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my mom pays for my membership, well did now that im banned i dont have it




and i havent seen my dad in 11 years



Click sig for blog ^^


6,627th to 99 fletching

33,986th to 99 attack

4,871st to 99 thieving


Whip drops: 28 / Dark Bows: 7 / Hexcrests: 7 / Focus Sights: 1 / Staffs of Light: 6 / Dragon Chainbodies: 2 (1 KQ Solo 1 Dust Devil)

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My perents are split up.




My mum doesn't mind because I play in moderation.




My dad sees it as a way to keep me busy. He encourages me to play it so he can have a sleep, -.-

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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My parents have split views on the topic.




Version A.




Moms either in a pissy mood or on period and dad couldnt care less so he just follows her every pissy move when she blames me for doing absolutley nothing and then blaming its seed of start on the game when it has absolutely nothing to do with technology let alone a computer game.




Version B.




Both my parents couldnt give a [cabbage] and just get annoyed when i tell them i would rather not play a game of cards with them over the computer. Thus blaming the game once again when i would much rather be sitting doing ANYTHING on the computer than playing a game of cards with them.




Version C.




I get pissed off becuase i've died or something like that and well they ask me whats wrong and kinda blow it off and well i get annoyed at them becuase they think im just a geeky computer nerd with no life and who's whole life is crashing down becuase of a computer game.

85 str, 31 pray, Barrows gloves, F torso

45 def, 85 Range, 85 Mage. 35's with scimmy!


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I cant really agree to many of thoose parents here, i mean why is it a waste of time if you learn alot in RuneScape, it'll help you forever.




Oh and btw, none of my parents care and i doubt they ever will. that's why you pay by urself.

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Well, My parents split up, when living with my dad he hated runescape.. but my mum always understood why i played it and that is because i get mad really easy so i play to calm me down and have fun!




Now i play all the time and nothing my dad can do about it! muhaha!

DisRuption 4 lyfe best level 3 skillclan around!


^_^ Add me to rs! i'am always looking for New Friends!

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My parents called me a nolyfer once... It was a laugh :P




My parents don't LIKE RuneScape, but they don't HATE it either.


They don't pay for my membership Directly, meaning, I take the cash they give me and buy Visa Gift Cards (Like a credit card). That's how I pay for membership :P


I tell the truth even when I lie.

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They both hate it. Think it's a waste of time. IMO that is pathetically narrow minded. If I want I can read all day and not go outside. But if I play Runescape all day they freak out and make me go outside and stuff. I'm learning probably more from playing this game.

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Both my mum and dad dosent like it... They think im addicted... =(




But after persuasion, they decided that if they dont learn to like it, i might play other "games" (those not suitable for children). So they allowed me to play...


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LOL My dad used to freak out when he saw me fighting lesser demons. Then he got paranoid when he saw my character in Morytania near the Slayer Tower, and asked "Are you playing with Demons again, son? (paranoia)" I just laugh at him. Now he went from saying "I regret that I payed for you to play this [evil] game." to "I don't care if you play, but just don't have an attitude or stop doing your homework or something..."




Oh well, it's a start. I only get 1 hour every weekday and 3 hours on weekend days. So, speed fletching techniques and stuff like that help me do the same output normally even though I have less time to do it. Anyways, sometimes I get on at early hours in the morning and play if I can't sleep and I know my parents can't hear me from their bedroom. *cough* Their snoring is too loud and drowns out the clicking of my keyboard. *cough*



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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All right kids, brace for "when I was your age"... but since it's only a generation back, it shouldn't be too far removed...




I got an Atari for Christmas in the early 80's, and my parents immediately had regrets. Somehow I really enjoyed playing Pac-Man even though I look back and see the 2600 version was abysmally bad.




Some time later, around middle school, or so, we got our first computer- an Apple //e. My father worked with a guy we called "Uncle Norm"-- he introduced us to BBS and gave us copies of cracked versions of some popular games for the Apple at the time. (*cough* yes, Cap'n Jak learned about piracy early :oops:) I proceeded to drive my parents nuts playing those games for hours on end.




I started playing Runescape a short time after becoming a parent myself. My parents didn't really make much of a fuss, but then, I was in my own home.




The rest of my family-- well, my sister living in town, and my brother-in-law (her husband) are gamer aficionados but their responses seem to suggest that they regard RS to be the bane of the library. They are librarians for the local library system. I can't blame them too much as I've visited myself and have seen a few preteen boys that were disrupting other patrons yelling and shouting.




My daughter is 4 and has shown an interest in Runescape-- she often asks what I am doing and will crawl all over my lap and hang on the computer chair. My wife (Cimmorene here and in game) used to play but she is more interested in prose-based/freeform online play these days-- not too surprising because her mother is, too, and she's borrowed a lot of Myst games from her.




Well, obviously, my daughter is too young to play RS but I know she will be on the computer as long as she can if I don't set limits. She loves to play outside and be very physically active-- which is hard in an apartment complex-- but I don't want to discourage her drive to be active-- I call her "monkey girl" because she is so much so.




I've seen the downside of hours of playing-- I used to get into trouble in college playing MUDs for hours and otherwise being glued to the computer. I won't discourage my kids from playing, but I think it's good to set some limits. Yes, I know MMORPGs take an insane amount of time... but you can leave Runescape, and it will still be there. When you really think about it, there's plenty of time to catch up, and even if you don't, that means there is plenty to discover later on.




I play to unwind and socialize with some friends. But to be really, really, honest, I prefer to meet with people in person and spend my day, maybe my evening around town. I don't think I do that enough.




Swifty McVae retired from Staff and Runescape completely a while back to have more time playing the drums and going out for social events with his friends. If you can walk away from this very addictive game and say 'I need more time for other things in my life', I think that's 100% commendable.




There's so much to life, and a little unwind time on RS is just a part of it. Don't be too hard on your folks if they want you to spend some time away to participate in that other stuff.

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My dad cant even use microsoft word... so theres little chance of him knowing what runescape is.




My mum played it once for about a week and then said "this game S**ts me off and has never liked me playing it since. I guess someone called her a noob or something and she got angry im surprised she lasted a week to be honest.

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my dad plays it himself :lol: , but my mom hates it :?

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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