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Classic argument: RCers, PKers


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RC Pkers are only there cuz some idiot RC-ers are making ti profitable for them...




theres enough stuff to do not to get yourself killed out there, even with 3 mages owning you...

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~~~~~~~~~~OFF TOPIC WARNING!!~~~~~~~~~~




lol storm rage u posted in both ma threads lol...i bet u cant find the 3rd...lol




~~~~~~~~~~OFF TOPIC WARNING!!~~~~~~~~~~

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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all pkers are sick and twisted they should only attack other pkers.


PKers aren't called PKers 4 nothing, they kill players, ( players=every1 hu plays) now if I RCer of a clue scroller come along, THEY R GOIN INTO THE WILDERNESS, THEY R TAKING THE RISK!!


So if u go into the Wilderness, don't expect people not 2 take intrest in killing u...unless ur using a bot of course...( which I ain't promoting in neway wot so eva)

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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PKers aren't called PKers 4 nothing, they kill players, ( players=every1 hu plays) now if I RCer of a clue scroller come along, THEY R GOIN INTO THE WILDERNESS, THEY R TAKING THE RISK!!


So if u go into the Wilderness, don't expect people not 2 take intrest in killing u...unless ur using a bot of course...( which I ain't promoting in neway wot so eva)




The point is, its so annoying that someone would actually kill me for dragonhide chaps and vambraces, me losing all of my pouches.




That's a 30k PK. And I'm left without pouches. It is completely rude and most of them just want to blitz for a little while. It is pathetic, and I despise them.

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I both RC using the abyss and PK RCer's using the abyss.




I have been killed a few times but its life.




When I RC pk I normally go after the PKers not the RCers themselves.


It just hurts to see some poor lvl 80 get taken down my a 1 iteming mage.






as I said before..... Its life

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I like the "picking someone's arrows" analogy that a previous poster used.




RC pking is legal, but it's not good form and is more annoying to the runecrafter (because they have to get their pouches back) than anything else.




Even worse than RC pking are the people who pk at the wilderness agility arena, now that's the lowest of the low.




As another poster pointed out, people pk for reasons other than items or "a good fight". Many pk to annoy or simply "because they can".




To me, RC and agility pking is like hunting squirrels and rabbits while mage bank pking is like hunting lions and tigers. You can hunt whatever you like, but I wouldn't boast too much about killing a squirrel. It's legal, but don't be suprised when you get ribbed for doing it.

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Well, I personally can't even call them pkers since its so easy to kill other player while he has 0 prayer points and no food. It give no chalange so I can't imagine killing player who rc and call myself pker.




Also, 9/10 these so called rc 'pkers' tele or run as soon as you take pk gear. Thats so pathetic. If you are calling yourself pker and can't even give a good fight thats way too sad.




That was my opinion.

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:-k Hmmm...wot could I say 2 reply 2 them....nout I suppose #-o




If you get attacked by a RC pker, you can "reply" to them by putting your pk gear on and owning them.




..or you can just switch worlds and continue with business as usual.

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Meh, i actually like the pkers, they keep the nat prices up. :thumbsup: The only thing i bring with me when crafting is ectophial, boots of lightness, glory, p pot, and then my ess and pouches. If i get entangled first, i ectophial out, if i encounter anything else (tb, or a melee or ranger) i just continue and get the zammy mage to send me on to the abyss. if i get entangled and tb'ed i just drink my p pot and put on protect item so i dont lose anything valuable, just the stuff thats annoying to lose -.- but the pkers dont get any benefit from it (apart from about 2k in ess :wink: )

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See, this arguement could go on forever... but my view is this.




Yes, you can argue that "Jagex put it in the game, so it's legal", but that's not my point. Technically you can do it, but it's just being a jerk, you know? Where's the thrill that pkers seek in killing people who can't fight back? All you're doing is being dis-courteous (if that's even a word. :? ) to your fellow scaper.




^^ My two cents.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Its funny how you guys act like you are all the best pkers in the world, you always say how someone tries to pk you and you like 3 hit them every time, when im sure some of you never even went back. I dont rc pk or rc, but it seems kindve nooby to rc pker just like arrow stealing, but dont complain about it because its the wildy. And like i said i dont rc pk but i wouldnt mind getting 150k a kill when they dont fight back, most of the time you fight pures that protect their 1 item anyway so 150k is actually a pretty good kill..

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It's like bringing a katana into a boxing match IRL.




Ok, so the laws of physics say that you CAN bring the katana in with you, but everyone will call you a boxing noob and you're basically being a noob to the other person and to the boxing community.




Plus the boxer only drops d hide and maybe a glory. come on. why would you waste runes on that?

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Pkers who killing rcers are all pathetic, clearly it's saying that they have no skill in the art of pking and so the only way to make them feel like there such a great pker is by killing defenceless rcers who are just trying to make some money.




Personally for me i don't care if they attack me, everytime i rc and get attacked i either come back later and own the hell out of them or i bring barrage runes with me and make some new loot \'

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Pkers who killing rcers are all pathetic, clearly it's saying that they have no skill in the art of pking and so the only way to make them feel like there such a great pker is by killing defenceless rcers who are just trying to make some money.




that is untrue btw, if all the famous AND good pkers started to rc pk u would very quickly edit all ur posts.....but isnce none of them do or even video it i owuld like to say your wrong in everysingle way, just because they do one thing doesn't mean they are pathetic, cause they may pk at abys but exactly tell me how exactly do you know that they cannot pk at all and are infact pathetic???picking on the week and defencless when they choose to venture into an area that can infact harm them is there chioice so wether they are pked or not is their fault(and some of the pkers) i know alot of people who have pked 12+whips, and pk at the abys quite often to work on what i stated earlier(entangling and tbing reflexes).

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I've been muddling this over in my mind and have come to a simple conclusion. and it is...




Sure, we runecrafters are "fair game" when we step into the wildy, but isn't some of the fun of pking a good fight? That's like going fishing at one of those Outdoor's Show where they have like 200 trout in a kiddy pool. You get the catch, but it isn't real fishing.




I'd expect a good decent pker (Or any sportsman) to like a good fight. I know I wouldn't get my jollies by simply casting into the kiddy pool, I'd rather go deep. And this is why RC Pkers are a disliked bunch of people. They are nothing but greedy, greedy people. If they would like to call themselves good or real pkers then they should actually go after someone who can defend themselves and fight back.




But, since they are too scared to actually fight someone (really evident when I or yourself grab some PKing gear and go out there to comfront them...) They are therefore nothing but greedy cowards in my book and don't deserve a title where "pk" is involved. It's more or less hitting a dummy to them.




Edit: I forgot to add my bit in about money...




One of the arguments from the RC "pker" side of things is that it's easy money. I'd have to say not. When I RC I meet up with several "pkers" a night. They try to entangle, TB and DDS spec me, but it hardly ever works. When they do successfully cast one of those spells through dragonhide or get a couple hits in, I'm gone or I've dropped what needs to be dropped. I've only ever lost 1 glory to a pker, but he didn't get it either. I was able to get to the air alter and die in peace....




What I'm trying to say is if they were concerned about money they would pick a way where they would make more than 180k an hour. If any of you RC "pkers" out there would like a way, just send me a PM. I would be more than happy to help make someone a little richer... and noble...

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"I think that the RCers should bring 1 wep, as a form of def, so that if they get attked, they can defend themselves, that's wot I do, it's saved me many a time..."




A smart runecrafter knows how to escape RC PKers in almost any situation. None of which includes bringing a weapon, which will do no good when your opponent, unlike yourself, will have descent armour and likely an even better weapon/runes.




RC PKers are simply pathetic, and 95% of them don't even know how to PK. The truth is, in order to be a successful RC PKer, you have to be extremely knowledgeable of the best way to kill someone in a short amount of time. The only people who know the best ways to actually kill RC PKers are the runecrafters themselves and skilled PKers.




The way I see it, RC PKers are simply too scared to go into higher wildy than level 7, and too afraid to lose items so they pick on defenseless people who will likely escape anyway.




I am not a PKer myself, I've never properly tried it. But if a RC PKer tries to attack me, I have no problem banking, getting out proper weapons, armour and food and killing them, which just proves how pathetic most of them are when it comes to PKing.




So while 95% of all RC PKers are stupid, I don't care for them much, since I can easily get away.

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RC PKers are simply pathetic, and 95% of them don't even know how to PK. The truth is, in order to be a successful RC PKer, you have to be extremely knowledgeable of the best way to kill someone in a short amount of time.
Not only are the good PKer's often time the RCer's but even if they aren't then they are out actually PKing. Like I said, RC Pking can hardly be called RC pking because proper, skilled pkers enjoy a good fight. Therefore they wouldn't be at the abyss like these guys that are.




All said, I guess it's a good way for all those unskilled PKer's out there to waste a few runes, pots and specs... oh oh and time. Often time when I run by a PKer at the abyss it takes them me 6 or 7 runs before they finally connect with a hit. And by the time they've hit me I'm gone or I've dropped and am waiting for the return so I can whoop some wannabe butt.

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Me, my friend and someone who runecrafts with me on a world, have proved that RC Pking requires no skill...




Reason: Well, yesterday, there were 3 Pkers, all going out for me. I know the best tactic when it comes to deailng with pkers. Normally, first go around, they just leave you.




That's mistake #1 Mr. Pker :wall: Get behind the Zamorak Mage and turn your screen. Write down the names of them. Go do your run, get to the bank. And look up the names, if they are lower than 81 mage, go around the river. If they are lower, just continue the normal way.




OK, so they were all under 81 magic so they couldn't teleblock. So I just kept going along normally. They were all wearing rune and dhide for pickaxe and bow protection. Mistake #2. With their low mage attack and my mage defence. After about 10 tries, they were still there, they couldn't TB me, then my friend decided to join.




I said there were some annoying PKers so I said, grab a D scim, or a DDS. So we wen't up with our 1 items and 10 food to their full invent and all their DDS's tangles etc. 1st guy, 14-8 spec, 15-17 spec, run? My friend went for the second guy with his Scim, 22, 12, 16. He ran...


After seeing this the third guy TELEPORTED.




Now we just watched and talked to the PK pkers. Then there was this other RC pker to arrive, level 111, there was a level 113 runecrafting. He froze the runecrafter, the RCer teled. He came back and me and my friend were walking back, come watch this. So we went back up...




The Rcer brought up Super Set, Prayer Potion, invent of sharks, split top, mystic bottom, bear hat and rune defender. He got his DDS spec on and OWNED the guy seriously. You needed to be their to believe it. 28-19 Spec, 26-18 spec. That's right, 2 hit KO.




So this guy picks up his drops, whip, full white mystic, dds, prayer potion, Camelot teleport runes :roll: and some Ice blitzs.




Hence why it requires no skill to RC PK...


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