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survey: Best item you ever saw in a general store


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And did you manage to get it?




Best item i ever saw was addy skirt(g). I couldnt click fast enough to get it though :oops: (world 1). I also saw someone who claimed that there were 150 santas in the gen store, but they weren't there :wall:



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Addy (g) legs. only 40k, but i actually got to bank and back, only to see it dissapear as soon as i clicked trade shop keeper :evil:


i once saw ruby and ash in the wildy, thought it was a santa hat.

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How much was the sara skirt in shop price
i bet nobody took to time to hit value, and iirc trimmed and god rune armor cost and alches the same amounts as normal rune


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I saw 300k+ willow logs in lumbridge general store once, but that was when there were lots of autoers there cutting willows near the store, now that i go there's not that many :)




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rune battle back when they were 500k each in rsc, i was really mad when i sold it to the general store





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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That would have to be a Farseer Helm. Since I happened to have enough on me at the time, I bought it. Then turned around and sold it to another player for 10k profit. (Since I couldn't use it anyways!)




Meta Mucil




SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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probably a rune axe...it ws only 16k, but when i ran back to the bank and back to the general store, it was gone :cry:




but i got one eventually


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I hope these work...




Sorry, they are a bit small but the first is a rune plate, the second a rune picaxe.




you can actually buy these two items cheaper in the champs guild and the dwarven mines, respectivelly, for your information. Rune items are usually not worth buying in a gen store (unless they're trimmed :lol: )



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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