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stargate refrence


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I mentioned this in Taito2004's quest guide thread. But I think Barihawk is probably closer to the mark, with his observation regarding H.P. Lovecraft in his reply in the same thread. Still I can't help wondering about the similarity between Col. Jake O'Niall and Col. Jack O'Neill...

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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The reference goes much much further...




The slugs are Goa'uld, taking over your body, obviously.




Col. Jake O'Niall as Col. Jack O'Neill, sure, but apparently, this O'Niall also likes fishing, is retired, and still has access to all the doings of his organisation.




And how about "The Lost City"? Ok so it's not Atlantis, but the Fairy rings definitly reminded me of a Stargate. Dialing a destination and all that.




And then there is the Pharaoh's Sceptre. It's teleport looks way too much like that of a ring platform. And where do they go? Pyramids you say?




That's all I could find so far. And a reminder: There is no bigger Stargate fan...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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he you're right. didnt look at it that way yet.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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I guess I'm not the only one who thought the Col. Jake O'Nial thing was a blatant stargate reference. I thought for a second it could just be a cooincidence, but then I thought a milisecond later "wait... there is no colonel rank in organizations like the Temple Knights with ranks of initiate, prosolyte, acolyte, ect... he's retired... likes fishing... sea slugs are oddly similar to the Goauld (or however you spell it)... yep, Stargate reference".

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Finally someone else who loves Stargate, there were so many blantantly obvious references throughout this quest.




I first noticed it when POH's were released, I mean if they were blue it would be the same thing.




They should have made the tele tab to poh a dhd.

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I still only count the one.




However, the underlying reference in the quest is H.P. Lovecraft.




From the official forums, can't find the quickcode:



For those of you that may be wondering about the title. First and foremost. This has nothing at all to do with the Fish Monger in Witchaven.




What this does have to do with is this. First and foremost Witchaven shall play a major part in this thread. As will some of the other Previous Updates.




For those of you that are familar with Lovecraftian Lores, then welcome aboard. For those of you that are not. Then I kindly ask you to please do a bit of research on them.




Now onto the Thread.




Witchaven really Port Innsmouth in disguise?




First and fore most, the thing that makes me bring up this clue is this. First the look of the Villagers. They have the skin coloration as described by HP Lovecraft of his Deep One Hybrids. They also seem to have the same facial charactiristics as some of the Deep One Hybrids.




The Fish Monger, and the Mayor. Bulging Eyes, unhealthy greenish palor to their skin.




The Villagers, keen on not letting thier history slip. The Shadow over Innsmouth any one? Which for those that know, Port Innsmouth was a Fishing Village in Mass.




The Creatures.




1. Jad we are all familar with what he looks like, and my fellow Lovecraftians out there will understand this name. Gol-goroth, the God of Black Stone.




2. The Troll Queen, for those of you that have completed Swan Song, you will know what she looks like. Which Lovecraft also gave the name of his Great Old Ones. Cythlla, the Seed of Cthulhu.




3. The Dagganoth, For my fellow Lovecraftians out there, then you will understand the Daganoth, or the Spawn of Dagan.




4. The Chaos Elemental, for those of you that have seen it, it is a single eye surrounded by Tenticals and a cloud. Which is exactly what the Great Old One Othuyeg.




5. Mother Mallum, The Slug Queen, entrapped in the Temple, and uses as host to speak from. For the Lovecraftians out there, then you should recognize The Curropter of Flesh, The Master of the Temple Gloon.




On top of that, the fishmonger's name is "Ezekial Lovecraft"




The most striking parallel is Dagganoth and Daganoth, personally.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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i noticed this too, but the sad truth is that itll be our only reference to our beloved stargate soon, or am i the only one who knows the plans for the show? nbc is pulling it from the network and leaving sga (nbc owns scifi). alot of angry people over this, exspecially since the announcment was made right after the big two zero zero...pretty bad timing on their part i think :shame:. hopefully another network will buy it and keep it going :pray: otherwise this is the end :cry:

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i know its a gr8 show i got all the eppys of sg1 and atlantis ( all means uptodate) on my pc




it's people like you that KILL the show...


buy the damn dvds if you like it so much... atleast some money goes to mgm so they can buy more cable time for stargate...




thanks, you are one of many reasons why sg-1 is cancelled...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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I'm still waiting for the Chuck Norris slayer master :D






Yes, Stargate rocks :P . But if we keep up a nonstop Stargate discussion and start to dismiss the main point of this thread, this'll be moved to Off--Topic pretty fast :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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