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Have you ever noticed how much clicking is involved when playing RuneScape?




How many times do you think you have clicked while playing this game?




For me... Im pretty sure i have clicked over 1 million times *pats mouse*

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compared to rs1, rs2 has barely any clicking




3.75 mil clicks on my mouse in the last 9 months for the record.




Especially when it comes to fletching.






I would say High Alching is the most clickableevent done in RS.

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Well... let's just say that I have worn off the mouse's finish on both the right and left mouse buttons. :oops: Meh, what do you expect from a java-based game?


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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uhhh spam?




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we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

Barrow Items: 31

Le MTA vous poss̮̬̉̉de baiseur de m̮̬̉̉re

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compared to rs1, rs2 has barely any clicking




3.75 mil clicks on my mouse in the last 9 months for the record.




how can i check this, im pretty sure it is possible and you didn't just pull that number out of the air...




I mean i remember my dad mentioning how his monator had been on for x hours since we got it or something like that so i know the computer likes to store this random kind of info

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


Support my quest for 1600 Skill Total!

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uhhh spam?
Nothing like some good ole spam to point out "spam" (BTW It isn't... I suggest you go check the spamtionary for the definition. PS. SPAM!@!@!)




I figure I've clicked once for every 50 experience, but that doesn't include walking to and frow places and things. Or trading or anything of the sort. So I'd figure roughly 2-3 million times give or take a couple hundred thousand...

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compared to rs1, rs2 has barely any clicking




3.75 mil clicks on my mouse in the last 9 months for the record.


How do you check?




Used to be a little "Odometer" that recorded clicks, and also how far your mouse has moved (i.e. Move your mouse randomly around the desk for 10 minutes, and you might get a mile or two.) Not sure the newer versions of Windows have this feature though.




As for my click count ...




Numbers don't go up that high. :XD:

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I would say High Alching is the most clickableevent done in RS.
I would say thieving is worse, since it's right click, left click, right click, left click and so on, on a npc that moves around (and knights still are the fastest thieving exp, right?).




When alching, you can place your mouse in proper position, then lift it and hold it in a comfortable way (at least if it's a laser mouse) while only leftclicking.




compared to rs1, rs2 has barely any clicking.
True, Jagex changed a lot of things to reduce clicking. Then they for some reason added a minigame like that mage training place :roll:

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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I would estimate about 2-3 million clicks in my RS lifetime. Most probably more. I suck at estimation.






thank you, i forgot the site, i was going to mention it but i just couldnt recall what it was... dang.






if any1 joins what pulse, try to look for "rhealm-x" it used to be a group of what pulse users which would play another online game like runescape, just alot worse.

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Well... let's just say that I have worn off the mouse's finish on both the right and left mouse buttons. :oops: Meh, what do you expect from a java-based game?








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I would estimate about 2-3 million clicks in my RS lifetime. Most probably more. I suck at estimation.






thank you, i forgot the site, i was going to mention it but i just couldnt recall what it was... dang.






if any1 joins what pulse, try to look for "rhealm-x" it used to be a group of what pulse users which would play another online game like runescape, just alot worse.


I say make a new team for tip.it'ers :o

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10mil+ since i made this account, ive been right clicking everyones name since rs1 just to see their lvl, i always right click like crazy, no matter what it is, power mined iron ore for 85 mining, teleported to camelot for 94 magic about 130k laws, and i clicked 5 times for each teleport because i was impatient.. good times.. :ohnoes:


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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