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Your walk of shame...


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What would be your true walk of shame for you?




Mine would be having to walk from Varrock all the way through the Temple on the Salve dungeon to Port Phasmatys to get my Ectophial back...




(altho now the journey has somewhat shortened due to fairy rings being present)




Discuss :)

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i had walked from ardy to rimmington to varrock, had to go back to ardy cause i gave all 3 guys wrong vials, now i have to go back again because i went through gate to get money for beer.....went through gate again....gaurd took the vials :wall:

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In the "In search of Myreque" quest, I walked to Mort'ton from canifis, realized I forgot a quest item and ectophial/teles, walked all the way back to canifis, and all the way back again to Mort'ton...




...which I had to walk back to canifis again since I forgot to talk to the person who starts the quest. :oops:



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I once walked from Lumbridge to the Gnome Stronghold.




i once had to walk all the way from al-kharid to falador because i ran out of law runes and forgot that there were closer forges (don't laugh)




now i pretty much spend 90% of my time in falador and surrounding area. sometimes i will teleport to varrock.


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Mine happened lastnite it was more of a mad dash. Tried running back to wyvern cave to get my fire cape id just lost there. Needless to say i didn't make it . :wall: :wall: :wall:




Mega ouchie :wall: Btw y were u down there with fire cape isnt it perty dangerous?




Mine would have to be from the trouble brewing place all the way back to the pirate bank because I brough ring of wealth instead of ring of dueling.




Oh and on the regicide quest u can bank the vials then tele and get them, saves a lot of walking time. <-- that is regicide isnt it?

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Mine happened lastnite it was more of a mad dash. Tried running back to wyvern cave to get my fire cape id just lost there. Needless to say i didn't make it . :wall: :wall: :wall:




Mega ouchie :wall: Btw y were u down there with fire cape isnt it perty dangerous?




Mine would have to be from the trouble brewing place all the way back to the pirate bank because I brough ring of wealth instead of ring of dueling.




Oh and on the regicide quest u can bank the vials then tele and get them, saves a lot of walking time. <-- that is regicide isnt it?


Not Regicide lol, it's before it. Plague City or one of those, but not Regicide :) anyhow...




Same as the first person.. Walked all the way from varrock to Port Phasmatys because I accidentally dropped my ectophial :D




I could not imagine walking around the members world without teleportation.. It's bad enough walking around the F2P world without teleportation.. Ick.

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Mine happened lastnite it was more of a mad dash. Tried running back to wyvern cave to get my fire cape id just lost there. Needless to say i didn't make it . :wall: :wall: :wall:




Mega ouchie :wall: Btw y were u down there with fire cape isnt it perty dangerous?




Mine would have to be from the trouble brewing place all the way back to the pirate bank because I brough ring of wealth instead of ring of dueling.




Oh and on the regicide quest u can bank the vials then tele and get them, saves a lot of walking time. <-- that is regicide isnt it?


i made mistake and didnt take a tele, totally my fault, i will get it back for sure

Rank 11 attack - still rising

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The old ecto walk is embarrassing. The only real ones now are when I over shoot my target (especially during pc) and I hit a screen load. I feel pretty cool standing there for 5 or 6 hits while other people are doing their job. :oops:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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A classic for me:




I arrive at barrows, "Ah, lets own Dharok, how do I get in again ? O yea, dig.. Where's my spade -.- ?" *doublechecks invent for spade* *ecto*

99 cooking / 99 magic / 99 ranged / 99 hitpoints / 99 herblore / 99 defence




Quoted for truth, wisest thing I've heard anyone say on Runescape.

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I always forget quest items, resulting in even more meaningless walking. But the funniest thing happened to me when I was doing the swan song quest. I needed the combination runes. I thought: "hey, let's do some mage training in the training arena! I'll never get my hands on those runes anyway." So, off I went. After half an hour of doign games I came to the cunclusion I didn't habe enough cosmic runes for the required amount of enchanters Pizzaz. No problem, I'll just go to a f2p world and buy some talismans!




*15 minutes and several tiara offers later*




Ah, I have them! Now, I don't have any elemental tiaras so i'll just have to Abyss craft them. Off I went. After nearly dieing from the Abyss creatures (I was at 30 hp and forgot to eat) I found the rigth altar -the one that didn't match my talisman. Too bad you need to be in the altar that does match your talisman. So I gloried to edgeville and did it all again (I was at 10hp when I entered the earth altar (I had to be there), forgot to eat again). So I clicked the altar. 30 earth runes. Brilliant. Back to edgeville (I ate this time), withdrawing my binding necklace -thank god I remembered- and going to the earth altar was a piece of cake. I finally got my lava runes, gloried back to edgeville, abyss bla bla bla water altar. Hurray, 10 mist runes!




*rubs amulet of glory*




Great. No more charges. When I finally gave the Old man his runes, I was really happy. Doing the rest of the quest was a piece of cake compared to this.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I always forget quest items, resulting in even more meaningless walking. But the funniest thing happened to me when I was doing the swan song quest. I needed the combination runes. I thought: "hey, let's do some mage training in the training arena! I'll never get my hands on those runes anyway." So, off I went. After half an hour of doign games I came to the cunclusion I didn't habe enough cosmic runes for the required amount of enchanters Pizzaz. No problem, I'll just go to a f2p world and buy some talismans!




*15 minutes and several tiara offers later*




Ah, I have them! Now, I don't have any elemental tiaras so i'll just have to Abyss craft them. Off I went. After nearly dieing from the Abyss creatures (I was at 30 hp and forgot to eat) I found the rigth altar -the one that didn't match my talisman. Too bad you need to be in the altar that does match your talisman. So I gloried to edgeville and did it all again (I was at 10hp when I entered the earth altar (I had to be there), forgot to eat again). So I clicked the altar. 30 earth runes. Brilliant. Back to edgeville (I ate this time), withdrawing my binding necklace -thank god I remembered- and going to the earth altar was a piece of cake. I finally got my lava runes, gloried back to edgeville, abyss bla bla bla water altar. Hurray, 10 mist runes!




*rubs amulet of glory*




Great. No more charges. When I finally gave the Old man his runes, I was really happy. Doing the rest of the quest was a piece of cake compared to this.






I did that same swan song combo rune dance. best part was when i forgot to wear neckalce and had 9 lava runes, had to go back for 1 more :wall: :wall:

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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I always forget quest items, resulting in even more meaningless walking. But the funniest thing happened to me when I was doing the swan song quest. I needed the combination runes. I thought: "hey, let's do some mage training in the training arena! I'll never get my hands on those runes anyway." So, off I went. After half an hour of doign games I came to the cunclusion I didn't habe enough cosmic runes for the required amount of enchanters Pizzaz. No problem, I'll just go to a f2p world and buy some talismans!




*15 minutes and several tiara offers later*




Ah, I have them! Now, I don't have any elemental tiaras so i'll just have to Abyss craft them. Off I went. After nearly dieing from the Abyss creatures (I was at 30 hp and forgot to eat) I found the rigth altar -the one that didn't match my talisman. Too bad you need to be in the altar that does match your talisman. So I gloried to edgeville and did it all again (I was at 10hp when I entered the earth altar (I had to be there), forgot to eat again). So I clicked the altar. 30 earth runes. Brilliant. Back to edgeville (I ate this time), withdrawing my binding necklace -thank god I remembered- and going to the earth altar was a piece of cake. I finally got my lava runes, gloried back to edgeville, abyss bla bla bla water altar. Hurray, 10 mist runes!




*rubs amulet of glory*




Great. No more charges. When I finally gave the Old man his runes, I was really happy. Doing the rest of the quest was a piece of cake compared to this.




I can't believe I forgot THAT nightmare! It is probably repressed somewhere but that was the slowest that I have ever completed a new quest. If it wasn't such a huge waste of bank space I would buy 1k of each just so I never have to make those evil evil things again. Oh, I made the binding necklace and then forgot it in the bank. Was short like 1 or 2 runes. #-o


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Starting the Roving Elves quest, I didn't know about the time period that the people moved, but I went to the first spot to start it. Needless to say they weren't there, so I ran through traps and monsters and eventually made it to spot #2. Again, no one was there. I decided rather than run back and forth I'd hang around there for a bit and wait. After about 5min they didn't come, so I went to the first spot. They weren't there either! Finally, I immediately left from there and went to spot 2, and finally found them. That, along with the trip there, probably ate up ovefr half an hour, and that was just starting the quest :? .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Varrock to Caslte-Wars, New member, didn't know nothing of dueling rings :wall:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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when i was going for 44 rcing, i made 1k lava and 1k mist runes. good for teleing too without using my regular runes




edit: walking back from ice mountain to falador when doing d.t. becuase i ran out of restore pots and was too low a lvl of mage to tele out

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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What would be your true walk of shame for you?




Mine would be having to walk from Varrock all the way through the Temple on the Salve dungeon to Port Phasmatys to get my Ectophial back...




(altho now the journey has somewhat shortened due to fairy rings being present)




Discuss :)




lol thats what i was thinking as i clicked this topic

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


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when i was going for 44 rcing, i made 1k lava and 1k mist runes. good for teleing too without using my regular runes




edit: walking back from ice mountain to falador when doing d.t. becuase i ran out of restore pots and was too low a lvl of mage to tele out




But don't you need 50 Mage for Desert Treasure?




I've walked all the way from Seers to Cammy! I literally tele for everything and keep about 1k laws on reserve.

I'm back?! No wayz!!!


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