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What would happen on the last day of RS?


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There won't be a last day of rs. When it dies, it'll be slowly like rs1.




On my fictional last day, all accounts would have jmod powers and the last one not banned wins




If rs2 dies slowly, im gunna start a fresh:P



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if runescape was destroyed, zezima would reach out for his shiny revolver, and shed a silent tear of farwell




lol, I bet.




I think (as alot of people said) that Jagex would sell it to another company who could take over, maybe with or without updates.


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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high alch phat day




lol yea and at the end of the day Jagex will say "woops, our mistake! "This was actually not the last day at all. Runescape will continue as normal, what a shame of all those partyhats!"




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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It would most likely get shut down over a long period of time. Jagex would have to do things like cancel all subsrciptions and such and then wipe every server of theres which could take a long time. Then you have this empty space thats empty again. Leaves room for a new MMORPG to enter the scene. Or we could all jump on WoW and spam R.I.P Runescape. But i doubt alot of the immature people that appear on free games like Runescape (a minority of course), would not pay $20 dollars a month for WoW.




P.S Its not very nice to talk about Zezima like that however true you think it may be. How would you liek it if someone talked to you like that

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Unless there's a similar situation to RSC / RS2, with a wind-down in favour of something else, I can't see it ending, as there would be no point pulling the plug on something that still paid. RSC is not dead, YET, though at 2 servers, it's being allowed to wither naturally.




If Jagex got into difficulties, they'd sell it, or be bought out.




I could see "open ended F2P" being discontinued, but that would have an impact on the P2P economy unless they had done a "pure ESS" thing on every possible commodity - even then the smaller community would mean that skills would be much harder to profit from.

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Let World 1 have unlimited players in the server and make it the only server possible.


Max out all stats for everyone.


Let PKing happen anywhere and let the mayhem begin!




And drop anything considered 'rare' or with a high price and let the economy collapse on itself and then 'Connection Lost'

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Lets just watch rsc and see how what happens to that on its closing days :mrgreen:




I would think they'd close a lot of servers and just leave it at that, no updates or anything of the sort, just let it rot...

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I suspect Jagex would let it go out with style. I'm thinking along the lines of a Runescape Apocalypse. Just imagine it. From their lair in the Kharid Desert, comes swarm after swarm of Kalphites, laying waste to Al-Kharid and tearing down the walls of Lumbridge Castle and butchering the respawning players within. Simultaneously, the King Black Dragon leaves the Wilderness and scorches Varrock to the ground. The Black Knights fall upon Falador, slaughtering its inhabitants.




In short, darkness covers the world of Gielnor... forever.




It'll be dead funny, trust me.

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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i dont think there will be a last day as long as there are plenty of customers. if jagex gets tired of upkeeping, they will probably just sell the site to a different company.
Agreed, I cant see runescape ending in 10 years.




Though my guess would that the game starts losing intrest, whoever maintains the game decides to stop updating it, and slowely it dies, simmers out, and the remaining 100s remain on one server.



Current Goal: Fire Cape, 0-6 at the caves 0-3 agianst the Jad, Lag done me in.

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This is the way Runescape ends


Not with a bang but a whimper.


- T.S. Eliot




t.s elliot? the guy who wrote mccavity the mystery cat?


but no nothings gonna change, they'll be massive games in the mini-games with infinte runes and arrows but nothing special outside of it

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Varrock would bomb falador. Then Catherby would try to invade Falador to help out Varrock. Camelot would get mad and start to bomb Catherby. Then ardougne would nuke everything. Kind of like what's going on in the middle east.

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