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****Tefda's Last Hurrah**** OVER!!


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Update again: It's all over, thanks to those who came, wish more of you showed up, but nonetheless, that's it. Thank again!








UPDATE: Sorry for this guys but like all well made plans there's a problem in them. I didn't anticipate the amount of people using the 'net at this hour. My roommate has said that at 5:30 it clears up. So check back then. If that's the case then I can extend the party if everyone else can do it.








Hey everyone this is your ol' pal Tefda here. Some of you may know that I'm now in a University and if you've seen me online recently you'll notice that it's been in the early hours of the day (Central Standard). That's because I've been extremely busy at school and balancing going to classes, doing homework for these classes, and playing this game that I love so much is very difficult.




I've got 11 days of Membership left and I'm using them to best of my ability to get 500 Pest Control Points and get 60 Prayer and 70 Magic. So far it's not going so great but nonetheless I WILL get 60 prayer in that 11 days.




Now onto the real reason why I'm posting this little thread. For those of you who don't know or don't remember I hosted a sort of Shade-Temple World Movement and I made a Guide for it and I'm happy with it. Although I'm looking to catch a few more screenshots so I decided that to end my career I'd finish up with those shots and go out with a bit of a bang.




So onto the information.




Tefda's End of Membership Party!




Date: Friday September 8th


Time: 5 PM (Central Standard)


Duration: 2 Hours (1 Hour Shades of Mor'ton and 1 Hour House Drop Party)


Where: Starting at the Shades of Mort'ton Temple on World 59 and then going to my House (Rimmington)


What to Bring: Refer to my Guide for Shades of Mort'ton and then the House Party all you need to bring is yourself!




What we will be doing:




There are two halves of this party. The first part we will be down in Mort'ton (Which is involved with a Quest) and we will be working at the Temple and getting all the oils, fighting shades, etc. etc. I only ask for those of you who will be running back and forth between the Shade Tombs and making sacred oils please, PLEASE check to see if there are enough people slaying/repairing the temple before you run off and make your fortunes.




For those of you who don't know ANYTHING about Shades of Mort'ton try referring to myGuide and if you haven't done the Quest yet this is a golden opportunity for you.




Once we've had our fair share of working with the temple (An hour, if more people come and want to then maybe more?) I will head back to my House and you all are invited to come with and I will be dropping a portion of my members items (which includes many Unids over Avantoe, several Elf Crystal Seeds, a few higher than I can use seeds, and much more).










Within my house I have two different combat rings (The anything goes one and the swordsman one). I have a well stocked Kitchen, a portal room, a games room, and in my bedroom you can make yourself look pretty!




It's fairly simple and I don't expect you to come for the house, but instead focus on me dropping free stuff for your entertainment! I will post a screenshot of the items I'll be dropping once the University internet connection will allow me to get onto Runescape.




Also one last thing is if you'll notice Tefda does not appear in the Hiscores! That's because I've pulled a Bloodveld! I'm not going to release my REAL Runescape Username until about a day before the event. I released my AIM once before when I just released some of my games and I was bombarded by messages on it! I just don't want to go through that again.




I look forward to seeing all of you at this little Shindig I hope you guys come out and get some experience from the Shade of Mort'ton temple and I hope you all enjoy the items I drop as well!




Edit: Ladies and Gents, tomorrow (Friday, August 8th) I will be celebrating my end of membership and I'd like you all to join me at the Shades of Mort'ton Temple to rebuild it AND come to the house of.....








There you go, see you all tomorrow!

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He's gone... we can't stop him, school is more important however so good luck in school work and b 50 dont worry you'll find new friends... *cough* maybe not *cough* rofl jk.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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He he good thing I know his real rsn. \'




Well I will try and make it, hopefully, we can only hope. Also I will bring the gnomeball for one last good time sake.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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i would actually love to go, you've always been a good contributer to the forums and I'll miss you.




and i need 61 crafting :lol: :lol:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Aw man :(




anyway ill be there if i can get my computer to run runescape again brother is being a stupid pain in the again




idiot keep blocking runescape from the computer... Ha! when i load your computer with viruses lets see who'll be laughing then ! :x








Um, sorry off topic i appogise... anyway what i was saying was that ill try and be there if i can



New sigzor^^

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noooo! man tefda, srry to see you go..you were a great person to talk to about shade building in mort'ton...I'll make it fo sho lol.




Btw..you quitting or just membership ending?

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After I end members I'll still cruise the forums occasionally and display my latest and greatest stuff in the Gallery Forum. Also I want to keep up-to-date on the members stuff so I don't have to make a post saying "Hey guys! I've been gone for three months what have I missed?".




B, I'll still be on RS but a whole heck of a lot less often (Even though I'm averaging about an hour a morning as of late :? ). We'll still chat it up :P .




Also at Eckered if you click on the "5 PM (Central Standard)"/Time section you'll be directed to the World Time and Date Clock, then just look for New York time (or any other major Eastern City) and you'll find the time.




See you all there.

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ha when has school every helped anyone...o i see your point :P




any way i dont think i can make your party but yeah school does kinna ruin rs and other games like that but meh what ya ganna do about it, hope you become a member when school settles down possibly in the summer :-w

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School IS way more important than Runescape.




Well, I hope you've enjoyed your time playing, I'll try and make it to the event but I doubt I will :(






Yah last year i got about 10-15 hours of runescape a week... THis year? Between 2-3 hours lol i just dont have that much time to play it, even if i do i wil play a diff game usually cause i dont feel like playing rs then...



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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Best choice you will EVER make. School + RL > Runescape ANYDAY. Good luck in uni :)



Runescape Status = RETIRED AS OF 15/08/2006

Combat 105, 1488 Total (I Beat the addiction :D)

Yea but what do i have to show for my time? Nothing but pixels
This is why Runescape is a WASTE OF TIME - smart man
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i remember your good effort in trying to get the temple building world changed. I'll try to be there, can't guarantee it though. Sorry to hear you are leaving, but your reasons are logical enough. Maybe you'll come back next summer when you have a bit of a break...? Don't drop anything too valuable, you'll regret it if you ever decide to return.


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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