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Is it possible to actually be BAD at Runescape?


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I'm pretty good at most things. I'm great at most sports (except vollyball :x), have great marks in all of my classes, and i'm a damn good dancer ;).Overall i'm a quick learner - it's uncommon for me to lose at a board game, and even more uncommon for me to lose at a video game. I'm used to slaughtering my friends in video games online and in friends basements.




But, in Runescape, a game i've put more time than anything into in my life and that i've been playing constantly for more than 5 years (except these last 6 months where I decided to learn real life social skills before it was too late :D), I litterally suck at the game. I actually more than suck, i'm hands down terrible at it.




It's hard to realize this, considering the game is so simple and made for 12 year olds to play.




A couple of days ago i decided to start playing again, so I did that fishing of monkfish quest thing. In the quest you have to talk to the wizard south of fallidor. I try talking to him but he says that he won't talk to anybody who's wearing anything to do with Saradomin. So I try to outsmart the game and drop all of my full saradomin on the ground, planning to talk to the guy as fast as possible and pick it all back up when I finish talking to him.




So I drop all my stuff, knowing i have exactly 30 seconds to talk to the guy. Scarred I would lag out, I check my internet connection and everything is going good. I talk to him quickly and as I finish talking to him he teleports me to the fishing island. I teleport back to draynor and run to the spot only to find my precious armour gone.






Is it actually possible to be bad at Runescape?

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When you are bad at rs you cant figure out what to do, how to do it, cant comunicate with the rest of rs, cant get what you need.etcetc.


You suck in rs if all you do is stand around lumby\varrok just doing nothing, allday.. everyday.. :3>

I quit RS.

Dude the past is past. Don't work yourself too much...it'll only make it worse.

Don't think about what could be, make it so.


P.S This kinda stuff also works with girls :wink:

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I think being bad at rs means that you waste more time in the game than you actually achieve right.




Like for example i'm always playing to get money to get rares, that i lose whenever i wear them :'(.




And yeah i coulden't talk to him even in inventory (which is different than all the other god denying npcs!)

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Ah that's a good question.




A few things take some skill, fight cave, pking, some forms of staking...um that's about it.




Maybe being poor on rs is being bad at rs. As in you come out behind in most things you do where as a rich person seems to come out ahead.

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A common word used to describe someone who is bad at Rs is "noob." :P




You however are probably not a noob you just didn't know what to expect when you talked to that NPC. There's alot more other stuff you could have done to be "bad" at the game. :wink:

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Ah that's a good question.




A few things take some skill, fight cave, pking, some forms of staking...um that's about it.




Maybe being poor on rs is being bad at rs. As in you come out behind in most things you do where as a rich person seems to come out ahead.




Ofcourse poor is comparative, but I consider myself as quite poor (full dharok +whip, but the rest is literally crap). But I don't think I'm bad at runescape, I think being a complete noob at a high lvl, that's being bad at runescape.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Well seeing as though it's impossible to beat this game, then it's also impossible to be defeated, unless your a noob who wants free stuff, which is probally is the closest your going to get at being bad at RS.


Yep. The only way to be bad at rs :)




I dont think you could be bad at RS because you can never be defeated by it (you cant lose to it) but you can lose/ be defeated by other players ie wildy, duel arnea ect.


Well, would it be fun if we always won? If we had invincibilty (god powers) we could just get what we wanted-without working and the game would be boring.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..









92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..










Lol. :lol: I wonder how much health those eggs heal, and how did it taste? (Ask him :D).


Currently going for 76 fishing

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Is it actually possible to be bad at Runescape?




I think you just proved that it is, infact, possible.




And it's good to see you posting, havn't seen the master of golf around for a while. :P

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When you are bad at rs you cant figure out what to do, how to do it, cant comunicate with the rest of rs, cant get what you need.etcetc.


You suck in rs if all you do is stand around lumby\varrok just doing nothing, allday.. everyday.. :3>




mine cousin does that :?




she did after2 weeks playing finnaly she finished that hard quest cooks assistnent i think we may say se is terribkle at runescape :P

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I think being bad at rs means that you waste more time in the game than you actually achieve right.
Being bad at rs is playing it without enjoying it.


my friend lost his whip in a F2p PK trip with his clan, is that "bad" or dumb @ runescape
Ha..haha...hahahahaha! :lol:


Well seeing as though it's impossible to beat this game, then it's also impossible to be defeated, unless your a noob who wants free stuff, which is probally is the closest your going to get at being bad at RS.


Yep. The only way to be bad at rs :)

So if someone offered you 50m for free you would be bad on rs to take up his offer of free stuff? :-s


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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