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Do any men here love..shopping?


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wanna know a really awesome place? go to express for men. Seriously, alot of * people tend to shop there but thats ok because they tend to have the best fashion sense. There clothes are really good looking.




Holy crap dude, I just posted here a few mins ago and you already replied lol.




I've never heard of that store, and I'd much rather shop at the prep stores. I don't know if I'd fit in the clothes if it's a mens stores. Although I already use a large from all the stores that I mentioned. I was suprised at the prices at the stores I went to. Comfiest shirst and polos I've ever put on, and all for only 20-30$. I would of had to pay 50$ for the abercrombie polo if it wasn't on sale :shock:


^Thank you Despaxes for the sig

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Holy crap dude, I just posted here a few mins ago and you already replied lol.




I've never heard of that store, and I'd much rather shop at the prep stores. I don't know if I'd fit in the clothes if it's a mens stores. Although I already use a large from all the stores that I mentioned. I was suprised at the prices at the stores I went to. Comfiest shirst and polos I've ever put on, and all for only 20-30$. I would of had to pay 50$ for the abercrombie polo if it wasn't on sale :shock:




*shudders* polo's....




I personaly prefer the good 'ole t-shirt :P. Which is why I never bother to go shopping for cloths but every 6 months or something like that.

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normal shopping i know exactly what im looking for when i go into the store. i go in, straight to what i want, then straight to the cashier. the exception to this at a bookstore, i can spend up to 20 minutes in one of those.




clothes i hate shopping for. i havent went clothes shopping in probably a year or two. buy t-shirts off the net, and last year i got 2 pairs of jeans for my birthday. dont buy new clothes very often.



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I'm a guy.




I hate shopping.




Haaaatttteeee shopping.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Shopping is only decent when you are shopping for yourself and if you have lots of money to spend.


It's probably the most boring thing possible if you are shopping for/with someone else.




Yea, for myself, yep! I love to, and will only look good. But with someone else, it's boring.




I find that I cannot wear a T-Shirt, unless it's like a polo shirt, or has an under shirt, but it can't be a big shirt.




I'm werid. :P


Me doing staff.

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I find that I cannot wear a T-Shirt, unless it's like a polo shirt, or has an under shirt, but it can't be a big shirt.




I'm werid. :P




I like fairly tight t-shirts because when I was young I wore shirts that were way too big.. Then I found that I dressed like many of those in the rap/hip-hop community and I wasn't proud of being stereotyped like that when I'm not a big fan of rap/hip-hop. Also, I can't stand wearing polo shirts.. I've only had to wear them a few times in my life, and hated every moment of those times..

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Honestly I have to say I might be dyslexic. I thought the topic title was "How many men here love... sheep?" Then I started reading the topic and got confuzzled.




Anyway I'm not much of a shopper because I have terrible vision. Nearsighted, around 20/90 ish. And I refuse to wear my glasses because ... well, I have my reasons. Usually when I'm shopping I have no idea what the hell I'm looking at.




So I'm usually wearing the same thing. Usually in the summer it's plain white tee shirts and shorts. In the winter... plain white tee shirts and pants. (Fall/spring usually depends on temperature.) Lol I have like 10 plain tee shirts and laundry is done alot.




Someone insulted my fashion sense tho. I wouldn't call him a friend, more like an acquantence(/"man-stealer"). He was all, "Drop the hetero look, it doesn't work for you." -.- So I was like, "What do you know about fashion? You look like you just came out of the 70's."




This topic strangely reminds me of South Park tho... crab people crab people, taste like crab talk like people....

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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I like looking sharp, smelling good, and looking better than everyone else. :wink: chick magnet...








not meteroseckshahl but very close lol




Ha, cologne is awesome, and the ladies almost always appreciate a guy who smells good. I've got an aunt in the cologne business, so she hooks me up with some nice stuff.




I love smelling great - whether it's the smell of cologne or of sweat and grass, I always smell like a man.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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No. I don't enjoy shopping. When shopping, my only mission is to get what I need, so I can go onto better things. In addition, the first thing I notice about a product is the price tag.








Look at the price, then decide whether or not you like it :)

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I love shopping! Buying new stuff is awesome. :P




Love the sig man.. lol






as for me loving shopping... yes, online shopping only though, you can find alot of stuff that you can get in other places.




Tight Jeans + T-shirts = what i wear.

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es, online shopping only though, you can find alot of stuff that you can get in other places.




That's totally true, and the fact that you don't have to move. :)

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I'm not sure whether I like shopping, or simply what I get as a result of shopping. I dont like walking around a mall forever, window shopping, as you will. Hanging out with friends in a mall is different, but just browsing is soo boring. I usually go, grab what I planned to get, and that's that.




Usually on electronics I research it a lot online before I make a purchase. For shoes, there are surprisingly sites that offer reviews as well!




The stereotype girls love shopping, and guys don't, is bs. Who doesn't like going out getting new things? I love shopping in clothes stores, shoe stores, etc. Stores like Champs or Athletesworld. On the other end, I also loveee shopping for tech toys, in Best Buy or Tiger Direct.




Tech stores are the type that I can browse around forever. Malls on the other hand, like I mentioned...no. :wink:




Aah, if only I had money. I can't wait till University is done, and the money starts rollin in large quantities 8-)

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I shopped for like 5 hours yesterday. Spent like 250$ of like b day money, and some money my folks gave me for clothes.




Uhhh :-w :-# :ohnoes: .




I never shop for clothes. I just wear the ones I have. My mom tells me I need new clothes sometimes, but she knows I would never go shopping for them so she usually just buys me some random shirts, which I wear. I personally don't care about my appearance THAT much. I'm proud to say I've never owned clothes from any of those places like Abercrombie where you can get the same pants for 1/100th of the price. Oh and while I'm at it, I just want to say how much I hate those jeans the popular people always buy that already have holes in them. How lame! I wear decent clothes, bow ties even at times =D, just not this brand name crap from abercrombie where you pay 100 bucks for a measly pair of jeans with holes in them.




One thing I don't mind "shopping" for is like.. toys, games, things of that nature :o

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Uhhh :-w :-# :ohnoes: .




I never shop for clothes. I just wear the ones I have. My mom tells me I need new clothes sometimes, but she knows I would never go shopping for them so she usually just buys me some random shirts, which I wear. I personally don't care about my appearance THAT much. I'm proud to say I've never owned clothes from any of those places like Abercrombie where you can get the same pants for 1/100th of the price. Oh and while I'm at it, I just want to say how much I hate those jeans the popular people always buy that already have holes in them. How lame! I wear decent clothes, bow ties even at times =D, just not this brand name crap from abercrombie where you pay 100 bucks for a measly pair of jeans with holes in them.




One thing I don't mind "shopping" for is like.. toys, games, things of that nature :o




I actually wear my jeans until they fade/develop holes from wearing them!










All it takes is some patience... :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Uhhh :-w :-# :ohnoes: .




I never shop for clothes. I just wear the ones I have. My mom tells me I need new clothes sometimes, but she knows I would never go shopping for them so she usually just buys me some random shirts, which I wear. I personally don't care about my appearance THAT much. I'm proud to say I've never owned clothes from any of those places like Abercrombie where you can get the same pants for 1/100th of the price. Oh and while I'm at it, I just want to say how much I hate those jeans the popular people always buy that already have holes in them. How lame! I wear decent clothes, bow ties even at times =D, just not this brand name crap from abercrombie where you pay 100 bucks for a measly pair of jeans with holes in them.




One thing I don't mind "shopping" for is like.. toys, games, things of that nature :o




Lmao I love how people buy clothes with holes and stuff already in them to be cool :lol:

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Clothes shopping for me lasts at most half an hour.




It's when I go shopping for a new toy (electronics) that it can easily hit 5, maybe 6 hours and still result in no purchases -.-

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I used to like it a lot. But it went down a bit. Sometimes I still go for a day to a big city to shop with a friend. But not as often as I used to. I hate it BTW. I can't stand being in those way too small dressing rooms. And I try to be as quick as possible so we got the afternoon off.




DVD shopping on the other hand..<3


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I love shopping; however I find it is more online shopping now, I just don't have the patience to shop in town at the weekends.




I normally go into town to view the products that I will buy later on the internet.

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