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i alched my whip :'(:'(


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ok.. so i just alched my whip accidently :cry::cry::cry:




i have no money and nothing left and 40 days of member left.. i think im going to quit because i sold all my stuff to buy a whip i only have seeds and other stuff :cry: i worked 2 months mining and smithing to get my whip and now it's all gone :cry:




i don't know what i'm going to do :cry: i need an advice, really, i feel so bad :cry:

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ok.. so i just alched my whip accidently :cry::cry::cry:




i have no money and nothing left and 40 days of member left.. i think im going to quit because i sold all my stuff to buy a whip i only have seeds and other stuff :cry: i worked 2 months mining and smithing to get my whip and now it's all gone :cry:




i don't know what i'm going to do :cry: i need an advice, really, i feel so bad :cry:




You think thats bad? I was about 2 inches from high alching a santa hat once. Thank god my computer lagged.




I dont really see a point in this. It's kind of like " I got banned on rs now give me pity!" type of deal.




You messed up, pick yourself up, and get working.




Now if I may ask, what was your most VALUEABLE item doing in your inventory while you were alching. Just out of random curiosity



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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mine 1k iron, sell, buy 1k pure ess, make nats, sell buy 3k pure ess make nats, sell, buy 9k pure ess, make nats sell, ect ect.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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:cry: i don't need ur posts, i just alched my whip and i need an advice what to do and ur being like that to me? what kind of person are you, really...




I said the forum isnt for this, but i got scammed out of my whip 2 times :-X back then that was also all i had, i kepped playing like i made my first whip, after my second got scammed i started doing barrowsand made 20m+ :)

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Now if I may ask, what was your most VALUEABLE item doing in your inventory while you were alching. Just out of random curiosity




Yes im curious too :-k you were alching in big proportions? that's the only way to get confused and alch something that's not, if that's the case, then you have money in nats to recover yourself :wink:



Veteran Cape Owner (10 year)

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i was killing cyclops in the warriors' guild and got addy2h and mith long and just wanted to alch them and i equipped a fire staff and then my whip got in first space and the 2 swords was in 2 and 3rd spot and i just didn't think, i know it was stupid but... :/




anyways i got a lvl 3 scroll in bank i hope i'm getting something like robin hood hat or something, and thanks for all the positive comments. :)

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2 months of mining and smithing wasted? No. You have the xp. Some time ago I worked like a month for some outfit, then lost it to a random (and I WAS paying attention stupid really). So I dont cry to much and immediatly work to get it back. I was so excited that I took it while collecting unids and got owned by a magic pker. And all I ever said to anyone about it was: hehe, i was stupid enough to bring expensive clothes in wildy and got owned lol. I just immediatly started working again, this time for a better outfit (torag with whip n obby set, still busy getting unids so dont say i only have 67 defence hehe). The time you're crying about that whip you could have made some nice money. Killing dragons, mining p ess, collecting unids. You used this smiley: :cry: says enough. No need to make a thread for it, we won't donate 2.3M. But anyway: good luck getting it back (and don't hope too much for that clue, much chance its junk and makes you feel more sad.)

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tbh, dont let something like that slow you down. When I was stupid enough to go afk in lvl 1 wild with a 71M invy, came back to see 3 mage longs.




I just stared at my pc... walked to edge bank, and started runecrafting




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dude, instead of asking how to make money with nooby stats why dont you *gasp* raise your stats?!? isnt that the point of runescape? so once you get 60 wc and 70 fletching - make yew longs... i mean a whip is well, kinda cheap 2.1m is like nothing mate! heres a saying i use quite alot






money comes with stats, and stats come with EXPERINCE! so just sit back, and skill for awhile, soon enough money will come to you.






or you could just merchant, but thats besides the point.

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I've done this 3 or 4 times, Still have 5 left ;\ .. They alch for 36k.




Just work it back, simple.




High Alch used to be 60k, Low alch used to be 40k.








High Alch is 72k, Low alch is 48k.




This was changed because of the mystic top dropping scam... friend pked over 80 whips using that trick.




And on the subject of what you should do now...




Here's some free, basic advice. You're not making money whining on here. Grab some bronze tools, make some cash.




Don't go pking or staking or killing big monsters for dragon drops. Find a source of consistent profit and just stick with it.




Begging is just wasting time.

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If I were a master slayer, I'd sell you one for cheap, but I'm only level 61 slayer. :(




Anyways, a good money making method is dragon bones. Kill greens or blues - I think d-bones go for 3k each.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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