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Hardest Quest

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NOTE: I searched this forum for last 3 months, and didn't find anything. So I'm creating this.




What quest do you find the hardest quest to complete? Of course it doesn't have to be one you've finished, but it must be a MASTER QUEST, choose one of these quest, and explain why you find it the hardest.




Recipe Of Disaster - There are outrageously many subquests, some of them are long, and requires high level monsters and is a challenge, that's why I think it's the hardest.




You can only choose ONE so choose carefully.

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erm the only quest i ever had trouble with was haunted mine but seeing as it isnt a "MASTER" quest,


erm mourning ends prt2(was still easyish)-because i had to, put the mirriors in correctly :?:


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Probaly Desert Treasure... Aint done RFD, and Monkey Madness is easy :D

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Mourning Ends Part 2. That's one quest i HAD to use a guide, therefore I place it as the hardest.




RFD I did without a guide, however I do agree it was quite difficult and required a lot of hard previous quests.



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Mourning Ends Part 2. That's one quest i HAD to use a guide, therefore I place it as the hardest.




RFD I did without a guide, however I do agree it was quite difficult and required a lot of hard previous quests.




only a few quests i havnt done without a guide, and the simple reason is because i dont get into quests as much as i just want something else to do while im in between skills.

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NOTE: I searched this forum for last 3 months, and didn't find anything. So I'm creating this.




What quest do you find the hardest quest to complete? Of course it doesn't have to be one you've finished, but it must be a MASTER QUEST, choose one of these quest, and explain why you find it the hardest.




Recipe Of Disaster - There are outrageously many subquests, some of them are long, and requires high level monsters and is a challenge, that's why I think it's the hardest.




You can only choose ONE so choose carefully.






I have to be honest ?


I think they are all so insanely easy.


If one of them would have something like fight caves as bossfight it might actually be a bit of a challenge.


But lets face it even a lvl 66 has done fight caves and the current bossfights on quests are all so incredibly easy that you don't even need pray to win them, note that I was only combat 84 when I finished my last master quest. and I did most master quests between combat 68 and 71.

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ernest the chicken was hard (without a guide)


im very annoyewd with myself that when i became a member i started using a guide, but iv stopped now..(mostly)

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Mournings End Part 2. The only quest I haven't done more than twice.




Monkey Madness - 4 Times


DT - 3 Times


RFD - 2 Times





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Take a look at this...




http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... le_d6.htm#




Now look at this...








Please realize that there are over 20 of these things in every corner of the Temple of Light. While you try and complete the above puzzle (which is the last of six) you are constantly attacked by these things.




Also understand that each of these things has 15 hp. High combat, fast respawn, extremely difficult light puzzle, and one annoying agility obstcle in the middle of it all...

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Mourning's End 2.




I did it in 2 days after it was first released with a friend helping each other as we went.




The last door was so unbelievably hard to figure out, then when I got out I forgot to turn the pillar around to get back in ,so I had to do it all again. I didn that 2 times doing the quest. Very annoyed.




Other than that, Legends Quest on RSC was Solid. I died a few times rtying to kill the beast with no prayer. Not liek now where you can eat and drink pots during battle!

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my hardest quest without the guide was underground pass... i was trying for hours and hours to cross all the [bleep]e pit area, then finally gave up, got 50 thieving, came back, and it still took a couple hours for the final walkway area. i had 50 agility then, by the way.




mourning's end 2 was very hard of course, i used a guide eventually though. well initially i'd thought you needed to match the color of the door with the same color light, rather than the opposite in the spectrum :wall: after that was cleared up, it was a bit easier...




and could you all stop with the obsession with initials? what does RFD stand for? and DT? :?

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