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What do you think on raising the max skill level?

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I find that with zezima and n0valyfe pretty much maxing out (except for the new construction skill) we should extend the maximum level, as well as maximum experience.




Now we all know maximum level is 99, and maximum experience is 200 million. Now since both of these have been achieved, I think it's time to extend the limits. Say level up to 120, experience up to 1 billion?




Now, before you start rolling your eyes at this I will go into detail as to what the new levels will provide.




Attack: New weapon that requires level 100 to use?


Defence: New armour that requires level 100 to wear?


Range: New bows, and arrows that require level 100 to use?


Prayer: Prayers that go up to level 115? You can do a lot with different kinds of prayers!


Magic: A new set of spells after wave? Air-Fire ?? Ideas on what they should be called?


Runecrafting: Craft blood runes, soul runes 2x death, 2x laws, etc.


Slayer: New monsters (of course)


Hitpoints: 120 health, pretty easy.


P2P(Agility, Herblaw, Thieving, Fletching): Not too sure, seeing as I am f2p, maybe you guys can help me out with this one?


Crafting: Be able to craft a new level of robes, and armour. Perhaps even some of the barrows robes?


Mining: Be able to mine dragon rocks at level 110.


Smithing: Make dragon med helms, squares, etc.


Woodcutting: Introduce a new tree?


Firemaking: Being able to burn that new tree?


Cooking: More food! Something that heals 25 health? Perhaps whales?


Fishing: Fishing that food, whales?






You're thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated! Constructive critisism too please!! :)

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I think that at some point, there has to be an end. You can't set a goal on a never-ending limit.


Quite true, very valid point. But seeing as runescape is coming out with many new armours, weapons, and such I think it's time to take a big jump skill wise. This will challenge players to their extreme limits, and perhaps open the door to some rare price deflations?

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I think there's still a lot to be done with the skills, the only skill that has truly been used fully is smithing as you can smith a new item at almost every level.




There's still plenty of room for new features to be added to other skills so I certainly don't think there's any need to increase the skill level.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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I am fine with the current level cap. Higher levels would be pointless to train to because with the exception of mining/smelting dragon, nothing can easily be added. With the exception of a small number of skills, it takes an adverage of 1,000 hours just to level one skill.

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I think there's still a lot to be done with the skills, the only skill that has truly been used fully is smithing as you can smith a new item at almost every level.




There's still plenty of room for new features to be added to other skills so I certainly don't think there's any need to increase the skill level.


Well construction does have alot of things for each level with the best throne at lvl 99. Besides that all the skills have nothing special to them.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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there is a reason lvls stop at 99 because it would be a huge graphical update to add that third digit and its a waste of an update considering about 1% of rs users would have any use for it right now


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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um...then your gonna have to raise the combat lvl and such. I disagree with new prayers, because its fine now. I disagree with...crafting barrows armors and i disagree with mining and smithing dragon.

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Guest AshKaYu
there is a reason lvls stop at 99 because it would be a huge graphical update to add that third digit and its a waste of an update considering about 1% of rs users would have any use for it right now




Changing the font of that about 2 sizes smaller=huge? If this is stupid what I'm saying, please tell me.

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its a little more complicated than shrinking the font size they have to add stuff so the game engine can read it and besides liek i said only about 1% of rs players could use this update as of right now so they shoudl wait until more people are maxing out skils


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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there is a reason lvls stop at 99 because it would be a huge graphical update to add that third digit and its a waste of an update considering about 1% of rs users would have any use for it right now




Remeber pots? When you pot at like level 99, you get above 100 :wink:

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I believe Jagex once said they'd have to reset the whole game to change the level structure... maybe my memory's just making things up though...


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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I believe Jagex once said they'd have to reset the whole game to change the level structure... maybe my memory's just making things up though...






ty exactly what im trying to get across here


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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there is a reason lvls stop at 99 because it would be a huge graphical update to add that third digit and its a waste of an update considering about 1% of rs users would have any use for it right now




Remeber pots? When you pot at like level 99, you get above 100 :wink:

hah all of you guys that say they need to do a huge grafical update to the game engine are wrong. its already set to be abale to go in the 3 digits.
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there is a reason lvls stop at 99 because it would be a huge graphical update to add that third digit and its a waste of an update considering about 1% of rs users would have any use for it right now




Remeber pots? When you pot at like level 99, you get above 100 :wink:

hah all of you guys that say they need to do a huge grafical update to the game engine are wrong. its already set to be abale to go in the 3 digits.




Yes 3 digits are possible (my avvy is real...) but they still might have to reset the game engine.. no idea myself.




I would certainly feel sorry for the person who was just about to get 99 in their first stat or something lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe Jagex once said they'd have to reset the whole game to change the level structure... maybe my memory's just making things up though...




Yep mods have said that on RS forums before, everyone would go back to level one in everything and EVERYTHING would be reset...so it's not as simple as you might think.

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I believe Jagex once said they'd have to reset the whole game to change the level structure... maybe my memory's just making things up though...




Yep mods have said that on RS forums before, everyone would go back to level one in everything and EVERYTHING would be reset...so it's not as simple as you might think.




Back to that level one that doesn't exist right?




How about some proof bud.

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