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if u could have one question answered...


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if u could have any question answered about anything, wat would it be?! i would ask: wat is the meaning of life? this is just my opinion but...i don't really believe in god, or heaven and... u know... if we r just born to die, then y do we live? after u die wat happens? do u just live in other people's memory, or is there ACTUALLY ghosts, that walks around right now, while i'm typing this... very confusing question... i've been thinking about this question since my cousin died in china, in a motorcycle accident... i never knew him... wat would ur question be? :-s

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"Who pee'd in my soup?"




Hah, but seriously.. Depending on my age, but if it was my current age, at the very moment in time, I'd ask "Where can I find my one true love?" Or something corny like that :P




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Why am I still alive?

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Who shot JFK. Seriously, the first thing I am asking St. Peter after i die.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Is there life after death?




The whole "What is the meaning of life?" question seems pointless. I could care less what life's meaning is. I'm just going to enjoy living it and hope that there really is life after death.

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"Can I have more questions?"




Answer: No.




You have to be careful with these sort of things, so you don't waste it. This would be even harder than a "wish", since the only thing you can get back is information.




I would ask a question that would help me make some money. I don't know what kind of "powers" this being that is answering you has, so I'll assume it knows the answers to any question, no matter what.




If so, I would ask what next weeks Powerball lottery numbers would be.




Since the being knows the future, it can answer. If the being didn't know the future, but could answer any question not dealing with the future, it becomes more difficult.




So far the best I have come up with is asking "What is a formula for a metal alloy 20 times as strong as steel, able to be manufactured at half the cost?" With that knowledge, I could probably make a good amount of money.



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Is there a God, or am I just wasting my time?




It's actually quite a relevant question in my situation right now. Tonight is the night of power (the day the Qu'ran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad). We just finished with the 1 o'clock prayer. Next one is...i dunno...


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Why did K.A Applegate end the amazing Animorphs series with such a crappy ending?




Also (I know this is two), if K.A Applegate had given the series a proper ending, what would it have been?




Little off topic, but I remember that book. Used to be a huge favorite of mine and my brother/sister when we were younger. (when they started coming out). I think I stoped after a while though, books got a bit "worse" after a while.




Hah, amazing books though... Loved 'em as a kid.








Anyways, i'd probaly end up asking something stupid that I wanted to know at the time, however, I wouldn't mind knowing the next lotery numbers (as someone else said) or a way to make a lot of money.

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