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why cant guys ever like some1 for how they act and not look


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but if she's a wonderful person I'll ignore her. :\






You know that I said the word for female dog right? They just have crappy filter words for it.




:shock: i did not know that... probably because i dont use it. sorry.

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Because that's the way it works. Equally many girls won't go out with guys who are ugly. Additionally, a lot is left up to the guy's preference. Although there are traits that are universally undesirable (ie acne, which doesn't occur as often in girls as in guys, or obesity), virtually everything else is left up to personal taste. For this reason I think a lot of girls are good looking but my friends don't think so, and the opposite is true - they might point somebody out, but I won't like them.




I also look for somebody who isn't ditzy, clueless, overbearing, mean, spoiled, or any other undesirable traits because I simply wouldn't be able to be around them without having the uncontrollable urge to verbally abuse them as compensation for their rude actions. This is rather unfortunate, because a lot of girls that are good looking that I know act excessively stupid on purpose, are incredibly self-centered, spoiled, or just flat-out hate others because of the clothes they wear or the music they listen to, and simply cannot grasp anything beyond their own. I used to be closed-minded, but I'd like to think I've gotten a bit better with regards to being tolerant of others, evidenced by the fact that I am friends with "goths," "preps," "rednecks," and so on and so forth.




However there are only a handful of girls who are really the way I described above, and so given the chance to go out with a really hot girl who's kinda mean/stupid/whatever I would probably do so, but I'd try hard to let my friends in on it and not be around them with her so as to avoid degrading them. And because I'm still only 14 everybody will simply forget about us when we break up after one month :lol:.




I'm no expert, but in all likelihood there is somebody out there that enjoys your appearance and your personality, unless you are somebody that has virtually no concept of hygeine and has no semblance of wit or compassion. Just my two cents.




Also, you are likely to get no sympathy from others on this forum because they are very likely to be in the same situation as you are, but aren't going to make a dedicated post about it to get others to explain to them the unavoidable conclusion. Not getting mad or upset at you, but just FYI.




And I concur with x76, there are many children that deserve a beating once in a while. Nothing that will break skin, but just like a good slap on the face or lovetap on the arse. Although I've had quite a few of my moments I'd say I'm almost certainly a better person than those whose parents haven't done anything to discipline them.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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attraction in my opinion is very important in a relatioship, you can go on and on about that beauty on the inside crap but in the real world, people do care how you look.




Ofcourse the major turn off for me is stupidity. I like my women smart

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Oh right, yeah, because it's only males who are vain and only care about looks. =;






true dat, double true.. and arent you the elementary schooler who posted about beeing bullied..i wouldnt worry about guys at your age :-k , most of them are still losers who think girls are "icky" so just wait and you will find the right guy when you get older...and veiws of looks change when you leave elementary school too.

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Oh right, yeah, because it's only males who are vain and only care about looks. =;






true dat, double true.. and arent you the elementary schooler who posted about beeing bullied..i wouldnt worry about guys at your age :-k , most of them are still losers who think girls are "icky" so just wait and you will find the right guy when you get older...and veiws of looks change when you leave elementary school too.




*hint* "she" is someone who just wants attention I belive.





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Oh right, yeah, because it's only males who are vain and only care about looks. =;






true dat, double true.. and arent you the elementary schooler who posted about beeing bullied..i wouldnt worry about guys at your age :-k , most of them are still losers who think girls are "icky" so just wait and you will find the right guy when you get older...and veiws of looks change when you leave elementary school too.




*hint* "she" is someone who just wants attention I belive.








Im actually starting to beleive that....i dunno why they'd want to though :-k

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I personally look for personality and smarts in a person -- looks are an added bonus. :)




i Agree i go with the concept that personailty overules looks all the time :wink:

hows the weather up there. where the rich people live. currently, in the poor area its -1.
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The more you get to know a girl, and the more you enjoy her personality, the more physically attractive she will be to you.

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The more you get to know a girl, and the more you enjoy her personality, the more physically attractive she will be to you.


true, and that works the other way around too. at least for me

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Look the truth is guys like a girls personality but they dont wanna go out with shrek v2. End of story. ive met loadsa fit, hot and cute girls but if their [bleep]es i dont bother. Same way if their proper decent personality i will only be good mates with em cos their so ugly sometimes you just dont wanna touch em sometimes..... And thats my honest and true opinion... Number 1 rule of runescape dont flame the flame :wink:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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Oh right, yeah, because it's only males who are vain and only care about looks. =;




I wondered who would say that, well done Bubsa - it's totally true =D> . I think the author is stereotyping a whole gender. :shame:




I got an idea. How about we get u 2 a gf? :lol: .


Its not so much about your looks to girls, its more about how you make them feel, you gotta make em feel 11/10, 110% etc. And make up sappy romantic stuff.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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The answer is simple. Guys all suffer from the same problem: a battle between their mind, and their lower anatomy.




If the brain wins the battle, they judge by personality. If the lower anatomy wins the battle, they judge by looks.




If it's a tie(me), they judge on both.

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Who needs a girlfriend when you have a sex buddy? 8-)




Friends with Benifits FTW!




Cheapening romance ftl.








Perhaps that's sometimes the case. Not (for me) in the vast majoitry of cases, however.




Then maybe you've never taken the time to get to know a female who isn't considered good looking to you? :P like actually get to know.

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The reason why most guys only look for girls who are hot is becasue of what you see on tv rap (AKA the worst and most annoying form of music....ever) videos show all these good looking girls and then guys think they're "players" to and only deserve those jehflk they see on tv but then again girls are no different a lot of girls these days want "chiseld" guys or "cute" guys a perfect case is this 1 girl that i like she is the biggest odrhtogsdr in the whole world she dates like crazy and a lot of other ppl agree that she is a jlegsd a case for guys who only like hot girls is me becasue i like her although she is the biggest oiweruitwtrt in the world :3>

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The reason why most guys only look for girls who are hot is becasue of what you see on tv rap (AKA the worst and most annoying form of music....ever) videos show all these good looking girls and then guys think they're "players" to and only deserve those jehflk they see on tv but then again girls are no different a lot of girls these days want "chiseld" guys or "cute" guys a perfect case is this 1 girl that i like she is the biggest odrhtogsdr in the whole world she dates like crazy and a lot of other ppl agree that she is a jlegsd a case for guys who only like hot girls is me becasue i like her although she is the biggest oiweruitwtrt in the world :3>








what the... hell are you saying?






By the way, if someone looks dead ugly i'm not going to go out with them. And it isn't because of 'rap' either (I don't like rap.. nor do I like the crap on MTV or whatever you think 'influences' this). I simply like a girl who looks fairly good and actualy takes a bit of pride in how they look.








but realy though, what the hell did you say?

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well i look at both sides




Back and front?




Edit: Oh yea...




Evolution dictates...Nay, demands, that we find suitable mates for ourselves. People with inferior genes are not picked. Animals do it too.




I do believe humans are the only race where two beings of "inferior" gene quality can come together and procreate. :lol:




Personally, I pick personality over all. You can be the hottest woman on Earth and if you're a ditzy little moron, I will not date them. I got lucky and my girlfriend has the best of both worlds, lol.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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