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I was merchanting in Fally World 2 today with all my good stuff..so I'm walking around and I get a message..*Blah* wants to teleport you to ICE PLATEAU!! At first I was like..wtf?..but then I remembered the new mage update today so I guess that's one of the new spells..I'm thinking that guy must have a clan up at the ice plateau just waiting for a merchant to accept the teleport then own em'..so I advise all of you to turn your accept aids off just to be safe..




P.S. I almost accepted it because I was clicking inscreen!




~Joe :D

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I am pretty suer that ice plateau is not is the wilderness


jagex would never pull a fast one like that luckily :pray:

First D-Drop on 7/2/07! (skirt)

Trading herb seeds for herbs with INSANELY GREAT ratios to earn you millions!


One of the few players of Runescape who knows PHP, Java, Javascript, HTML, and Advanced Image Editing while being under 18! \:D/

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I am pretty suer that ice plateau is not is the wilderness


jagex would never pull a fast one like that luckily :pray:




It is in the wildy.



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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Even if you have accept aid on, a second warning screen comes up after you accept the teleport saying something along the lines of "are you sure you want to teleport to DEEP WILDERNESS?" with a yes/no option.




It will be hard for people to fall for this one.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Even if you have accept aid on, a second warning screen comes up after you accept the teleport saying something along the lines of "are you sure you want to teleport to DEEP WILDERNESS?" with a yes/no option.




It will be hard for people to fall for this one.




You say this now, but you may be very surprised with the results.

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Even if you have accept aid on, a second warning screen comes up after you accept the teleport saying something along the lines of "are you sure you want to teleport to DEEP WILDERNESS?" with a yes/no option.




It will be hard for people to fall for this one.




You say this now, but you may be very surprised with the results.


Indeed. :-s I may even click on yes twice by accident if some tried this. #-o

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Even if you have accept aid on, a second warning screen comes up after you accept the teleport saying something along the lines of "are you sure you want to teleport to DEEP WILDERNESS?" with a yes/no option.




It will be hard for people to fall for this one.




You say this now, but you may be very surprised with the results.


Indeed. :-s I may even click on yes twice by accident if some tried this. #-o




Well, one is in the main window, the other is in the chat box, so you can't "accidentally" click twice to "accidentally" teleport...




And while you are probably right.. I don't think it will be as common as the mystic top/whip scam or as easily bypassed as the second trade screen.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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:lol: why would you have your accept aid on in the first place? just turn it on for the time you need to (long enough for a friend to tele you or heal you or whatever) then turn it off emmediatly. Thats what I do, very easy to avoid this one.

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:shock: I sense the presence of a new breed of luring...




No, I'm a good guy, I will use my 90 Mage for good :notalk: . Okay, maybe just once...

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


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:shock: I sense the presence of a new breed of luring...




No, I'm a good guy, I will use my 90 Mage for good :notalk: . Okay, maybe just once...




Watchs the Phats crumble Reb and me down together... :oops:




NO NO I will NO I MUST NOT!! ::'

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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:shock: I sense the presence of a new breed of luring...




No, I'm a good guy, I will use my 90 Mage for good :notalk: . Okay, maybe just once...








Just do what wakka said, i keep my accpet aid off almost all the time


Socc | 99 Magic | 95/99 Range | 99 Defence | 99 Hitpoints | 96/99 Summoning |Join SODB for some monster Slayin! |

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I could see a two person scam happening with this. One person repeatedly casts a normal teleother on a group of people until they stop looking at where they're getting teled. Then the other person comes in and does the level 90 ice plateau tele. They would have no idea what happened because they would assume that it would be one of the other teleothers.

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I could see a two person scam happening with this. One person repeatedly casts a normal teleother on a group of people until they stop looking at where they're getting teled. Then the other person comes in and does the level 90 ice plateau tele. They would have no idea what happened because they would assume that it would be one of the other teleothers.








its a totally different type of accept screen, so theirs no way someone could get confused.






i teled to fish guild banked my stuff and withdrew runes to cast telegroup to ice platue, i casted near ALOT of people and they all got the message and ignored it.






i used the new spells to scare a few pkers, i casted vengence on my self and a pker attacked me and it hit him back and he got confused and teled up into the mage bank, since i weilded no weapons and no1 else attacked him he was very puzzled and ask med what its max hit was, i replied it depends but basically, the max is nearly 30 damage.

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The instant this new mass tele to lv 46 wild ice plateau came i thought at that instant


" this is something that is going to be used a million times in world 2 falador where people sell partyhats"


but at least there is 2 warning screens :o

6221st to 85 Slayer. ( Yippee)

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I'm usually walking/running somewhere else (usually Falador) when someone trys to tele-other me, and it disappears off my screen before I can see what it said... <.< But if I do catch one, I ALWAYS read what it says before I accept it.



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Wow, thanks for the warning.




I didn't think Jagex would let something like this slip past them. I originaly thought the nightshade could be traded to players, as a dirty way to kill them, but Jagex stopped that by making it untradable, which is why I didn't think they'd let something like this slip by them. :roll:


Me doing staff.

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think about this, 6 people say. we have 4 pkers [peopleX] in ice plattu...platue...platterpuss, a normal mager [person A] in fally, and a lunar mager [person B].




person A ~ casually stand there and tele others to fally over and over, mostly richer players.




person B ~ he would then after about 10-12 tele others from person A, would tele-other somebody to ice platterpuss.




people NOOB ~ these lot would then think "ohh! another tele-other screen! it must be the same person because im and assuming git"




*PINUAMMM* ohh look theyre in the icey platterpuss with people X running at them! oops! bye bye santas/masks/fats.




so yeah uuur, keep safe.




8-) police man pete strikes back.


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