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PK-er Vs. RC-er A Myth


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EDIT: Ok, almost 1k views? I just put this out here, Didn't know anyone would actually look\post about it :)




Ok, anyone who has any knowledge of Runecrafting, or hangs around Edgeville, Knows that RC-ers hate PK-ers, and that the latter makes fun of the former.








Lvl 108 Player (Alching): YES! almost 85 Mage! Then I can Tb Rcers without pot :)




Lvl 105 Player: Man! I can't believe you do that! You seriously know thats nooby right?!?




Lvl 108: Why?




Lvl 105 (Others joining in) OMFG NOOB.








This is not exagerated at all, its actually an understatement, It gets much worse than this. Much. But I say WHY is this considered noobish?


The absolute HATE that someone of the Rcing class has for the Pker class?


I used to be like this, I used to hate pkers, but think about it. Pkers are good for the Rcing economy. That's right, Good.




Ok, say there are 100 Rcers scattered across 30 worlds, The average rc level is not that high. They make about 1k nats in 1 hour. So, in 1 hour 100k nats are produced. Introduce 30 Pkers, Average 1 per world. Lets say, that out of 30 Pkers preying on 100 Rcers, the Pkers chalk up 15-20 kills, in 1 hour. So, the freshly killed Rcers are depressed, they have lost their pouchs, they have lost their glory. So they might stop Rcing for at least that hour, resulting in less Nature runes on the market.




Ok, you are a Rcer, you make nats, you are glad that there are not as many nats on the market, you are glad that not as many people are buying pure ess (driving the price down). So, you are GLAD that there are Pkers, thats right, its good for you.






To conclude, I am a Rc-er.. Bigtime, I'm 93 Rc and I've done the Abyss since 91 rc, that many many hundreds of thousands of Rc xp. I'm lvl 107, How many times have I been Pked? 3 times. How many times have I lost my pouches? 1 time, so lets see, if Pkers were removed than I would now have 3 more glories than I have and about 45 minutes of my time back.


But the prices of Nats would be what? 50 gp lower? 100 gp lower?




I will keep the Pkers thank you!


This may sound weird, but thanks you Pk-ing guys! :lol:

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I think what is considered "noobish" is the fact that they just stand there waiting for a 50k drop.




And then flame you hardcore if you either survive thier assault or come back and destroy them a few moments later.




Anti-abyss pking is fun. Because they can not defend themselves, and cry like children when you take thier precious items.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I agree, But it's not for the 50k drop, Like you said.. It's Fun! I've done it :twisted:




It's fun picking on helpless people only 2 seconds from freedom?




Fun is attacking other PKers, or the rune miners that actually have items of worth and are willing to fight back.




The guy with the bronze pick is not ready to fight.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I agree, But it's not for the 50k drop, Like you said.. It's Fun! I've done it :twisted:




It's fun picking on helpless people only 2 seconds from freedom?




Fun is attacking other PKers, or the rune miners that actually have items of worth and are willing to fight back.




The guy with the bronze pick is not ready to fight.




Yeah, they find it fun. It's a bit of a challenge to kill someone in that situation, so why wouldn't it be? People PK RCers for the same reason others ancient in CastleWars. But you never call the latter noobs, even though they are loosing scores of gps without hope of gain.




But yes, I do hate their godawful flaming. That's why anti-abyss pking is fun; because a lot of abyss pkers are 12 year olds that throw around words like "NOOOOOOB!!", "PWNZORIZED!!1one!", and then "OMFG!" When someone with a lil' more than a bronze pick comes and trounces them.

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Abyss pk'ers are dumb,i was rc'ing a noob tangles and tb's me so yeai stand there,then he follows me,just followed me!? so yea i run away.my next trip he stands there again he finaly figured out how to attack(luckly i bought food) i got away with eating 2 foods on 4 dds spec's from a lvl 106




If you can't pk,you abyss pk,simple as that.

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Jagex introduced a far faster way of RCing...there had to be a consequence to it or it would have severely unbalanced things. They put it in the wildy because they KNEW people would PK there.




I dont see RC PKing as 'nooby'. It's the wildy, they can PK where they wish. I DO however, consider all the name calling very immature and pointless. That combined with the PKers there that run at the first site of a real fight the "nooby" part of PKing there.




I have never PKed there, and never plan on it. To be honest, it seems boring. Just standing their waiting for a defenseless person? Sure, you may gain some profit...but theres no fun in it. The whole aspect that makes PKing fun (at least to me) is the risk involved. Theres virtually no risk for RC PKers...which makes it pointless and boring to me.




But hey, I guess you could be happy Jagex didnt put it in something like lvl 15-20 wildy right?


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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It's just an aggrevation for me, they either try to tb first (which splashes on 85+ magic with v. high mage def on usually) so you run to the zammy mage and tele. Either that or they tangle first..then you just ecto :lol:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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i 2 am an rcer combat 105 and i do think its an noobs choice 2 att an def less player rcers mostly have no armor no weapons (no an pic is not an weapon) then thay tele block that person and ensnare or ice him so he cant go nowhere its like seeing an mouse in a trap and thinking lets stamp on it now i do have dragon hide armor on at all times and i do have other ways 2 get gp but most pure rcers do not and are between lvls 60-90 witch makes them ez targets




and on the econimic side if the nats do drop in price ( do not drop in price!!! i need that price) but if thay do then the price of bow strings and yew/mage logs whould go up giving new options to the lower lvl players do have almost no income can maybe then get some real cash out making bow strings

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If you considered a world where the Zammy mage was not in the wild (but the same distance from edgeville bank), it's possible that more runecrafters using the abyss could cause rune prices to drop. Since the risk of getting pked is so low anyways, the decrease in rune prices would certainly be greater than the loss from pking.




Then again, it's also possible that the risk is so low that everyone that would use the abyss already does, and the wildy doesn't stop them.




Anyways, people shouldn't complain on the sheer fact that the abyss was designed by Jagex to involve people constantly trying to kill you.




A very good balance, I would say.

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I myself hate RC pkers, in many ways they are cowards, they attempt to kill an unarmed, innocent person who wanted to make a bit of money. I have experience to show they are fools most of the time , once when i was crafting natures , this lvl 88 (im 87) comes up to me UNskulled wearing full iniate and a whip. Sure enough he asks me to fight. I quickly say im rcing, not pking and he replies with an "idc". He then asks me to attack HIM , i asked why and he said he dosen't skull with his whip....sad...


So i finish that run, tele back to edgeville and set out again. Then i see the same guy run up to me when i was in about level 2, 1 iteming with a dds. He manages to strike me once but i quickly got away to the abyss.


Then i come back to edge, and gear up to kill him. I bring out full rune, dds, and d scimmy, sharks and pots. i quickly go out and kill him with ease, he even protected his dagger.Then he came back to edge and called EVERYONE a noob....ironic...

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I agree, But it's not for the 50k drop, Like you said.. It's Fun! I've done it :twisted:




It's fun picking on helpless people only 2 seconds from freedom?




Fun is attacking other PKers, or the rune miners that actually have items of worth and are willing to fight back.




The guy with the bronze pick is not ready to fight.




Yeah, they find it fun. It's a bit of a challenge to kill someone in that situation, so why wouldn't it be? People PK RCers for the same reason others ancient in CastleWars. But you never call the latter noobs, even though they are loosing scores of gps without hope of gain.




But yes, I do hate their godawful flaming. That's why anti-abyss pking is fun; because a lot of abyss pkers are 12 year olds that throw around words like "NOOOOOOB!!", "PWNZORIZED!!1one!", and then "omg!" When someone with a lil' more than a bronze pick comes and trounces them.




Im 12, I use proper English, (well most of the time) & I don't say PWNZORIZED!!1one!...lol




I never use abyss, but I do use wilderness for the chaos alter, damn I hate those PKers...

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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hehe well i hate rc pkers too but they more funny than annoying. you just have to wait for ur lucky break. recently when i was rcing, this lvl 78 mage in full mystic kept entangling or w/e me then trying to dds spec me to death with me house telleing out everytime. i got really pissed off with him eventually and i couldnt be arsed to change worlds so i gear up withj full rune, d b axe and dds, with a few sharks run out and own him.




full mystic pl0x, all for 10 odd minutes of laughing at his noobish magic 'skillz'

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I hate rc-pkers. Though, I'm so glad they exist. It makes me happy to see a rc-pker trying to kill me when I rc. Rc'ing is a very boring, monotonous skill - the rc-pkers are what keep me awake. Not only that, but they are so easy to kill! Just replace ess with sharks for one run and hide a bow in your inventory and they tele the moment you shoot them haha


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rc pkers are not real pkers for the most part. sooo many of them are no skill nubs that if you come back out potted and armed run like the nubs they are.




I had one tell me awhile back after he ran back to edgie "I'l fight you but stop "binging" me." I was tb entangling his rear at about 100 cb and 96 mage. mwhahahhahha amazing how powerful they feel when you arent' eating ess.




nubs. ;)


126 combat. 2001 total. 101 prayer. and off to go WoWin.



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I agree, But it's not for the 50k drop, Like you said.. It's Fun! I've done it :twisted:




It's fun picking on helpless people only 2 seconds from freedom?




Fun is attacking other PKers, or the rune miners that actually have items of worth and are willing to fight back.




The guy with the bronze pick is not ready to fight.




Yeah, they find it fun. It's a bit of a challenge to kill someone in that situation, so why wouldn't it be? People PK RCers for the same reason others ancient in CastleWars. But you never call the latter noobs, even though they are loosing scores of gps without hope of gain.




But yes, I do hate their godawful flaming. That's why anti-abyss pking is fun; because a lot of abyss pkers are 12 year olds that throw around words like "NOOOOOOB!!", "PWNZORIZED!!1one!", and then "omg!" When someone with a lil' more than a bronze pick comes and trounces them.




Im 12, I use proper English, (well most of the time) & I don't say PWNZORIZED!!1one!...lol




I never use abyss, but I do use wilderness for the chaos alter, damn I hate those PKers...




Mabye not, but most RC PKers use words similar to that - and i have even had them throw a few offensive words at me, Eg.: "Lol u f-ing noob!"




Ok... yeah, i've never heard them go "PWNZORIZED", that was an exxageration of the truth, but they do say stuff like 'pwned!!!!!' ... even when their victims are completely helpless :roll:

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if Pkers were removed than I would now have 3 more glories than I have and about 45 minutes of my time back.


But the prices of Nats would be what? 50 gp lower? 100 gp lower?




Phew ty for dieing so nat prices would stay high man! I was wondering who the nat market revolved around!




Oh yeah rc pkers own man! here is a vid of them! i went to fight them when they tried to kill me rcing! they were so good at running right when i casted a tb! i mean i couldnt believe how fast there 1337 reaction to the "Someone is here who can acually fight back I better run" was!!!








enjoy... too bad i forgot top huh :P

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A really random addition for rcer's occurred to me last night. An ess to nectarines spell. Completely impractical but it would be fun for a laugh. :mrgreen:




The abyss has always annoyed me for some reason. I don't really want to go into the wild for pretty much any reason so I just avoid methods that take me there. I mine outside the wild and I do agility (before the monkey course too) outside the wild. The only reason that the abyss bothers me is not that doing it the old way is slower, it's that the same amount of runes I used to make are worth less (even with nats rising due to pure ess) than they were the old way.




I know its not all about profit and I understand why Jagex put the abyss in the wild. More people in wild means more stuff to do there. I won't even get into the argument that this is real pking or not. They can do what they please and I can avoid them how I choose by not abby rcing. Likewise I don't have to like that they abby pk, in fact I can really hate that they do it. Either way I'm not going to tell them what to do.




For those that say the abyss was good because it improved rc, wouldn't a similar improvement have been made by a slight increase to the extremely low xp you get per ess. People of course will complain how that somehow makes rc less than it was despite whether or not the xp was too low to start.




Anyway, the important point to take out from this post is Ess to Nectarines!


571st to 99 Fm Nov. 4 '06 - 315th to 99 Crafting Mar. 3 '07 - 3410th to 99 Fishing Sept. 18 '07

26378th to 99 Cooking Oct. 16 '07 -.- 99 Thieving Dec. 29 '07 - 1343rd to 99 Farming June 5 '08

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The only time i ever go into the wild is for rc'ing and it seems sort of sad that people spend their time and money sitting there waiting for people with little to no armor on, attack them and then they get an ammy of glory, maybe. Is it supposed to be cool? I dont get it. Really showing your uber skillz while attacking someone who is getting a real skill up, and making money. Iv never been pk'ed and iv never pk'ed anyone, the only person who ever attacked me in wild, i attacked back and he ran. So i dont have much exp in pk'ing, but what i see of the RC'ing pkers is pathetic.

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I hate RC pkers, even though i dont rc much, i think it takes 0 skill to do, if i wanted to i guess i could sit next the zammy mage and ice some rcers, and my magic is 77






thier noobs, thier pking level is like 5




Well, if you can pk a RCer, then you have a skill. If you just randomly mage him, then it's no skill. RC PKer isn't a noob. PKed RCer is. No, I am not a rc pker, but please, explain me - if you take a tele, how can you get pked? If you got TBed, run up to zammy mage or down to Edge. If you got tangled/iced - tele. If you got attacked by melee.. Scream out a 'Newb' and tele away :D



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To be honest there doesn't seem to be much challenge in rc pking. It seems a bit like training as a kickboxer then going to your local primary school and pushing children over. RCers often don't look down on abby pkers but the pking community don't seem to think very much of them. Mostly I see them getting burned on the PKing boards. People there always like to see a PKed abby PKer.




Have to say I'm an rcer and not a pker but pkers have never really bothered me. It seems like a boring life though.

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