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Oh Noes! I'm Pixelated! Now With 7 Chapters!


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I wrote this thread thinking of the phrase "It's only pixels!". However, it will become so much more...






Chapter 1: The First Thought.




I was casually browsing through the forums one day when I came upon a thread (don't remember the title or the subject) and saw some boor note that all of our characters were "only pixels!"




Now, we all know that Runescape isn't everything in our lives (or so I hope), but it cerainly isn't nothing. When you take time to raise a character, it becomes a part of you; it represents your efforts and your personality. Whenever we think of a person or a friend on Runescape, we don't think of an image on a screen with a Combat level attached to it, we think of the person controlling it, bringing it life. We don't think of muggiwhplar as merely a Fight Caves program or Mirroredforce as just a set of unique colors, do we? In a sense, Runescape is a test of people, to see how they'd interact with one another in a seperate reality.




Then again, some people do take it too far...take N0valyfe, for example. After his interview, he has been bashed (almost to the point of ridiculousness) of what a person should not be when it comes to Runescape. Despite how much it may mean to a person, IT'S ONLY A GAME. Most people would agree that it is important to limit your gaming time and enjoy what the real life has to offer.






Chapter 2: They Don't Call It the "Wild"erness for Nothing...




Now, since Runescape is different than the real world, I thought about how murdering fellow players is sometimes encouraged rather than condemned in-game. Of course, this led me to think of the Wilderness. This is, in many respects, the most dangerous place in Gielinor. You don't have to worry about some predictable NPCs, but rather cutthroat blood-thristy players waiting to kill and loot you. There are some treasures to be gained for the hardy adventurer, but beware--there are no rules here. Let me repeat that: THERE ARE NO RULES. Not a single one. Any bonds between players will be broken--people are encouraged to backstab each other, player jump, and pray on those going to the KBD or the Abyss. If you don't like it, then don't enter; Jagex isn't going to save you now...




Commonly portrayed as the kings of PK'ing are pures. They come in all shapes and sizes; the 1 defense pure, the rune pure, the mystic pure, the 1 prayer pure, the 52 prayer pure, the ranged pure...the list goes on and on and on. Some use ancients, some teleblock, and some use god spells, some use entangle (or god spells and tb and entangle; do NOT mess with these guys!). They are often criticized because they can own characters with higher combat levels than themselves. Oftentimes, PK'ers often train much more than their normal player of a relatively higher combat level and spend tons of cash affording good arrows or runes or constantly replacing weapons. These guys are made purely for the wildy; it's OK to die to them--it's perfectly normal. Yelling at them won't get anywhere...




Now, I agree that it can be repulsive and that some of the acts that PK'ers do are questionable. Say Johnny just got his very first level 3 clue scroll; he is relatively knowledgable about RS and kills Hellhounds to get one. However, one of the steps requires him to go into the Wildy. Being careful, he brings only what he needs and perhaps even a teleport out of the wildy just in case. This guy is prepped to fight a Zammy Wizard; he's probably protecting his valuable items and walks half armorless. He then comes across a slightly bored Pk'er; let's call him Ralph. Ralph, seeing some pray with perfectly useless items on, unloads 5 or 6 or maybe even more ice barrages on him. Johnny, unable to teleport and out of food, eventually dies to him. So what do each of them lose? Well, Johnny's now down a valuable clue, and Ralph has just wasted up to 30k or more for a spade and maybe a few lobbies/swordfish/monkfish. Doesn't make too much sense, now does it? It's the wildy, but still... :-s




I would love if Jagex made a mini-game in the wilderness someday, something like Barrows with great armor/weapons and with an added risk. It probably won't happen, but I can still hope. =P






Chapter 3: I Scream For Iced Noobs, You Scream For Iced Noobs, We All Scream For Iced Noobs!




I thought that I'd now talk about the ancient spells, saying as I mentioned one of them in my last chapter...




The ancients spells, as we're all aware, are one of the rewards of the "Desert Treasure" quest. They are purely focused on combat uses (teles to wildy, strong spells with side effects), and have been highly criticized for being too powerful. Now, my discussion on this is relatively brief; although many of the spells are extremely powerful, especially "Ice Barrage," they are very expensive. So expensive, in fact, that their use is highly restricted; when you pay 4k for a spell, you better use it well. Although I think the freezing time for the spell is a tad bit excessive, mages should get what they pay for...to an extent. You can't have an instant death spell that costs 100k per cast...it would be too overpowered. As long as a relative balance exists, I seriously doubt that Jagex would find it necessary to tone down these spells.




I should note, however, that many people fin the accuracy of these spells to be very low, while others see them as very high, me being the latter. I've had mages hit me 2 out of 3 times when I had full black d'hide and protect from mage prayer and 74 mage (apperantly mage does affect magic defense). I guess the accuracy of the spells will be a mystery like that of the Tootsie Pop...






Chapter 4: The Definition of "Newb" and "Noob". They're Different!




"A newbie is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the Internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases more experienced/knowledgeable people use it in purposes of negative reinforcement, urging "newbies" to learn more about the field or area in question. Variant spellings, such as newb, nub, noob, nooblet, foob, noobcake and, in Leetspeak, n00b are numerous and common in Internet use. The term newb itself is usually used to refer to a person who is new to the field in question, whereas noob is used as an insult." (http://www.wikipedia.org)




Far too many people get this mixed up...please don't. It, if nothing else, makes the person look like a fool. If anybody needs strict definitions of both of these words and was too lazy to read the quote above, it goes as such:




Newb (Nub) noun - Short for "newbie". Newcomer; one who is inexperienced with Runescape.




Noob (Nub) noun - A person who makes a mistake characteristic of a newb; a useless comment by idiotic players with no self-confidence; a term meaning you made a reasonable trade and did not appease a person who wanted to rip you off. Typically refers to more experienced players who "should know better." See "fool".




So when should you use these words? Well, most people believe that the word "noob" is overused; in many cases, it is, partly caused by the fact that people don't use the word "newb" when they should. When should the word "Noob" be used? Well, it should be used when a person makes a stupid mistake; to be honest, it's spun out of control in Runescape. If I ever see anybody use this out of context, I'll whoop you with meh whip! You've been warned! :x






Chapter 5: You Must Be Pure...Pure, I Say! No More of That USDA Grade F Essence...




This is perhaps one of the most hated updates of all time: pure essence. The destroyer of runecrafting, the plague of the common player. The conspiracy of Jagex to make autoers turn members. And all of that...




Pure essence hasn't exactly turned out like Jagex hoped, with autoers just turning to yew logs for cash. However, it's a change that Jagex won't give up, if not just for the sake of their reputation and pride. So get used to it, I guess...it's a lot better than most people thought it would be when it first came out. I am scared, however, that it might be still rising. Prices are now 110 each (they were 100 each a couple months ago, I think) and they might keep on rising. Natures still haven't climbed to match the decrease in price of yews, so this is good money for fletchers.




If you don't like the price, mine it yourself...use pouches if you can! I can mine about 1.2k pure essence in an hour, so if you ever want to play without paying too much attention, just mine some pure essence for the sake of it and kill two birds with one stone. It is perhaps the easiest thing in Runescape to do, even if it doesn't give enough mining experience.




Now to talk about the massive number of yew autoers that have spawned because of this update. Report them! Every single one of them...talk to them, give them a chance to respond. See how they operate; do they travel in the same path? Do they say the same thing(s)? Use it when you need to, but don't be report happy. Enough said...






Chapter 6: Whips Are Falling From the Sky! Oh Noes!




Well, it's time to talk about those darn whips...the strongest weapon in the game, and it's slowly becoming affordable to every player who wants wants one and has at least a tiny bit of cash. The 85+ slayer folks are angry (obviously...) that they're profits are falling daily. Guess what? It's not going to change, so stop bickering about it! Unless you manage to wipe out half of the whips in Runescape, you're not going to raise the price by a significant amount. How many times have you seen a "We Need J00 to Heelp Make a Gilde for Wihp Pricee C0ntrol!" thread? How many times have you actually seen a Whip Guild being formed?




Supply and demand....it doesn't get much simpler than that. Although there are other factors that come into play, this is the main one. More whips are being put into the game, the demand isn't keeping up, so the prices will fall. Merchants will undercut each other to the point of ridiculousness...you won't stop it.




Jagex will most likely make an even better weapon eventually, but until then, we'll just have to wait...and yell at Jagex for making a useless level 90 slayer monster.






Chapter 7: We "Hate" You Jagex! We Don't Want to See a Menu With Emotes When We Want to Run!




Yes, I'm talking about the new interface. Released this week, this has created a huge stir amongst the Runescape population. Orange stats?! Small run button?! Hang Andrew at the gallows, I say! Hang him!




Hold on, Texan! It's different, but it was done with the best of intentions. For the two years I've been playing Runescape, I've heard people constantly bicker about the graphics of the game. When Jagex actually improves the graphics of the interface, it becomes too kiddy?! Do you hear yourselves? The run button is different, but just about the same as before. It should only take you a day or two to adapt to the change in location; I've already effectively made the change myself. Although I'm not too happy about the new equipment screen myself, I'LL ADAPT TO IT. I won't go and quit...I don't have the mentality of a 2-year old. Since when does life cater to your every need? All in all, the interfaces are not that bad.




Now for the tutors...I love them! When I first came to lumby, I was begging for something like this! Wondering what I should do and having no clue about where I was really bugged me...I, unfortunately, had no idea about a newcomer map. And I'm still irritated you can't equip Goblin Armor, but that's another story. Although this information may seem childish and simple to use, it is invaluable to newbs (proper use!). The bank in Lumby is also nice, as it allows newbs to bank valuables...trust me, the lack of a bank also irritated me when I first came onto the scene.




So what about the RFD bank, then? Isn't it worthless now? NO! It is still closer to the range in Lumby, still has a large supply of various food articles, still has some interesting weapons, and, most importantly of all, still has the best gloves (by far) in the game. The barrows gloves pawn!




All I can tell you is to roll with the punches and learn to use the new updates for your advantage--such as using that mine in Lumby Swamp more often because it is closer to Draynor Village than before. ::'






Conclusion: This Thread Will Grow. Just Wait...




Please discuss what you think of what I have thus far, and remember that I merely intend to suggest alternate points of view rather than "rant" about anything...




More is to come.

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you absolutely right.keep em commin

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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This is an insightful post...




Something I can't seem to make my parents grasp, since


"I am not doing the things they would have done as kids",


is that RuneScape is what I do to get away from what I


need to do as far as school, sports, and responsibilities.

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I agree. Some people do certainly take it too far, but then again, the people who walk around saying, "It's only pixels! It's only a game!" also take it a bit too far in my opinion.




You could easily make the same argument with television. Why watch tv shows? They're technically just staged scenarios with planned dramatic incidents. So why watch it?




And I agree with what you said about how our Runescape characters somewhat represent who we are and the many hours we spent making the character what it is today. If someone were to accidently alch a whip or something, and someone says to the person, "Get over it, they're just pixels," it makes me wonder, if the game is just pixels why do you even play? Sure that person did technically just make a few pixels disappear, but it also caused the several hours s/he spent working for that whip to go to waste.




I just think people who walk around saying things like that need to have a little more respect. Afterall, if Runescape really is nothing more than just pixels, then the person making that argument shouldn't even play..

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Chapter 1 : Agree, nobody should listen to the flamers saying "get a life noob" but you gotta know yourself how much is too much rs.




Chapter 2: I still find it strange that the wilderness has no rules, I consider it a sport and every sport has clearly defined rules that enable the best to come out top, we consider teleporting, praying, pjing etc "nooby" because either the worst dont suffer the consiquences of the wild or they gain the benefits unfairly.




I think Jagex should prevent these from happening to enable it to become more sportlike and people have to fight to death. It all balances out, if you have evan stats like Jagex seems to believe a player should have there is maybe 10% chance of a ko, 90% of the people who fight run, but what choice do most have, I know 90% will run so there is no point in staying to death every fight or pking will become extremely unprofitable. If it became these rules you would really know how well you do as you would need to win the whole fights more than you lose them.




Chapter 3: Ancient magic is obviously very powerful but not overly so, fact is only the ice spells are going to make a impact in the wild. They are used at mage bank effectively, people know about this and maybe hybrid with at least hides, however everybody hates it in Edge, if you ice barrage many setup as mellee will pray, tele etc and flame you about using it :?




The fact is, its a easy thing to not for a melleer be overpowered by a mage and that is to bring hybrid with range, mage is supposed to be strong against mellee and it is. All it takes is 50k worth of range equipment and he wont have a problem against that mage any more and the mage now has 250k worth of runes and 200k if in mystic and 2m if in ahrims. It is not overpowered it is simply a case of bad pkers ranting.




Chapter 4: Err ya.... everyone here knows that.

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I totally agree with you on that whole 'just pixels' thing. I made a topic like 3 or 4 months ago (I think :oops:) saying basically that. Then some idiot posted and everyone flamed him. And then it got locked. At least he got owned, though. And I think the topic was deleted, too. You better hope he doesn't read this. :P

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Chapter 4: The Definition of "Newb" and "Noob". They're Different!






The term newb itself is usually used to refer to a person who is new to the field in question, whereas noob is used as an insult." (http://www.wikipedia.org)




Far too many people get this mixed up...please don't. ...







Thank you very much for pointing this out(not everyone realises this), thank you for trying to open peoples' eyes to the truth!






Well to some, Runescape is very much a part of their lifestyle, without it they may already be dead from depression, a gang war, drugs or something worse, but games are always a way to help you develop as a person and much more. But it should never be considered a major player in your game of life.

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OK...I've added the seventh chapter now. I'm done for tonight...I'll add a few more chapters tomarrow! Night, TIF!




Don't get too caught up with your stories, or I just might beat you ::'




Not with your pathetic herby level, you won't. :lol:

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All the queries sent in about skills other than defense helping (range, agility, magic) have been responded to with a big no that I've seen.


Its just defense and the things that you wear that matter.

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He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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Thats the only "long" thread ive ever actually read. most i find boring and switch off before the end of the 1st paragraph. yet for some reason i found this 1 quite interesting, and i dont think ill get newb and noob mixed up again :lol:

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All the queries sent in about skills other than defense helping (range, agility, magic) have been responded to with a big no that I've seen.


Its just defense and the things that you wear that matter.




Taken from the KB:




Magic defence depends on your magic skill level, defence level and the magic equipment you are wearing.




The higher your skill levels and magic bonus, the less likely you are to get hit. You will also receive less damage from a spell.




So yeah, mage level does help your magic defense. Ever since I alched 5k yew longs a few weeks ago and gained 3 magic levels, I have noticed that Ahrim in barrows has started hitting me less - no, I have made no change in my equipment.

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