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Hey guys. I was just thinking about all these people who are quitting RS nowadays. I don't really get the logic behind this. I used to play RS a lot, but then I decided that I didnt really want to play as much. All I did was cut back, and only play about 2 days a week.








I even saw a thread about someone who purposely got himself banned so he couldnt play anymore. I understand that some people have an actual addiction, but most of you dont.








Instead of just quitting and completely cutting yourself off from something you like to do, just limit yourself! Exercise a little self-control at least!








Someone wrote this reply to another player quitting, and I agree with it. I didnt put his name, because I dont usually post and dont know his disposition. (If the tipiter who wrote it responds and says its okay then I'll edit it. :D ) So here it is:








"Your reason is often said by others, and the fact that you're quitting due to it is pathetic. Deal with it, don't cry about it. I see way too many of these posts come out about people "quitting." You don't quit halo, you don't quit xbox soccer. Why quit Runescape? WAY too many of you are treating rs different to a normal game, and this is the reason why you form addictions and associate with the words "quit," "break," etc.








Seriously log on if you feel like playing, simple as that!"








Seriously...just use a little self-control and play a few hours here and there. :thumbsup:









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Instead of just quitting and completely cutting yourself off from something you like to do, just limit yourself! Exercise a little self-control at least!











Seriously. I do the same thing, playing only on weekdays and Friday afternoons a little. I'm able to do other things and still play Runescape and enjoy it.








Side note: When I say this, I'm not referring to the people like Oilertay (who recently posted a thread about his quitting) who have played for years and now find the game boring.








Another side note: Mrpez is my brother \'

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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I had an actual addiction about 4 years ago (RSC). The only way (and successfully) that got me to quit was getting myself banned from these forums (I did), and having a drop party dropping everything I had (which would be worth alot now: party hats, santa hats, hallowe'en mask sets, and other armour and stuff, of course etc.). I also gave my account to my friend. Before that I played RS every day for 2+ hours (Ok, I don't have no life, and it wasn't an ultimate addiction like 24/7 non stop).








Well, I'm back now, having learned some self control and maturity, and I can play RS when I have time and want to now :)








(I do kind of regret dropping all those rares, though :P )

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I completely agree with your point mrpez.








Well spoken like a true mature player of RuneScape.

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*wheeze wheeze* i cannot live *wheeze* without RuneScape *wheeze








i do agree i have an addiction but i would neverget myself purposfuly banned to quit thats sad i would just go on very rarely


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No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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A bunch of people say they are going to quit, and many do I'm sure, but most just cut down on playing. I myself have barely played half hour a day, and most days out of the week I havn't played at all. I bet I'm on these forums more then I have the Runescape browser open. Put it this way; Today I went to do Tears of Guthix...Last time I did it was 2 weeks ago, and I have 90k exp or 1 quest point til my next game.

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quitters well what can i say my m8 wanted to quit i said dont give stuff away u might want to play again 2 months l8r he walks again



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This is a good post and definetly is a good idea...








but you think if you have a real addiction. If you're playing constantly. Cutting yourself down to say a few hours a week is like cutting down on cigarettes.








It's hard








I'll say it again though, that this post is great and it would be nice if people with addictions could cut down, or quitters would re-think.








But sometimes and I can understand that the game can get too much, we all know that runescape has been as popularity grows, it's gone spiralling downhill.








Some people just can't be bothered with it anymore.

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i've cut down quite alot, instead of quitting. If i quit i would have wasted all that time getting a blue mask, which would be stupid. At the moment though im getting wc to 99 so i play a bit more :? . But donmt worry im gona cut down again after i get it 8-)


Hyt me ingame pl0x!

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I had to completely quit because i am competetive... I have to the be the best at everything i do... I don't always make it, but i sure as heck give what ever i am working on a try...








Runescape just drew so much of my time away, i had to keep working at it and going back couldn't get my mind off it... I went from 62-70 range in two days which was completely no lifed...








I sorta want those 48 hours back now... I actually wasted em on some pixels... how cool...



New sigzor^^

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Of course you can just limit yourself as you say, or "quit" the game, but the problem is that some people might have another definition of quitting.








Some quit, meaning that they play significantly less, but others quit to never ever think about or worry about Runescape anymore. This is why, as in your example, a person deliberately banned their own account. If you've lost everything on your account or it's completely gone, you won't be (as) tempted to ever think about Runescape again.








I never feel like playing, I sometimes go on due to the addiction that's always in you. I'm sure that every single person who plays this game is more or less addicted to the game, even if you play ten or fifteen minutes per day. Why go on for that little time, when you can't do much? Because you're addicted and thinking about the game (or friends in-game).








So what I mean is that there are two definitions of quitting, one where you quit the game as in semi-quit (less playing time per day or less frequency). The other one is the real meaning of quit, where you completely forget about the game and never return. Many people have achieved the first example, but they want the second one, that's why.

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If you've been playing for years and have suddenly stopped, posting to let your friends know that you had already quit is fine. But I completely agree that it's ridiculous for people to see themselves as either 'on runescape' or 'off runescape.' Those are addicts.








As I say numerous times, the only rule I go by in regards to playing runescape is: "if you feel like playing, log on." This overcomplication is unneccessary. That's the only way people need to look at it.

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Quit means to cut less to some people, but another point I want to bring up.








People quit RS, but play Wow. WTF??!?! Why not say "I dont like RS anymore, playing Wow" instead of making it sound if you got better things to do in your life. :roll:








Just wanted to make a point. :-w

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i just play runescape when i feel like it too and if i start getting bored or its effecting my school work i just cut back for a while and i always go with rl>rs. seriously some people do get a addiction with this and it just a game after all but some need to exert a little self control



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I applaud people who quit runescape, and get rid of the addiction. Personally it wasnt hard for me to quit because now I play different games, I go on runescape maybe for half an hour per week to check things out, maybe do a quest that was updated or something (I like quests). I personally don't find runescape exciting at all anymore, I never liked how theres no end game to it (once u reach max level theres tons to do in other games, but in runescape theres nothing more that you can do at lvl 126 compared to a lvl 100).


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Nice replies guys. Sorry I had to leave as soon as I posted this. I was sleepy. :oops:








Either way I think my point really has gotten across.








Some people really treat Runescape like a drug, you're either addicted or you go cold turkey. hmmm.....turkey....can't wait till Thanksgiving! :lol:

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God i'd be scared if I ever felt like I had to play this game. I play it because I enjoy it in my free time. If i'm busy, or feel like doing something else, then I won't give it a second thought. Quitting simply because you're addicted seems like a last resort to me, just cut back.

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Quit means to cut less to some people, but another point I want to bring up.








People quit RS, but play Wow. *??!?! Why not say "I dont like RS anymore, playing Wow" instead of making it sound if you got better things to do in your life. :roll:








Just wanted to make a point. :-w




Actually, by the general definition that most people use, quit means "I'll be back in a week".

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I had to completely quit because i am competetive... I have to the be the best at everything i do... I don't always make it, but i sure as heck give what ever i am working on a try...















I agree the only difference with rs compared to other games is that it is impossable to complete it, there will always be somebody better than you (And if you happen to be no1 in rs you would have to keep playing as you would lose the top spot quickly)




That is what makes rs different to other games and makes it even more "addicting"

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People who have a total addiction to the game (trust me I have seen people with total addiction to it) can't just leave it alone for a little while. It's like telling a chain smoker or an alcoholic "just have a smoke or a drink every once and a while if you want". They can't have one every once and a while, thats why it's called an addiction. Addicts can't just cut back its all or nothing. Recovering alcoholics in treatment facilitys are told taught that one drink can make all the work they have done dissapear. For some people quitting Runescape is the only way to stop.

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Quit means to cut less to some people, but another point I want to bring up.








People quit RS, but play Wow. *??!?! Why not say "I dont like RS anymore, playing Wow" instead of making it sound if you got better things to do in your life. :roll:








Just wanted to make a point. :-w




Actually, by the general definition that most people use, quit means "I'll be back in a week".








lol :XD:

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Quitting is just as common as a new person starting. If new people came everyday and didn't quit then Runescape would be like World of Warcraft. But unlike World of Warcarft runescape isn't addicting (not as much) and so Runescape has players quitting everyday, but more joining.








Quitting is just the opposite of starting to play.

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