosions look realistic, shadows are really detailed, AI seems much more advanced and general gameplay feedback (Like will be in MGS4) is staggering.


Maybe its just me but I much prefer the look of the PS3, may not be convenient but it looks more modern - sleeker if you will. And, thank god, they are redesigning their "boomerang" controller.


However, I do like the 360 controllers. They fit well in your hand but I am so used to having a D-Pad at the top-left and 2 Analogue sticks in the middle, it does not fit aswell as a PS2 controller.




Gran Turismo > Forza ;)

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I vote PS3.


So what if 360 came out before it means nothing, sure they will get more sales sooner but I bet PS3 will be even more popular. People see Microsoft as notorious for bugs and the like.


Ive played an XBOX360 and to be honest, I was disappointed. I expected more, compared to a PS2 I didnt see much difference in gameplay or AI. The noticeable difference was the lighting and shadows, especially water. The configuration of human detail was nice but really not ground-breaking.


Now from what i've seen of the PS3 (Mags and Videos) EVERYTHING looks improved. Explosions look realistic, shadows are really detailed, AI seems much more advanced and general gameplay feedback (Like will be in MGS4) is staggering.


Maybe its just me but I much prefer the look of the PS3, may not be convenient but it looks more modern - sleeker if you will. And, thank god, they are redesigning their "boomerang" controller.


However, I do like the 360 controllers. They fit well in your hand but I am so used to having a D-Pad at the top-left and 2 Analogue sticks in the middle, it does not fit aswell as a PS2 controller.




Gran Turismo > Forza ;)




The problem is that most of the games on the 360 were not truly made for the 360 they are just games that were origanally designed for the regular xbox and then were graphically improved so the 360 would have more games on the release day.




I think you can't compare the two systems because people will always have their personal favorite. I like the xbox for FPS, sports and Mulitplayer/Online, but I prefer the ps2 for RPG. So I think it depends on what you like. I also own an xbox so that makes me more likely to buy a 360 so that I can play my old xbox games. But I know that if I owned a PS2 then I would rather have a PS3. I don't think the difference is that great, and I think most people will be pleased with whatever system they end up purchasing.


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Now from what i've seen of the PS3 (Mags and Videos) EVERYTHING looks improved.




That's because they present a prototype that won't actually be the ps3. They give a souped-up version to get media hype.




And what about the "delay" that Sony clearly planned from the get-go yet waited until after Christmas to announce? :P

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Now from what i've seen of the PS3 (Mags and Videos) EVERYTHING looks improved.




That's because they present a prototype that won't actually be the ps3. They give a souped-up version to get media hype.




And what about the "delay" that Sony clearly planned from the get-go yet waited until after Christmas to announce? :P




Well now its being announced that it will come out later this year (August) and not the previous prediction of March 2007. :? Not sure we should count our chicks though.

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How the hell can you compare with something that doesn't exist yet?




no kidding...




the systems are going to be pretty much the same. so alike, infact, that the games will look the same, play the same, and all of that.




the only deciding factor in this day in age is weather or not your a fanboy or want to try something new.




personally i think PS games suck, there just a bunch of farfetched japanese storys...




for me its like this




Xbox 1 = Ford Mustang GT


PS2 = Mitsubishi Eclipse




Id rather have the mustage cuz imports suck ;)

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How the hell can you compare with something that doesn't exist yet?




no kidding...




the systems are going to be pretty much the same. so alike, infact, that the games will look the same, play the same, and all of that.




the only deciding factor in this day in age is weather or not your a fanboy or want to try something new.




personally i think PS games suck, there just a bunch of farfetched japanese storys...




for me its like this




Xbox 1 = Ford Mustang GT


PS2 = Mitsubishi Eclipse




Id rather have the mustage cuz imports suck ;)




What do you call GTA then? I mean, Grand Theft Auto definitely isn't my favorite games on the PS2, but they're great and they're not "a bunch of farfetched japanese stories"


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Original games ftw.




And don't call me a fanboi. The only Microsoft games I've ever liked was Halo and a few games for the PS2. I got heavily annoyed with all the GTA/Naked volleyball/violent games. I prefer Nintendo's original titles that are still fun to play (and not childish...except for Mario).




I will also buy the Revolution just so I can play Duck Hunt. Not to mention having access to EVERY game ever made for any Nintendo or Sega console.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I will also buy the Revolution just so I can play Duck Hunt. Not to mention having access to EVERY game ever made for any Nintendo or Sega console.




The ability to play all the old Nintendo and Sega games, is the one single reason I am going to buy the Revolution, I loved those old games I still have my SNES but I had to do some serious work on it to get it to work again.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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people ps3 has stats out so u can technically compare them with xbox




go to this link and u'll see














omg.. u actually take IGN as a credible source.. your insane.




not to mention that was from may 16, 05'


and even if it were true... 256mb ram in the ps3 = ouch... have fun with that..




rumor has it that since then they have bumped it up to 512mb ram, and scrapped the 7 core cell, down to a 2 core cell processor.




and it say on there.. Release: Spring 06' .. not gunna happen




ign = teh' suckage...

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I'll be getting a PS3, simply because I have a PS2 and PSX. I don't really see the desire in buying a new console with completely new games, because of the financial burden and also because the Xbox games don't strike me as incredible.




So a Ps3 for me. Then a Revolution.

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people ps3 has stats out so u can technically compare them with xbox




go to this link and u'll see














My personal favorite console of the last generation was the Gamecube, why don't you go compare it's specs to the Xbox?




Moral of this story: Specs mean absolute [cabbage]


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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This post wasn't really necessary.




PS3 isn't out yet and all we have to go on is hype. Xbox 360 is out and it's a solid system. I have one and I love it. Like mentioned, most of the games out weren't made solely as next-gen games so they're hardly something to go by when considering whether the 360 is good or not.

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I have an xbox 360 and i must say i am having alot of fun with it.




But to compare these 2 consoles would be foolish when 1 is still months away from release.


Ill probobly also get a ps3 and a rev because all 3 consoles have there pros and cons. Sony has always made the great games while xbox has awesome online play and the graphics. Nintendo games are made for fun.

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Having played the xbox 360 a bit of late, can't say I'm really "wowed" by it at all.


Better games might change that but I highly doubt it.


And the controller layout, always has been and, will remain the biggest negative IMO.




PS3, couldn't really give a [cabbage] about it. Anything I like for that system I'll be able to get for the PC.


And my PC is better than the PS3 without breaking a sweat so meah.






As for the revolution, looking forward to being able to play pretty much any game from the Nintendo archive, along with Sega. So many good games, even if they are like 15 years old.

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PC always will be the best.




But since that's not the question, I'd back PS3. Primarily for GTA. And a launch title of UT2k7 is amazing. And many of the big Xbox games are on PS2 anyway. But I've never had a console. So who cares.




PC owns.

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The reason everybody is dissapointed by the 360 is because you all set your expectations amazingly high. I nerdgasmed when I played GRAW and DOA4. Microsoft is taking a step in the right direction with the 360 by trying to get more japanese support but I have a feeling that the PS3 will win solely from hype and mainstream appeal.


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