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The Great Tip PIC 2006 -- Get ready for 2007 edition


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Yes when i asked you to change mine u never replied




Dont you understand it then?!




Ever though of the idea that your picture CANT BE CHANGED? Once you sent it, theres no way back i guess. I also wanted to make some adjustments to my guy, when i sent it in and saw the result but i kept quiet, cause i knew it would be too much work to change it.


Just face the fact that your "supercool whip" isnt as good on the picture as in game. This topic isnt to show off you wealth, it is meant for FUN.




And to some people who ask why theirs isnt in it: try to take a straight picture from your guy? (not from 3/4, but with his head facing to you).




I dont have a whip and i am straight on...

Merry Crimbo!


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Yes when i asked you to change mine u never replied




Dont you understand it then?!




Ever though of the idea that your picture CANT BE CHANGED? Once you sent it, theres no way back i guess. I also wanted to make some adjustments to my guy, when i sent it in and saw the result but i kept quiet, cause i knew it would be too much work to change it.


Just face the fact that your "supercool whip" isnt as good on the picture as in game. This topic isnt to show off you wealth, it is meant for FUN.




And to some people who ask why theirs isnt in it: try to take a straight picture from your guy? (not from 3/4, but with his head facing to you).




I dont have a whip and i am straight on...




Oh, sorry then. There was some other guy complaining that his whip wasnt as good looking as he wanted and i confused him with you :oops: .




Anyway, i think you should have thought before posting your character look. Everyone should just have one chance, imagine how hard it would be for the topic maker if everyone decided to get his character changed every week, 'cause he discovered some new item, or finally got his hands on that elusive mask.




And the thing about straight on, wasnt meatn to you.




Again, sorry for the confusion, my fault.





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i sent you my pict but it isnt posted? is it becuase i didnt grey out the back becuase i dont know how to do that

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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This IS being updated still dont worry about that. At the last check the new picture has over 20 more people in it, with about 40 more to be added just from E-Mail.




Im sorry i've not been so fast lately, been having major problems with the ole' Wireless ;).

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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first of all, spongebob is da bomb. :-P


and this is a cool thread. i would sent in a pic. but im to lazy, this looks cool if you could get it huge. :) good idea and good luck i should send in my pic to help because i believe this is cool.

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dum de dum dum *cues jeporady tape* my pict isn't up, im just wondering.... :cry:

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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yeah you guys he has been having problems with internet and hes been out a lot this week, cause he hasn't been online all week and i asked him like 30 mins ago when he logged on so thats why no updates.


Sig by me....

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Hmm, i better send in a piccy then :!:


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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