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Tip.It Times Presents: Will there be a RS3?


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RS2 or "RS3D" was the switch from cartoony 2D to solid modelling, now unless there is something as big as that, there will be no need for a switch to RS3.




I read through every one of the posts here hoping that someone had already addressed what I'm about to, and the above was about as close as it got:




The version of Runescape we've come to know as Runescape Classic incorperated the use of two dimensional and three dimensional sprites (objects integrated onto a three dimensional interface).




I believe (but my memory may fail me) that RS2 was originally planned as a purely graphical update, but Jagex ended up revamping the entire game engine. Why? Because converting the graphics entirely into 3D objects afforded Jagex much more in terms of what they could accomplish with this game. This can be seen both in the instantaneous results of RS2 and in the updates and developments that have been implimented since its release. I mean, Jagex will always be progressive with Runescape as they have been for the last 5.5+ years, but the idea that there can be an update so shaking that it actually seperates the game into two again is lofty at the very least.




I think that this week's Tip.it Times topic shows a severe lack of understanding in the differences between RS Classic and RS2 and perhaps a lack of respect for what Jagex has been able to do with Runescape already. What they've done with a Java-based game that can be quickly transmitted online is simply amazing, in my opinion. In addition, I've always thought the question of RS3 to be rather superficial and simple-minded, very uninspired. Those who liked the difference in Runescape Classic and RS2 think that naturally, RS3 is in the foreseeable future without any mind to what that might actually entail. The editor seems to think that an "RS3" would be simply a compliation of "new stuff", but as any of the arrogant, zealous, former PKs of the Runescape Classic community would tell you, the difference from game version to game version is just as much about altering what already exists.




Then there's the last paragraph, which haphazardly takes the logical leap of faith into asserting that Jagex is working on a new game. Or so it would seem, did there not already exist evidence that Jagex was working on something new, as some of the TIF users have denoted above. I wonder if the last paragraph was as much a stab in the dark as it seems to be? Or if it was instead, an assertion made with pre-existing knowledge? Of course, that's just the skeptic in me, always questioning. ;)




I guess it can be said that I didn't particularly like this week's edition of the Tip.It Times, and I suppose that's unfortunate, as it's the first week that I actually read it. However, I think I'll make a point to read them from now on, as I have heard many good things about the Times and think that perhaps, this is an isolated case.




Also, you(the editor) mentions space cowboys. This reminded me of Firefly. Darn good show. :D

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I thought it was dumb enougth that people make threads about this, but now tipit times..? I dont see the point of making rs 3, rs 2 was made because jagex had to move the game onto a new engine, so they remade it. I dont see the point of remaking the game instead of improving it.

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I dont think i would like to see an rs3 because i have not even completed everything on rs2. And I would have to start over with a new player and raise it again. But anyway I think that the graphics are fine for what they are running on. Tahink about it you can play runescape on any computer you want, WoW hs to be downloaded and so you cant play it wherever you want to except you computer or a friend that has it. Runescape is the hugest game that is solely on line and i have no problem with the graphics. Sometimes I want a break from the awsome graphics that come on the xbox360 or new system, get into old school for a little bit.



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I dont think i would like to see an rs3 because i have not even completed everything on rs2. And I would have to start over with a new player and raise it again. But anyway I think that the graphics are fine for what they are running on. Tahink about it you can play runescape on any computer you want, WoW hs to be downloaded and so you cant play it wherever you want to except you computer or a friend that has it. Runescape is the hugest game that is solely on line and i have no problem with the graphics. Sometimes I want a break from the awsome graphics that come on the xbox360 or new system, get into old school for a little bit.



well they didnt reset the characters when they made rs2, i dont see why they would reset them if they remade the game again.
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I thought it was dumb enougth that people make threads about this, but now tipit times..? I dont see the point of making rs 3, rs 2 was made because jagex had to move the game onto a new engine, so they remade it. I dont see the point of remaking the game instead of improving it.




Thanks, u read my mind. And lets all remember that Jagex has confirmed that they have no intentnions of making RS3

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Big_Stingman is the bomb!

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That's a very nice article. But when has Jagex actually said (or hinted) that there will be a Runescape 3?





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Big_Stingman is the bomb!

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if they do make rs3 i dont think it will come out for atleast 3 - 4years


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I really enjoyed this acticle. For one, because it talks about one of the most interesting topics, NEW GAMES. And if I had to make a judgement on when or if they are going to come out with a RS3. I would have to say never. And if they did, it would be over a long period of time, or "under the hood". Like he said in the article, it's already happening, the new interfaces, the new emotions and lack of words, and the graphical updates on towns and monsters. These updates take time so we really all have to be patient and wait to see what Jagex has instore.

Training my pure!



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I liked this one it was very well written :thumbsup: It made me think "Does this guy know something that we don't" Okay now im just spouting stuff off here but by a show of hands (or words in this current situation) who thinks The Editor has some secret connection with Jagex? Lol JK although I wouldnt be that suprised if he did, but any way about the article. I pretty much agree with ALL of it which is basically a first, yeah they should add horseback riding or glider flying or other means of transportation, just like WoW Jagex should ad different means of transportation, of corse this would be very expensive for the players on the game because the animals would have to cost a butt-load of GP. Not to mention there would have to be a VAST addition to the RuneScape map so that there would actually be ROOM for people to roam around on there animals. I mean yes it already is big but with animals it would have to be bigger because it would cut the time in half traveling from one end of Gielienor to the other, not to mention all the obsticales like climbining down ladders, and agility short cuts, and dungeons I mean now that I think about it how the poo can a horse get down into a dungeon? Well that does it for animals, now about how Jagex is to make RS3 thats a puzzler, yes I think they should make it into a CD type game not ONLY for computer but also for game systems as well. I mean yeah you would have to start ALL over on you character, not to mention a ton of people would be using the best players names and say that they are actually them. BUT it would be fun as heck if I could play RS on the Wii (new nintendo game system comming out for any of thoughs out there who dont know) any way. I think I'm done posting right now, WOW this looks confusing to read. I'll just leave you guys to decode this.

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Content Developer


Jagex Ltd, developer and publisher of the MMORPG adventure game RuneScape, is looking for imaginative people to join the content development team on a permanent basis. Your role will primarily be to build creatures, shape virtual worlds, design quests and storylines for our new, undisclosed game.




I found this on the Jagex corporate site,


which suggests an entirely new, undisclosed game is in the making.


I somehow don't think it will be an "RS3", but still think it will be a browser-based MMORPG. Most likely using a similar engine to Runescape, (because there is no position advertised for programmers to create an entirely new engine), but with different storylines, quests, and skills to boot.




Although I'm basing all this on assumptions, so no doubt I will be proved wrong by the Jagex crew.








I think that's what the Editor is implying. There will be no RS3, but there will be a new browser-based MMORPG from Jagex that will incorporate a lot of the stuff they're testing in RS right now.




Different storyline, different world. Make us all start from 0 again.






About that I found this hinting it will not be a medevil based game: "Also useful:




* A computer science degree is a plus but not essential if good programming skills can be demonstrated


* Anime, graphic novels and general sci-fi interest" (taken from Jagex.com)




I believe that it will be a sci-fi based game.








I have to say about the skills being complete well that is wrong Jagex are working on skills and once they get so far in a skill they start on the next skill.




Andrew posted this in the Runescape forums when so many people complained about no updates a few weeks ago that post is now removed I believe.



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hmmmmmmmm rs3? very possible, if the graphic change is as drastic as it was from rs1 to rs2 then i have great expectations for rs3.......BUUUUUTTTTTTTT lets take a look at the other side of the coin for a second, yes there have been a substancial amount of performance increasing updates for rs2 but that does not mean that there will be, in the foreseeable future or even ever, an rs3. and if there is, how will this affect the people who play? will membership fees differ? what kind of changes will there be?


i honestly think that IF rs3 is made it wont be for a while...

Worst Update: Ditch of Stupidity

"when the rich wage war, its the poor who die."



pm me to sell green d hides, perm buyer

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Content Developer


Jagex Ltd, developer and publisher of the MMORPG adventure game RuneScape, is looking for imaginative people to join the content development team on a permanent basis. Your role will primarily be to build creatures, shape virtual worlds, design quests and storylines for our new, undisclosed game.


I found this on the Jagex corporate site,


which suggests an entirely new, undisclosed game is in the making.


I somehow don't think it will be an "RS3", but still think it will be a browser-based MMORPG. Most likely using a similar engine to Runescape, (because there is no position advertised for programmers to create an entirely new engine), but with different storylines, quests, and skills to boot.




Although I'm basing all this on assumptions, so no doubt I will be proved wrong by the Jagex crew.






I think that's what the Editor is implying. There will be no RS3, but there will be a new browser-based MMORPG from Jagex that will incorporate a lot of the stuff they're testing in RS right now.




Different storyline, different world. Make us all start from 0 again.




About that I found this hinting it will not be a medevil based game [...]




I believe that it will be a sci-fi based game.




I have to say about the skills being complete well that is wrong Jagex are working on skills and once they get so far in a skill they start on the next skill.




Andrew posted this in the Runescape forums when so many people complained about no updates a few weeks ago that post is now removed I believe.


That thread is still on the Runescape forums:



Yep definetely planning on sticking with RuneScape. I've spent the last 8 years of my life creating the technology which runs the game, so I'm not going to abandon it now! :)




Funny thing is despite having spent 8 years working on it there still loads of things I still want to improve. I'm currently working on systems to make the interfaces less laggy (remember I do engine work not content updates), after that there's about 60 more things on my personal todo list which is well over a years work. (and by the time those are done I'm sure they will be another 60).

Update process explained - Andrew - Jagex Mod




Players should be wary whenever they hear rumours of a RuneScape 3. There's a high probability that anything claiming to give a preview of it will be a malicious scam designed to steal players' accounts.




For that reason alone that's why Jagex would be keep anything else underwraps; so as not to give any hackers more scam-bait.




Yet from what I've read here & elsewhere Jagex has no existing or future plans for any RuneScape 3.




I'm not sure it's going to be futuristic, but I guess it's arguable for now until we see what's being done with the fantastic Java engine that Andrew's put so much time into so far.




If one reads this article, "Why men in tights work for MMO games", Medieval Themed MMORPGs are going to dominate for some time, so we can probably look forward to a LOT more updates to the RuneScape we have now in the coming years.



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In my personal opinion I think RS3 is a bad idea. My main reason is prices to play Runescape will go up. The reason I don't play WoW is because it costs way to much for a poor college student like myself to keep up with. I am able to deal with being able to pay for RS because they keep members costs down (and I have been a devoted RS member since its release and a devoted RS player since it was released).




If there ever is a RS3 there will be a price to pay (literally). If you go back and look at past game developers like Blizzard. The first Warcaft's, Starcraft, and Diablo's were all free to play. Warcaft and Starcraft were free to play online. Granted they were not MMORPG's but they still had online play. Then there is Diablo II from Blizzard. Diablo II is a great game, when it works. Good visual (at least I think so) and good gameplay, BUT it's free to play and there are an awful lot of bugs. The lack of time and energy put into fixing Diablo II is part of two things, one being it is a free to play game and two is they have WoW which people pay to play. why fix Diablo II when people pay to play WoW?




All in all these examples bring me to the fact that an idea of RS2 worries me. My main concernes are it will cost a lot more for Jagex to maintain a RS3 meaning it will cost more for membership, and/or free to play gameplay will be very bugy or free to play will be eliminated totally.




If an RS3 can be made and kept at low costs to play I definatly would not have a problem with it.




Thanks for letting me post my opinion and concerns.





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I think that they should reset the whole game, keeping the first rs for people to play, but create another one so that someone else can try and be at the top. cuz eventually everyone will be lvl 126 if we don't all give up :( now there's an idea :idea:


Barrows Drops - Guthans Helmat x2, Dharoks Chest x2, Ahrims Staff, Guthans WarSpear Ahrims Robetop x2, Ahrims Hood, Torag's Legs, Karils Skirt, Xbow - Med (Double) Brassard-Hammers (Double)

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt... (3 helms)

Dk - Dragon Axe x3, Warrior Ring x2

T.T - Top hat (4.3m) x2

GWD - [bandos] Hilt, Plate X2

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Well to answer your question(and for matter of discussion) I dont think that Jagex will make a Rs3 soon. I mean why go through all the trouble updating the 'Runescript' and adding updates including graphical and quests ect.




I mean all these updates are leading to a better Rs2 but why make so many graphical and runescript changes if within a couple of months *Bam* out comes rs3 and blows Rs2 completely away.




To be honest i hope a Rs3 does come out and for some reason i get the picture it will look like Knight online/Guild wars/World of warcraft but the same map ect but bigger.




So basicly: Jagex Probably will come out with a runescape 3 which will comepletely blow runescape 2 away like Runescape 2 Killed Runescape Classic. But dont expect this any time soon kids :D






rsc owned rs2. and it didnt completely blow rs1 away infact when it came out lots of players were skeptical on the new version and did't like the change. However i belive if a rs3 would come out situation would be different and i would welcome it :XD:

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