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Ivan Strom. Is everything what we think it is?


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I've been watching the Morytania stories very closely, how Necrovarius turned his people into ghosts to avoid the blood tithe, how Fenkenstrain took up residence of Drakans former castle, and how a few brave people take up arms against the evil Vyrelords, amongst which Vanescula Drakan and Vanstrom Klaus.




Naturally the Myreque storyline is the most interesting of this all, but with this recent update and part 2 of it, something perked my interest.




I'd like to see myself as some sort of a Morytania expert. And if you haven't done the most recent quests, I will now tell you some about it.




In part 2 you relocated The Myreque to Burgh de Rott, and sent Ivan Strom to Paterdomus on the river Salve. This holy temple and the river flowing from it prevent the evil forces from morytania spilling over into Misthalin. Both Drezel (Paterdomus priest) and Veliaf Hurtz (Leader of the Myreque) told you that Ivan has great yet unrealised potential, and could possibly be a weapon to defeat the evil forces.




In part 3 you learn that some evil creatures have managed to cross the Salve. Also now King Roald has a new advisor who effectivly stopped the King from sending an army into Morytania. The advisor claimed that Guthixian edicts dictate that there must be balance, and if this balance is upset Guthix will remake this world anew (like the 3 hindu gods?).


Sending troops to Morytania will veryliekly trigger another War of the Gods, so the king only allowed Mercenaries to go in.




But here is the thing that perked my interest.




Ivan Strom, is sposedly human. In Darkness of Hallowvale you learn during a cutscene that the Vyrelords can very easily make themselves to look human. Ivan Strom has great unrealised power and potential. Ivan Strom has been moved to Paterdomus for safe-keeping but was stopped by only 2 Vampyres? Ivan Strom has a name that resembles Vanstrom a wee bit too much?


And most of all; ever since Ivan Strom is now at Paterdomus, the king all of a sudden has an unknown advisor with powers to teleport you to the Paterdomus, and evil creatures have managed to get past the Salve.




All a bit too coincidental? Jagex doesnt make up names randomly. Descendant of Ivandis? I doubt it, it may just be a ruse. We already found out that Ivandis was not buried on Paterdomus like it was always believed.




The next parts in the Myreque storyline will tell us, but I have a feeling that I am right on this one:




Ivan Strom is a Vyrelord in disguise, or atleast in service of them, and not the descendant of Ivandis.


(or we could see a cutscene with Vanstrom Klause standing over Ivan: "Ivan, I am your father!")




discuss please.

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You forgot another important theory: Ivan Strom is the reincarnation (as seen from Tail of Two Cats, it's existent in RunEscape) of Ivandis, the original owner of great rod that damages vampyres.

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Another theory: That guy wearing purple who you deliver the message to (I think his name is Saffon) looks kinda strange. I don't think he's human.




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You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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That little freaky dude always scared me... :anxious:




LOL ~ my thoughts exactly. Here is a stupid question why is there a


zammy dude locked in a cage in the varrok's castle? What did I miss here?


On topic: I think you are right, can't wait to see the outcome of this.


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That little freaky dude always scared me... :anxious:




LOL ~ my thoughts exactly. Here is a stupid question why is there a


zammy dude locked in a cage in the varrok's castle? What did I miss here?


On topic: I think you are right, can't wait to see the outcome of this.




Yea.. for real whats up with that bigger freaky dude who also scares me locked in a cage behind the stairs in Varrock Castle? :o




Sort of on topic: I shoulda let those vampyres kill that little dude on the way to the temple... he will be the death of us all!!! :ohnoes:

Attempting to come back to RS after another very long break.

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maybe ivandis is the one who start the whole vampire business as their name suggest, but that is just some blank guess anyway...




btw, is veracs a part of the battle monks?




there is something strange about that female drakans also, she seems to be our ally and examine will say she is almost human, very strange...

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Ivandis could very well be just another vampyre, because Vyrewatch are immune to Rod's effect, so its either that Vyrewatch was a new species of Vampyres (which i doubt), or perhaps Ivandis was using the rods to control the lesser vampyres to form an army. If Rod of Ivandis was really a weapon to destroy Vampyres, it would have the power to destroy with the special attack of the rod, but not control it (Saradomists would NEVER consider controlling anything none-saradomin, they prefer to destroy it).




Either that, or the Rod of Ivandis was NOT supposed to be Silvthril Alloy, but some other alloy that forms a far more powerful version of the Rod, which perhaps has even the capability to Control the Vampyre lords themselve. I would suspect that Daelyte Ore plays a part in the contruction of the material of the rod, a silver bar (perhaps blessed with holy powers), daelyte ore, Ruby , enchanted by lv 3 enchant and Finished with Blood Altar blessing.

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Very interesting :-k




I figured the advisor of King Roald was bad news (Wormtongue from LOTR anyone?), but never thought twice about Ivan even though his last name makes it pretty obvious.


As a matter of fact, it is so obvious that the story could go in a completely different direction because of it. Maybe Ivan is related to the Vangstroms, but is the good one in the evil family and escaped his family with the help of the Myreque. Maybe he knows some sort of secret that can hurt his family and this is the potential they are speaking of. But he is still in doubt whether he can kill his own and that's why he was send to Paterdomus, to fall under the influence of Saradomin and to want to destroy all evil, including his family.




Now all we can do is hope Jagex finishes this storyline a little quicker then mornings end :P Priffdinas has been on the map for 2 years right? Castle Drakan could suffer that same fate :(




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I agree with henk, the advisor is kinda annoying. He stops the King from sending troops. I never thought about Ivan Strom, besides that he was annoying cause what you had to do to get him there.




I wasn't even playing when Priffdinas came out, and I've been playing since Spring 05

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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Why did he die then so many times when I escorted him. :-k Well, hmm... Or did he die or did he just run away..? He was always back with full hp for you to try over and over again. :ohnoes: I still believe he's a good guy but anyway somehow connected to the Vyrelords.

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Wasn't Ivan a priest of saradomin? Only things that are good can pass through the magic barrier into the temple any ways right? SO if he was a vampire i dont think he could go through. Plus in part 2 why would they want to kill him? A rencarnate of Invandis seems more real than a vampire. And if he is in fact a rencarnate he could possibly bethe one thing to beat the vampires. And when you try to protect him he seems to weak to be a vampire.


Barrows: guthan warspear, ahrim hood, torag platebody, karil's crossbow x3, Dharoks greataxe, Dharoks Helm.

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the female vamlyre lord wants to question you. not kill you... now im just throwing theories out but listen to this..






perhals the female vyre lord isnt evil. perhaps she has found somthing about the blood alter and absorbes the power of blood runes, quenching her desire for blood. yet she can still drink blood at will.




perhaps she things about her brother farming the humans for blood is wrong, and wants you to help her give her brother the power of blood runes? just my idea..




i had a dream about it.. but instead of her absorbing the power of the blood rune, she wears a amulet with a blood rune in it.. does she wear a amulet?

Runescape player since 2005
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i reckon we're gonna get another regicide incident where




it turns out we have been owrking fo rthe wrong side, and the whole myreque is eevil, and we have to work with the vyrewatch or sumthing to balance it all out

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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It's not a spoiler unless it reveals actual facts. :P




Although I agree to an extent; this may very well be a war between two powerful vampyres, or a Star Wars scenario and Ivan being a familiar to Klause.

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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i reckon we're gonna get another regicide incident where




it turns out we have been owrking fo rthe wrong side, and the whole myreque is eevil, and we have to work with the vyrewatch or sumthing to balance it all out




I wouldnt be suprised if the myreque turned out to be evil, but I certainly dont want to work with the vyrewatch.... :?

Attempting to come back to RS after another very long break.

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It's not a spoiler unless it reveals actual facts. :P








yes... in regicide you work for the wrong side... im saying the same scenario appeas to be unfolding here

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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It's not a spoiler unless it reveals actual facts. :P








yes... in regicide you work for the wrong side... im saying the same scenario appeas to be unfolding here




That seem right in this case, his name does switch to I Vanstrom, like I am Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter.




We'll have to wait and see.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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I never thought about it before, or noticed the similarity, but I agree with the original poster's first idea: Ivan Strom may be evil in disguise. Good call on that.




Though there's another, more obvious Paterdomus issue. Perhaps the werewolves were let across the River Salve by the ARMY OF ZAMORAK MONKS in the chapel there. Funny how they just kind of get ignored after Priest in Peril.


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